Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 5

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Mj's P.O.V.

"Honey, are you there?" I heard my mom from my door.

"Yes." I answered as she let herself in.

"Are you excited you're going to meet Mrs. Clark's daughter tomorrow?"

Oh God. "Mom, please stop that." I said almost pleadingly.

"What? What did I do wrong?"

I sighed as I closed my National Geographic book and look at her "Dont you think its weird for a parent to set up their daughter with another girl?"

My mom looked at me with confusion "I thought you like girls?"

"I do.. but... okay, I'm excited, happy?" I said giving her reassuring smile.

My mom rolled her eyes at me "Like your dad said before, if you like her then you should ask her out or hang out with her, if you dont then that's fine."

"I know..."


"Night." I said before she left me in my room.

How could I like another girl? If Hailey is always here these past couple of days. These past couple of days she always comes over for me to toture her. I guess she really wants to pass Math.

Hmm.. maybe she just wants to see me, haha. That is a dream will never come true.

Tomorrow I'm going to meet Mrs. Clark's daughter, now that I think about it. Yeah, I'm a little excited.


The next morning, I woke up against my will. Ughh.. I felt so tired. I dont know why but I do. I dont want to go to the book club's picnic but I already promised my mom and my neighbor Mrs. Parker to drive her there.

I stood and got ready.

My mom let me barrowed her car and I picked up Mrs. Parker. A few minutes we arrived at this green meadow where the old ladies already set up the chairs and tables. I helped to set up the rest of the stuff.

We we're sitting in one of the picnic tables when Mrs. Clark arrived with another lady.

"Miriam, Helen! I thought you two wouldn't arrive." Mrs. Parker said.

The other lady that is with Mrs. Clark laughed "I know, the girls made us late. So we left them." She said. They both sat down.

Mrs. Clark looked at me "MJ, how are you doing?"

I smiled at her "I'm fine, you?" I said formally.

"Good. My daughter and her cousin will arrive soon. She's very excited to meet you." She said.

"Me too Mrs. Clark."

"Oh wait, there she is. Mia dear!" She said suddenly.

I turned my head and looked at the direction where she is looking and felt my heart skip a beat...


Mia's  P.O.V

Saturday, the book club'c picnic is today. I took a shower and got dressed. I walked downstairs only to find Hailey impatiently waiting for me.

"You're riding with me." she said.

"Why? Where are our moms?"

"They already left."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine, let's just go." I said then followed her to her car.

After a few minutes we arrived. I got out of Hailey's car and noticed her didn't stop the engine. "Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"Later. I have to go to my friends first." She said then without a reply she drove away.

Ughh, she's so rude.

I walked to this green meadow and saw a lot of old ladies and some in their middle 40's. I looked around and finally saw my mom sitting at a picnic table with auntie and with another old lady and a girl, I can't see her face cause her back is turned to me. I walked towards their table. My mom noticed me approach and smiled at me.

"Mia dear!" she called.

I smiled at her, the girl that turned her back at me looked at the direction where I was. I looked at the girl and our eyes met.

I felt my stride slowed as I walk towards them. This girl... wow.. I felt speechless.

I drifted my eyes away when I reached their table. "Where's your cousin dear?" My mother asked.

"She said she'll come maybe later, she have to go to her friends." I said.

"Oh, alright." My mother said then looked the girl "Mary Jane, this is my daughter Mia. And Mia this is MJ, the girl that I told you about." She said then winked at me.

That is so embarassing.

The girl named Mary Jane stood up and looked at me. "Hi." she said and offered the seat next to her.

"Thanks." I said as we took our seat.

"You two should talk. Helen and Darlene, why won't we talk to the other ladies?" My mother said to auntie and to the other lady. They both agreed and all stood up and walk towards the other ladies leaving me and Mary Jane alone.

We we're both silent until she cleared her throat and looked at me. "So, your name is Mia." She said.

I nodded my head. Somewhat I felt shy. She looked at me and I couldn't help but look back. We stare at each other for a second or so until I noticed I was staring at her. I felt my cheeks redden.

Oh god.. I'm not always like this.

"You want to take a shade? You're face is getting red." she asked as I felt my cheeks getting more hot. Why is she being like this?

I tried to composed myself and smirked at her. "Maybe cause I'm sitting next to the second hottest thing besides the sun." I said.

That was soo cheesy..

But she only looked at me and smiled. I felt myself drawn to her eyes and my face getting hot again.

Ughh stop blushing you idiot.

 Suddenly she stood up "We should get you a drink before you get heat stroke. I think you're getting more flushed." She said releasing a small laugh.

I cant believe she just said that. I stood up and we walked towards the table where the foods and drinks were. She took a cup and filled it with lemonade I assumed was and gave it to me. I took it and accidentally our fingers touched. Wow soo soft, I want to take her hands and caressed my face with it.

Stop being a creep, I mentally said to myself.

"Ladies, lunch is ready!" I heard aunt Helen call for us. We looked at each other for a moment. She shrugged her shoulders and started walking to the other ladies.


(still dont know what's going to happen,, argghh..think! [talking to self] XD)

(sorry for the crappy writing, trying my best to make it good..)

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