Chapter 4

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After coming from there Vivan busy himself in work. After work off when his car was passing by he saw, opposite side of his company’s gate a familiar blue Audi was parked. When his car just passed by from there he noticed it was Ankit’s car.

“Stop” Vivan order to his driver without thinking that car is in middle of road. Driver park the car to road side. Through rear glass of Mercedes he saw it was

really Ankit’s car. He order to driver to wait. After two minute Ankit get out from driver’s seat and wave to someone. Vivan follow his eyes direction and yes he thought so. She was Keya. ‘Damn this girl, she just met him today and now he is going with him in his car. She even didn’t know him well’ But why he should care. He had nothing to do with that stupid girl. Driver was waiting for his order and looked through mirror at back seat. Vivan was looking back. He saw Keya appear there and then Ankit offer her to get into car. ‘Why she is smiling so cute, when did they became such good friend immediately, she can smile with any guy other than me, Am I that scary?’ Vivan thought to himself. After boarding blue Audi moved on road. Vivan order his driver.

“Follow” Vivan said hurriedly.

Driver got confused, whom to follow? As they were going in opposite direction. Looking at driver’s big question mark on face.

“What? I said follow them?”

Driver turn around to look at him, he saw Vivan eyes were killing, if he do not start car immediately he will definitely will throw out him of car. He started car.

“Turn back, follow that blue Audi”

Driver immediately follow the instruction and speed the car. For more than 20 minutes they keep following up. After 20 minute Blue Audi turn to Star Delight Hotel. It was one K group’s five star series hotel. Vivan saw both of enter in elevator which took them to top floor at VIP cafeteria area. Vivan get out of his  car and walked in. He followed them at cafeteria. Keya and Ankit Occupied side view table. Vivan hide behind the pillar. Keya and Ankit order coffee, Vivan was looking in his watch again and again he just took out phone and dialed a number, he heard the ring right from his behind.  

“Bro I am here, what’s so urgent? And why you are hiding here yourself in your own hotel?” Akash rejected his call and ask Vivan looking around here and there. Vivan sushhh him first.

“I want to have coffee with you, come on” Vivan straighten his suit and walked pass by from the table where Keya and Ankit was sitting. While walking he ignored Ankit and Keya. Same time Ankit saw him.

“Hey Bro ! What are you doing here?” Ankit looked at him surprisingl

When Vivan looked at him, he pretend that he have not seen him earlier.

“I am here to had coffee with Akash” He looked at him and ignore Keya, like she was not sitting there

Ankit and Keya both looked at Akash, who was right behind him. His expression can be clearly seen that he was totally confused.

“Ah..Yes…Yes…we are here to drink coffee. I love coffee here” Akash Fumbled. Next 2 minutes no one said any word to each other. Just they exchange the glance at each other waiting for someone else to say. Ankit just stared at Vivan and Akash vice versa, expecting they will leave and carry on with their coffee date with each other. Akash just looked at Ankit then shift his gaze to some random place pretending to look for seat, but he was waiting for Ankit to offer them to join with them. Keya silently looked at Vivan then Ankit, worrying Ankit should not offer to seat with them. Akash stare one by one, 1st he looked at Keya, it was clear on her face that she don’t want them to join there, next Ankit – who was waiting for them to leave finally Vivan-who stand there shamelessly like stubborn child. He wanted to grab his hand want to take him away from there. When he open his mouth, he walk circled around Ankit and pull the next chair to him.

“Why don’t we join here Vivan, come sit” and he occupied seat next to Ankit leaving Keya’s next seat for Vivan. Ankit and Keya both looked at Akash who was smiling like fool who achieve some kind of victory. Vivan looked at Keya, and walk past to her and occupied next seat to her. They order the coffee. After Vivan and Akash’s arrival Keya didn’t utter a word. She just wanted to finish this coffee date and go to home. After finishing coffee, Ankit insisted her to wait for dinner but she declined and prefer to leave, as she was so uncomfortable to seat with President. At the end 4 people decided to leave, when they came down, valet told that Ankit’s Car’s tyre got flat. Same time Vivan’s car was brought by Valet. Before anyone could say Akash already butt in.

“So Sad, Vivan will drop Keya at home, I will drop you Ankit. Don’t worry your car will be deliver tomorrow to your mansion.” And already lead Ankit toward his car. Ankit bid good bye to Keya and went with Akash. Here when they left, Keya finally broke the silence.

“You don’t need to bother president, I will get a Taxi” saying she smile politely to him and walked away.

“I am going in same direction. I will drop you” looking at Keya she till didn’t stop….. “Or do you want to go with only Ankit?”

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