Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 14

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(Mary Jane's P.O.V.)

So it has to come like this, huh? It just has to be this way - Mia suddenly opened the door, seeing me and Hailey in a situation like this. I had never in my life thought that this scene would ever happen in real life, let alone my life. I thought it only happens in T.V. drama series and romance novels. You know..
Sooner or later I know any of us had to say something. But with the deafening silence and the dark aura flowing the whole room, I was a shitty ass chicken to start anything.
Mia opened her mouth but didn't said anything. A rather breath of disbelief was the only thing came out.

"Well, we should've locked the door." Of course it has to be Hailey who said that.

Mia swallowed a lump in her throat. I know what she was feeling and I admit I'm an asshole for that. The look in her face right now, as she looked at Hailey then back at me, is painful.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know that.." She forced out, but didn't continue anymore.  "I'm going to leave you two alone now.." She turned around then opened the door where she came in.

"Wait," She ignored me, of course. Cursing myself, I stood up, followed by Hailey, and took my t-shirt on the floor that Hailey threw awhile ago and quickly put it on above my head. Good thing we didn't get that far, or I'd be damned.

"No way your going to follow her.." Hailey stood up and took her top as well  "Come on, just leave her alone.."

"No!" I yelled, as her jaw hanged open in surprise. "You dont understand. Didn't you see her face? I'm such an idiot!" I know I'm hurting her by going after Mia, but at this time, I think could careless. Heartless? I dont know.

It was then when I opened the door that I realize it had already been dark outside. Hailey didn't followed me which I'm grateful for, or it'd be just awkward. Mia stood near the wood railing, leaning on it, I assumed. Her eyes landed on mine as the moment I came out. Her brows met and shook her head a little with a hint of disappointment.

I inhaled, composing what should I say in my head. Truth is, I dont know what am I going to say or how should I start. I'm embarrassed. I mean, what the hell man! I've never been in this kind of situation. I dont know anything about romance and whatever. Ughh..

I stopped, seeing the disapproving look on her face.  And as If I were a disease or something, she stepped a few feet away. Ouch. Do I smell or what?
"Before you say anything," I started "What was happening back there, it was -"

"None of my business." She finished. Her voice was cold as she said. "You dont have to explain anything. I dont care anyways.."

"What?" I thought I'd heard her incorrectly. She don't care? No. Of course she cares. Or...

"I. Dont. Care." She emphasized every single letter in every word with such coldness. So cold that it literally froze me, froze my soul.

"You dont care?" I repeated as she mumbled a low, again cold, 'yes'. 
"But you, I mean, what's happening in there..."

"You're not my girlfriend. Dont explain, 'cause there's no need. Besides, It's none of my business. I'm sorry if I disturbed the two of you. You can go back and...uhh, reassure her. "

"That's not what I'm going to say. Mia, I l-"

She cut me off  "Don't Mary Jane. We're nothing but friends. That's it." She finally turned around and walked away. My heart was shattered. Nothing but friends? That's just it? No. I would rather kill, no not me, but I would rather kill someone than for us to be just friends. Okay, that's a bit over the top, dont you think? Oh, my God. I can't believe my life is really turning into a cheap drama series. 

As I watched her walk away, I couldn't help but feel my insides break. I feel like someone is suffocating me. Was teenage romance really like this?  Would I just let her get away from me? Of course, no. So, I grabbed her wrist and spun her around and that's when it tore me. Tears were running down her cheeks.

I'm a fucking trash. I dont deserve this girl, do I?

"You're crying.." I pointed out absentmindedly.

She pushed my hand away "So what?"

"Please," I begged "dont say we're nothing but friends. I dont want us to be friends. I want us to be more than that.."

She shook her head, wiping her tears with the back of her hand "You can't play with me and my cousin. I'm not your toy and especially that type of girl. Maybe Hailey is, but I'm not. Next thing I knew you're in bed with my cousin. That's not how it works, Mary Jane. You can't have the both of us."

I was confused. Me and Hailey?  "What're you talking about?"

She shook her head again "You can't have me."

"But, I do want you.."

"I'm sorry, Mary Jane. I dont have the same feelings as yours."

She then continued walking away from me. I know what she was saying is a totally lie, but even if it was, I was totally shattered and at the verge of tears. I ignored the pain in my chest that shot through me and called her name. She stopped but didn't turned around to face me.

"If you dont have the same feelings like me then..." I paused "..I will do everything to make you do."


(Mia's P.O.V.)

I stared at the bartender with full of hatred, turning all my anger to him. The bartender who looks like in his late 20's, who I say, ehem... kind of, ehem... hot, looked back at me, confused as if he's saying 'Did I do something wrong?' in his head. I couldn't blame him, it's not his fault anyways that Mary Jane is being a fucked up douche bag. That mother friggin' asshole. I hate her. I definitely hate her for making me fall in lo-

"Um, Miss, Can I give you anything?"

"Give me a shot of vodka.."

"We dont serve alcohol for minors, um-" I death glared him, and when I made sure he wouldn't disagree anymore, I ignored him.

The nerve of that woman. How could she say that? Is she really that kind of girl? I thought she wasn't but I was wrong. She wanted Hailey... and me. She's a player. She wanted me to fall in love with her. Well, sorry, because I already am! I thought she was different compared to my past ex-girlfriends. SIgh, why is it that I always fall in love with assholes?

I irritatedly looked around the hang-out bar. The look on the people's faces here annoyed me. They look happy and they were having fun with their friends. While I'm here sulking, with no one to talk to. Why did I even go here?
I groaned, rubbing my temples and took the shot of vodka that the bartender set down in front of me. I slammed it down the bar counter as my face scrunched at the bitter taste of the alcohol went down in my throat. Burning as it did. I cursed out loud, remembering I never liked alcohol.

I folded my arms down the counter and buried my face in it. "I wanna go home.."

"Sorry to intrude, but you look kind of sad. I couldn't help it but come here."

I restrained myself from snapping at the person who said that. What the hell is wrong with people? Can't they mind their own business?? "Oh no, I'm happy, really! I could even scream out of joyness."

"Oh." was the only thing she - I assumed it was a girl - said.

Ordering another shot of vodka, I promised to myself this would be my last then gulped it hard. 'I hate you, Mary Jane' I chanted in my head.'You're such an asshole. I want to strangle you with Hailey. I hope you two get marry and have a very depressing life the could've caused you end up killing each other'

"Well, you dont look happy."

My brows met. "Can you leave me alone!?" I then finally snapped, looking up.

But then my frown vanished when I saw the girl. She was not what I expected. Studying her full features right now, it's obvious she's the kind of girl who has all the right curves in all the right places. It won't be a surprise to me if I found out she lives in this resort. She was slim and her skin was tan, but not the type she would looked like an orange.
As I studied her whole body, I couldn't help but stopped at that one specific part of her body. Round, two healthy-looking breast is in front of me and I'm practically eyeing them. What, It's not my fault she came here.

Before I realize what I was doing, I heard someone cleared their throat. I looked up and found out she was the one who did it. Her rosy, kissable lips turned into a slight curve as her naturally - or at least, it looked natural - pinkish cheeks revealed two dimples.

"S-sorry, I didn't meant to stare..." I hate stammering. Honestly, it makes me look like a real idiot.

"It's okay, I like your stare." A small laughed escaped her lips "It's unusual... for a girl."

"Well, in case you didn't noticed, I like to fuck girls.."
Okay, I had never intended to say it like that. But then when an image flashed through my mind about Hailey and Mary Jane being alone, again, of course, I couldn't help it but say it like that.

She stared at me in amusement for a second before smiling sexily "Really? Would you consider me then?" She even bit her lower lip.

Did the girl just said that?

"Are you trying to get me in your bed?" I bluntly asked

She, again, stiffled a laugh but nodded yes.

We stared for a moment; her smiling sexily - I think it's sexy or whatever - and me frowning. And without another word, I stood up and walked out.


When I hit the front steps at our cottage, I pounded on the door loudly, making sure I won't bother any miraculous things going in there.
"If you two are fucking. Please, stop. I wanted to sleep!" I rolled my eyes then added "And make sure the room smells nice."

The door opened and Hailey stood there, frowning at me "Oh, great. You came back." she said, sarcasm hinting in her voice.

"Step aside. I want to rest." I walked past her adding the word 'whore'. I didn't need to look back to realize she rolled her eyes.

Surprisingly, but still gratefully, when I came in, the room still smelled the same.

"Can you be quiet? She's sleeping."

When she said that, automatically, I saw Mary Jane face down, quietly sleeping. Oh well, at least they finished early.

"She didn't talked to me when she came back, thanks to you. What did you say to her?"

She didn't talk to her? Why wouldn't she? Aren't they like... fuck-buddies? Or something...
"Excuse me, I didn't tell her anything." Or at least, not about you anyways.

"Liar." I walked towards my bed and sat there while Hailey stood in front of me, her arms crossed in her chest "Obviously, you said something that cause her ignoring me. You told her I have STD, didn't you? Or some crap you made."

"I didn't need to say that. She already knows it."

"If you didn't then why wouldn't she talked to me??"

Rolling my eyes, I ignored her then took my shirt off changing into a more comfortable sleeping attire: panties without a shirt.

"Nice breast... but not nice enough."

Not nice enough? What's that supposed? Excuse me, it's even better compared to her flat chest. 

"Now, what did you tell her?"

"For goodness' sake. I didn't said anything, so please leave me alone."

"Then why wouldn't she talked to me, huh? You could've done something!"

"Why the hell are you blaming me? I didn't made fun of you, okay? She's all yours!"

Hailey gasped dramatically, holding her chest for a more dramatic reaction or something "Am I really hearing this?"


I saw a glint in her eyes, which meant she was thinking something stupid in her head, like as always. And then slowly, a mischievous smile formed in her lips. Her eyes didn't left mine as she walked at the other side where Mary Jane is sleeping and sat at the edge of her bed carefully. "Then you wouldn't mind me doing this to her.."

"Stop perving on her!" I snapped when she started running her hands through Mary Jane's skin. But she didn't stop, she just grinned at me mockingly. Good thing, or should I say bad thing, Mary Jane was still sleeping or hell I'd really beat her ass up. Okay, maybe not.

I eyed her "Oh, what're you looking at me like that? I thought you said she's all mine.."

I stopped for a second, thinking a lame reason "I did.. It's just that what you're doing is wrong. She's unconscious and you're being touchy and feely..." I paused "Okay, you know what? What the hell? Fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want to do with her, I dont care."

Hailey laughed. Can I say that's the ugliest laugh you could ever hear from a person? I swear to God, it's so annoying. "If you say so...."

"Stop it!"


The night was frustrating. Hailey was being a bitch again, she had attempted to sleep next to Mary Jane, but of course, I warned her. Although she did it anyways. But I had kicked Mary Jane's bed, waking her up.
A moment later came, I was falling asleep, but then I was disturbed when I heard someone crying. At first, I thought it was a ghost, you know like in movies? But I shook that thought away and turned on the lamp placed at the bedside table and noticed it was Mary Jane. She was crying. But she wasn't just crying, she was weeping in her sleep. Hailey mumbled something like 'I told you, you did something..'

Anyways, it was now morning, or at least the sun is now rising. I woken up around 4:30 in the morning - it's kind of a natural thing for me - and decided to walk around in the resort. I inhaled a fresh, cold morning air. It was now that I gave importance to the surroundings. The resort was beautiful, peaceful, serene and has a very soothing vibe. It has alot of California thing going on, too, that I missed.

As I walked silently, I couldn't help but feel someone's presence. I stopped and pretended to tie my shoes. Probably, that didn't work because I'm wearing flip-flops so I just pretended that I'm picking up something. From that moment, I could sense breathing, someone's breathing. I stood up and casually walked. I heard different footsteps from mine's. I stopped, looked back and rolled my eyes when I saw someone hide from the lilac bushes.

"What are you doing here, Mary Jane?"

She slowly emerge from behind the bushes and stood in front of me, smiling coyly " I was.. following you.."

"Well, isn't that obvious." I shook my head a little "Why are you out here this early? Hailey could wake up. She might get upset if she found out you're here, with me." I continued walking.

"I dont care.."

I stopped and frowned "You're being an asshole."

"No, I'm just being real about my feelings."

Feelings? And what the hell was that supposed to mean? I ignored her.

"Look," She hugged herself with her own arms when a sharp, cold wind blew. "I'm not good with these things. I dont know anything about romance, relationships, friends and stuff. But I know one thing." She paused, looking at me straight in the eyes "I want you."

Hearing Mary Jane say those words made my heart flutter out of joyness. But, even if I wanted to believe her full-heartedly, I can't. She's a player, It just kept chanting in my mind

"Is that one of your cheesy lines?" I didn't wait for her to answer me, so, I walked away.

I stopped when I felt her hand grabbed my arm. I glared, my eyes filled with anger, and tried to push her away but then she wouldn't even let go. "Why can't you afford to believe me?" She asked in desperation.

"Because you're full of shit!" I couldn't help but yelled at her

"I'm not for crying out loud."

"Oh yeah?" I challenged "Then why did I saw you with my cousin and ready to fuck her!? And now you're saying you want me and not her. You're full of shit!"

"I tried to tell you, okay? What's happening yesterday was-"

"No. Dont try to explain. Just admit it that you're a player."

"A player?" her forehead wrinkled in confusion "Of what game??"

"Oh, my God. You have got to be shitting me." I said in disbelief. She just shook her head at me, not having the slightest idea of what I'm saying. You know, for her being the nerd, she's pretty dumb "The love game.." I finally said.

Apparently, she thought for it a second before nodding in understanding "The love game? That kind of player you mean?" I nodded "Okay, that is totally not me. I've never played with anyone. Hell, I never even had a girlfriend before." She sighed "If you're thinking I'm playing with the two of you, then you're wrong. What's Hailey and I have is just.... I dont know... flirtness. I was just charmed by her flirtiness. Although, I admit it, I did have the biggest crush on her when I saw her for the first time at the school library. But when-"

"But when you saw me you fell in love with me?" I finished, rolling my eyes "Great, another cheesy line."

Mary Jane unexpectedly cursed out loud. Like, she literally screamed out of frustration. "It might sound like from another romance novel, but I'm telling the truth, Mia. You're amazing and I loved it how you blush whenever I tease you. Even if I dont show it that much, I missed you. You're always the one who's on my mind even though I'm with Hailey. It's the truth, Mia. I really did fell in love with you."

I shut my eyes closed for a second before shaking my head  "I dont want to believe your lies anymore, Mary Jane. Leave me alone." And just that, I ran away from her. I didn't even realize my tears had fallen. I fucking hate this! I screamed mentally. I dont want to cry anymore, you know, it's sickening and tiring.


Mary Jane was looking for me, but I managed to hide from her. I was relieved when I remembered we were going home today. I was thankful because I never wanted to see her again. That's a lie. Of course I wanted to see her. I just dont want her to see me seeing her.

I looked around, sitting at one of the bench that is perfectly lined down the romantic stoned pathway. It was silent, and I'm loving it. It's relaxing. I even thought I was going to fall asleep right then and there, but then the silence broke when a sudden footsteps emerge.

"Hey, you're the girl from last night."

Oh, the greatness... the chick that I met last night. She was staring down at me, again, with those amusement in her eyes. She sat next to me as I automatically stood up.

"Wait," She stopped, taking my arm, and pulling me back down "Come on, you're walking away from me again." She whined

"So, what? I dont even know you..." Acting I'm going to stand up again, she stopped me.

"You are so rude! Is my flirting skills really that bad for you to be so snobbish?"

"Listen, I dont have time for you, okay?" I then quickly stood up and walked away. Who could blame me? There is just too much to walk out to!
I turned to a corner but quickly regretted it when I saw a familiar, beautiful face walking towards my direction.

"Mia?" Mary Jane said the moment her eyes landed on me. She approached me but she was taken aback when the girl that's following me, grabbed me and pulled my arms into her's.

"Thank God, you stopped." Out of breath, the girl said, smiling at me.

Mary Jane looked at the girl's arms intertwined with mine in disbelief. "W-who's this girl?" She looked at me.

I turned my gaze to the girl and seems she was amused by the little 'drama'. Excitement was written in her eyes. "She's just..." She's just what? I dont even know this girl but how she grabbed my arm, you would've expect she was my girlfriend. Wait....
"She's my girlfriend." The girl was surprised when I introduced her as my girlfriend, but nonetheless, she didn't protest or said anything.

"What!?" Mary Jane, on the other hand, was really shock. An amuse grin formed on the girl's lips when she saw Mary Jane's reaction. I could tell she's really enjoying this.

"I said she's my girlfriend." I said, looking back at her "And-" but then she grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the girl. I protested but she didn't listen to me. She dragged me where no one could see us, and surprisingly, it was behind a tall palm tree.

"You know, this is so not fair. I'm older than you, you shouldn't be treating me like this!"

She ignored me "What the hell, Mia? You're cheating on me!"

"Cheating on you?" I said in disbelief. But I couldn't deny the happiness I'm feeling inside. Mary Jane's actually jealous. She looked adorable too, I might add. "We were never together."

Mary Jane stopped, as if thinking something "Okay, maybe you're not cheating on me but who's now the player, huh?" I confusedly stared at her. What the hell is she talking about? I guess she read my questioning face. "You're girlfriend back in California. You're cheating on her."


"The girl who called you yesterday..." her voice became quiet. Does she mean Nelly? My whore-of-an-ex-girlfriend?

Then I realized something "You answered my phone without having my permission?"

"Um, well, you were at the shower.. and.. Hailey-"

"Of course!" I cut her off. "You know, why wouldn't you just go back to her and leave me alone?" I remembered "With my girlfriend.."

A shot of pain went through her face as she looked away. "Don't you really have any feelings for me?" She asked, looking back at me.

She looked at me emphatically, as if she wanted me to say something that could make us both happy. But I have no idea if I should lie or... "Um.." But how she looks at me right now, I dont think I can even utter a single word. I'd become breathless. How she looks at me, pleading with her eyes and hopeful features.

Please, just please, stop me from kissing her right then and there.

"Answer me, Mia.."  She spoke quietly and I just can't believe I'm getting turned on by now. She leaned in, like she was going to kiss me but she didn't, I hope she would, but she just stared right through me.

I tried to say something, but of course, when I opened my mouth not a single thing came out. She leaned more as I held my breath leaving me to pushed myself back against the tree.

She took my hand and gently squeezed it, I could've shrugged her hand off, but I dont want too. "Please, answer me. I wanted to know so I wouldn't look like a fool in front of you, like right now." Look like a fool? I dont think so. "Do you love me, Mia?"  

Love? Like love-love? I mean, I met her like a a few weeks ago and I hardly even see her because she's with my cousin. Do I really love her? I dont know. But I wanted to know if I really love her. What she likes.. and what she doesn't, I wanted to know everything about her.

Oh, my God. Please, dont let her break my heart if I'd say this. I dont want her to. I want her to be mine and mine only. I sound like a possessive bitch, huh? But I dont care. I'm not gonna deny it, I really do want all of her.

Inhaling a deep breath, I stared back at her. I'm not gonna regret this.. I said in my head, I'm soo not-

"Oh there you are, Mia. Did you already finish-" I looked over Mary Jane's shoulder and saw my mom. She stopped for a moment, as if trying to study our position. I couldn't blame her, I mean, from the way how close me and Mary Jane are right now, it'd be really awkward seeing two people like this, let alone two girls. "Am I disturbing something?" She then asked.

Slowly, Mary Jane leaned back and looked at my mom apologetically. "Sorry, Mrs. Clark, we were just talking about something."

"Looking how close you two are, I guess it's really something important, huh?" She grinned at us and I just couldn't help the blood rushing up my cheeks. Was that really necessary? "I'm just kidding, honey. I'll just leave you two alone now so you two could talk." She emphasized the last word, as if there were any other meaning to it. My mom gave me one last look before leaving us.

"Um, that was.." Mary Jane cleared her throat "weird."


(Huffffffff................... people, I didn't have the time to.. um, update, so err.... I still hope you enjoy this............. but I dont think you would cause I suck..... so.. um.... yeah.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2011 ⏰

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