as i was walking into the school, i couldn't help but glance over to the parking lot. and notice the black truck that belonged to louis.

how... how was this possible?! shouldn't the baldie have called them to his office and suspended or even expelled them already? they threw fucking rocks at my head which could have caused a concussion or something else. they were- i was lucky that didn't happen. i did not need to go to the hospital and get caught this soon and for such a stupid reason. not only that, they told me to kill myself. personally, i think that's more then enough reason to get suspended.

so why were they here?

this didn't make sense, not one bit. because if they were here, wouldn't they have repeated what they did to me like yesterday? why did they stop today? i mean, it seemed like they didn't have any consequences whatsoever, so why? just why?

why was i even alive anymore?

      and, as i walked into school, ignoring the glares and glances i received, i almost faltered as i saw the trio staring straight at me, grinning wickedly as they tracked my ever movement. yep, they were here, at school, when they should have been at home crying to their mommies and daddies in forgiveness for getting suspended.

     i needed to talk to the principal.

     as i peered back at them, not trying to be seen as wimpy, i watched as lily's mouthed move to spell out words that sent a shiver down my spine.

      'don't miss us for too long.'

     i needed to talk to the principal now.


i couldn't believe this.

     i had gone back to the stinky old man's office to confront him about why my attackers weren't gone, but when i approached, the vice principal instantly kicked me out, saying the principal was busy. what a bunch of baloney too because i saw through his glass that he was staring me down! he knew what he did wrong and he knew that i knew, but there was on problem.

     i didn't have parents.

     i was bluffing this whole time. i couldn't complain to the student board, i didn't even know how to. i was still a dumb ass student that didn't know shit about the higher ups of education. my parents certainly would have had some idea, but obviously they aren't here. they're dead. rotten corpses still in their bedroom where cohen had killed them. i don't think i'll ever get over that. not to mention their murder was fresh in my head. thanks a lot cohen 1.0.

    so here i was, up on the rooftop because all high schools in stories and movies needed one for at least one of the main characters to 'claim.' fortunately this male lead who was normally up here had taken an interest in a certain protagonist and wasn't up here, meaning i was all alone to myself. to my thoughts. i hate thinking. it's so tiring and stressful and makes me want to rip my brown hair out of my skull so i could stop thinking. because all it seemed to be consumed with was the protagonist and it was just all too exhausting feeling these emotions, but rejecting them because i don't want to feel this way. i don't want to lust or obsess over the blond. that wasn't me but the stupid previous soul. why did i even have some of his mindset? it didn't make sense? well, i guess neither was rein- whatever into this body.

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