She sighed exasperatedly. "Jin please, you don't need to do this."

He changed the topic however. "How did you get so sick? Did you not take a hot bath when you came back?"

"It is something that you don't need to worry about." Yun pulled her blanket further up, her hands trembling. She exhaled, feeling her body shaking slightly as she did so. "I am just in need of rest right now."

"I am not going to leave until you say why." Jin placed a finger on her chin and turned her face to look at him. "And even then, I don't want to leave you alone. So maybe, you don't need to say why."

Yun closed her eyes, her lips pursued together in a tight smile. "Jin..."

And then suddenly, so suddenly, she felt something brush against her lips, and her eyes flew wide open immediately. He was right in front of her, their noses brushing, their warm breath mingling with each other. She pulled one of her hands forwards to place it on his chest, trying to push him backwards, but she'd doubt it made any difference.

"Jin, I- I'm sick. You'll get sick too." She stammered. But Jin continued to lean forwards, and the arm she used to support herself up suddenly went weak, and soon Yun found herself lying on the bed, Jin still on top on her though he was not pressed up against her. His arms were placed on either side of her, so she could not roll away if she wanted to.

"Well, maybe then I get to spend more time with you, holed up together." His voice was low, so, so, so low. And his eyelids fluttered open slightly, the gaze in his eyes dark. "You wouldn't want anyone else to get sick."

"Jin..." She paused immediately after that. There was something wrong with her voice, and it wasn't because of her cold that it was so breathy. Her gaze darted around her room, as she tried to focus anywhere else but him.

"You look so adorable." He chuckled, and then leaning forwards once again, he brushed his nose against hers, which made her face feel like it was on fire. "I'm sorry I bothered you. Now, get some rest. I'll tuck you in."

And with one swift motion, Yun was scooped into his arms, her own wrapped almost instantly around his neck. One of his hands lifted up the blanket, and then she was placed down gently again. The blanket went around her as Jin tried to tuck it in as gently as possible.

Then, he reached forwards and patted her hair. "Sleep."

Yun blinked up at him, but the momentary moment of clearness that she had experience had quickly faded, and the insistent pound at the back of her head resumed, and her eyelids drooped, and then she just snuggled further into the blankets, falling asleep again.


That night, training continued until early morning.

However, she seemed like she was the only one tired. And she was sure that it was because of how much power that she was using.


She was starting to wish that Lord Xu wasn't the one to train her now.


Her muscles were feeling like lead, and there was a constant throb at the side of her head.


She wouldn't know how long she would last the next day, especially if her dreams continued tonight.


She fell to her feet this time. Completely exhausted despite having taken almost the whole day off.

"Lord Xu, I don't think she can do this anymore."

Somewhere from above her drifted Ying's voice. She lifted her head with much effort, and focused her gaze onto Lord Xu's figure.

And the thing in front of him.

It was contained in a transparent vial, a small amount of black blood. The liquid sloshed against the bottle of its own accord, trying to tip it over.

It gave her the chills just by looking at it, and she knew what it was the moment that Lord Xu had pulled it out from his sleeve and set it in front of her.

Demon blood.

Her powers reacted in a volatile manner to it, immediately surging towards the surface.

Her training was to keep it under control. As told to her by Lord Xu.

But it was harder than she expected. Her powers in this situation, seem to have a mind of their own. And whenever she suppressed them for too long, she would faint.

What she saw when she opened her eyes again was a violent release of power, draining her of her energy.

And the process repeated itself for almost the whole night.

Lord Xu opened the windows from time to time, shining bright sunlight through them which gave her momentary relief. Her skin returned cold immediately after each flashes, and she would expend her light powers in the same burst of strength and loss of control.

I cannot hold on for long anymore.

She lifted her eyes to Lord Xu's, and met his cold gaze. He seemed to be looking down on her in this moment, and she loathed that feeling.

Instead of standing up however, she remained on her knees. Her hair hung over her hand and her robes matted to her skin. The light swirled across her forearms and her arm, attempting to break through again.

She inhaled.

And exhaled.

And kneeled there until she lost track of time. She couldn't feel her legs anymore, nor have the energy to lift her head.

"You may rest."

Someone suddenly said, and she fell forwards, feeling her powers that she had tried so desperately to restraint melt away. She was seeing black, and then she slept. 

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now