Is this my teenage dream?? chp. 6

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( Listening to Taylot Swift's songs like 'enchanted' feels so goood to write... :D )

Mj's P.O.V.

After lunch...

I know I'm the nerd type but I'm not shy, surprisingly she is, she's just so shy and very easy to make blush. That's why I cant stop teasing her. I dont know if she's really like this because in her appearance screams 'I'm hot and I know it' type. I looked to my right where she's sitting and saw her looked away, I guess she's looking at me again. I can see her cheeks getting red and I just couldn't help but smile inwardly. I closed my book, put it down and looked at her.

We're here in the middle of the forest sitting in this big tree's trunk. "I think we should go back." I said as I noticed we we're here for a long time now and it was getting a little dark.

"Okay.." She said not even looking at me.

I stood up and held my hand for her to take. She looked at it then at me. "What?" I asked raising a brow.

She smiled at me and I can see another shade of red forming in her cheek. She didn't even know  how much that makes me feel. She took my hand and help herself up. We walked silently for a minute until something caught my eye. I grabbed her hand and pushed her behind a tree.

"What's wr-" I didn't let her finish as I put my hands on her mouth.

She looked at me questioningly. "look." I said then pointed the spot where it caught my eye.

She turned her head and looked at where I was looking and understood why I pushed her behind this tree. "Wow.. its so beautiful." she said as she watched the deer who looks so peaceful in their surroundings.

I turned my gaze away from the deer and looked at her and felt myself drowning into this girl, this girl that I just met just a few hours ago and now It's like I wanted to be with her, I wanted her to be mine, I wish I didn't sound creepy.

When a small breeze blew, my eyes started to wonder at her neck that I wanted to leave trail kisses so bad to her jaw and her lips, yes her rosy looking tender lips and I just can't help the words escaped my mouth... "Yes... you are..beautiful." I said feeling myself in a daze.

She too looked away from the deer to me and our eyes locked. We looked at each as I felt everything is in blur and she's the only one that I can see. I didn't even realize we we're so close, our bodies almost touching. I put my arm to her waist and pushed her back against the tree, her eyes not leaving mine.

I leaned more so our bodies pressed together and I can feel her.... I can feel her heartbeat in my chest beating, it's beating so fast. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I leaned my face to hers...everything is so quiet, perfect.. Suddenly the deer ran away making us both jump...I must've jump away from her like a mile and standing there looking like an idiot.

We stood there awkwardly not saying anything. A few minutes of silence I heard her cleared her throat. I turned to looked at her and saw her started walking back to the bushes that separated the forest in the meadow.

Without any word I followed her. Ughh.. stupid deer, why did you  have to run and ruin everything?


  When we got back we both helped the old ladies to pack the things as it was now getting dark. When we have to go we gave each other awkward nod and smile.

I opened my mom's car door and got in as well as Mrs. Parker. I put the car in life when I noticed a familiar red mini cooper. I examined it.. 'Is that Hailey's?' ..I can't see the driver.  Ughh.. 'Wait. Is that Mia that got in??' I thought when I saw her walked near it and got in. 'Maybe its not Hailey..maybe its just they have same cars...?'

"Dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Parker said snapping me from my thougts.

I looked at her and smiled "...I just saw someone..I thought its her." I said backing the car.

"Seatbelts Mj.." Mrs. Parker reminded.

I put my seatbelts as I was instructed and stepped at the gas.


Mia's P.O.V.

"Why are you smiling?" I looked at Hailey and raised a brow. She must've notice me smiling like an idiot. It's not like I can help stop smiling after what happened.

"Why is smiling a crime now?" I snapped.

"No. But looking at you smiling like that makes it." She said turning the wheels around the street.

I sighed before answering.. "I met an awesome girl, actually." I said leaning my head in the car window.

"A girl? Okay..." She said unsurely.

I turned to looked at her. "Why is there something wrong about that?" I said squinting my eyes on her.

"No dont have problem witht that, its just that I met a girl too and she likes girls." She said 

"Oh.." I said.

So what?

A few minutes later she stopped in front of my house."Thanks for driving me.." Wow did I just thanked her? Oh anyway..I already said it. I walked in my house and saw my Mother already there.

" like her?" The first thing she said when she saw me came in. I can't help but smile that can reach eat to ear. I'm soo glad that my mom loves me for being me.

I was about to open my mouth but she cut me off.

"I told you so!"

"I didn't even said anything.." I said looking at her

"Yes I know..but I already knew you like her, from the way you smile. Oh and how you blush in front of her! Blushy girl you are honey.." She said laughing.

Now I feel my cheeks getting red from embarassment. "Mom! I did not blush.." I denied even though I know I did blush like an idiot in front of Mary Jane.

My mom laughed again "You two went to the forest, right?" She asked as I nodded my head getting a drink from the fridge. "Did something happened..? I mean Did you two do so-"

"I'm going to my room." I cut her off as I place my glass in the sink and ran upstairs quickly as possible as I can, hearing another laugh from my mom.

I quickly closed my door and layed in my bed. Phew.. I didn't plan to tell my mom what happened even if it was just that, GOODNESS we almost kiss! ALMOST... I hate Almost.

I should've kiss her.

When we stared at each other like that..I couldn't move. Everything seemed to stop. I felt everything..everything is perfect, she's perfect and she said that I'm beautiful..

I put my left arm to my chest feeling my heartbeat..its beating so fast. Wow that girl is a wonder..she has so much effect on me, every little things..makes me fall for her. What if we met again? How would I even act?

Wait, snap! I facepalmed when I realize I didn't got her number.

I burried my face in one of my pillows and screamed my life out. "Why didn't I took her number?" I said out loud to myself looking at my phone. "Idiot."

"Yes you are..."

"Mother Fu-" I almost threw my phone at Hailey who's smirking at my door way. "Have you ever heard of knocking?? You scared me..bitch.." I said.

"I always scare you.." She said laughing.

"Ha-ha..why are you here?" I asked.

"You're going to study at my school, right?"

"Yeahh, why?"

She smiled at me "Nothing..father and bro just came home from the swimming tournament, my mom asked if you and aunt will eat with us. A get together thingy." She said.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I stood up and followed her to her house.


(Bored? Me too..)

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