Good Talk,Rosie<33

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"Arghhhh", June screamed as her 7:30 alarm blared the most horrendous sound, she slammed her hand down onto the shaking object and it just didn't stop. June sat up and glared at the alarm clock. Just as she was about to throw it across the room her Grandfather opened the door.
"Don't even think about it young lady!"He said sternly, knowing exactly what was on her agenda for destroying the device, she rolled her eyes and turned over in her bed.
"Come on, get up", he walked over to the curtains and threw them apart. "It's your first day, you must be excited!". He shouted loud enough for the whole school to hear.

"The only reason why i'm going is because i have no parents to send me to a normal school so the only objective is here because you're the headmaster", she spoke into the pillow. Her Grandfather sat at the end of her bed.
"Look June i know you're not very happy about this but it could be good for you to get out there and make some friends, and you never know there are alot of boys at Chilton, very excellent boys!". June sat up, "Grandpa!"She laughed as he stood from her bed, smirked at her and then left the room.


June shut her bedroom door and looked in the mirror in the hallway and stared at herself, Blue plaid skirt, blue shirt, blue cardigan with a black bow tie looking thing attached to her neck. She huffed as she walked down the stairs and saw her backpack on the final step, she picked it up and left. Her Grandad left about 20 minutes before she did which means she doesn't have to have the whole my brain is too frazzled for this school conversation but unfortunately that is too true. Junes' parents died a year ago leaving her only liable career to her, Grandfather.

Which low and behold is the headmaster of one of the best private schools in Hartford. Chilton. A school made for the smartest of all teenagers and here June is about to walk into a History class, 4 minutes late and not ready to participate due to not knowing a single thing the teacher will be saying. June knocked on the door to her classroom.
"Come in!"She heard a male voice yell from inside the classroom, as she opened the door she watched about a million faces turn towards her. Most of them smiled but there was one girl who was sitting in the middle, about the same hair colour as her own but much shorter and a face that looked like it might kill every ounce of your being just with her eyes.

"Miss.....Charleston?", the teacher stated as he read the paper sitting right in front of him. June nodded her head.
"Well you're right at the back next to Mr Dugray and I'm Mr Medina, anything else?". He said standing in front of his desk.
"No, I think you have hit everything there is for a teacher to say.", She said as she sat at her desk.
"You sound weird!"A girl with dark brown hair loudly spoke from across the classroom, everyone in the class laughed as June glared at a girl who looked too proud of herself.

"Thankyou Madeline!", Mr Medina said as he wrote on his chalk board and started the actual lesson. June heard a whisper in her left ear and turned to see a blonde haired boy looking at her.
"I think you sound elegant, umm?" He raised his eyebrows signalling for a name from her.
"Oh, Rosie, well Rosemary-June but i like June", she blabbled. The boy laughed and sat back in his seat.
"Well June!, I'm Tristan and I feel like you're gonna like it here!". He said winking at her. June giggled to herself and took her books out of her bag.


The bell for the last session of History went off signalling for June to escape this posh town and have some fun.
"Wait everyone!"Mr Medina shouted. Nevermind.
"I have an assignment for you all, this week is town week which means every town in the area of Hartford will be expressing their most favourite things about their town, so i will be putting you in groups of five and this week you will be travelling to them specific towns and writing an essay on your choice of history item within that town, each history choice must be different from the others in your group, so i suggest maybe after school you go and visit with your group and choose your history, now you're dismissed, this groups are on my desk." He said leaving the classroom.

Just as the door shut the class ran like a swarm of dogs towards Mr Medinas desk. The blonde girl who didn't take a liking to June grabbed the paper and read everyone's groups.
"Okay, now my group, Paris,Louise,Madeline,Tristand and". She stopped and watched June putting everything back in her bag.
"June!". She said throwing the paper down on the desk while June swiftly walked towards them.

"Cool, what town did we get?" June said standing next to Tristan who was already watching her.
"Stars-Hollow, it's about 30 minutes on the bus so i say we should get going huh!". Paris sternly said glaring and June as her,Madeline and Louise walked out of the classroom. Tristan walked to the door and opened it for June. June smiled at Tristan and they walked down the hall together behind the three in front of them.
"So is talking in lessons not a thing for you?"Tristan said, breaking the three minutes of silence from the classroom to the end of the hallway.
"Umm no not really, i didn't understand much" She said walking quicker to keep up with the others. Tristan put his arm around June but she immediately threw it off, he looked at her confused while she glared at him and walked up to the girls."Such a dick!", she muttered as she walked next to Madeline. Madeline turned to her.
"Nevermind!", she said as she carried on walking.


The group took the bus and June was stuck next to Tristan for the entire 30 minutes there and will probably shotgun for it on the way back. Now they are in the middle of Stars-Hollow and Paris is assigning each of them their history piece.
"And June you get", Paris looked around and smirked.
"That hardware store!", she gestured to the shop in the corner of the town.
"Really!, what history is there in a hardware store?!", June said with a disgusted look on her face.
"Now we will all meet back here at six, fifteen!"Paris said, already walking away. Everyone nodded and walked as June glared down Paris and walked towards the hardware store.

June opened the door and came face to face with a surprise, it was a diner not a hardware store, even though the sign states a hardware store the surprise within is more fun than expected. She walked up to the counter where a grumpy looking man with a backwards cap and plaid jacket was holding coffee.
"Hi!"June smiled at mine while he looked at her with a sharp, no expressions face.
"Hi, what can i get you?", he said, putting down his coffee pot and picking up his pad. Just as she was about to talk he looked through the bag window and his facial expression changed.
"Sorry excuse me!", he stated sounding mad. He walked to a doorway and yelled into it.
"Jess!, customer, now!".
Startled as she was, June watched the man walk out of the diner and walked, yelling towards an old man who seemed to be measuring the windows.

June stood up and looked around the empty diner and put her walkman on and started playing David Bowie on full volume in her ears while writing in her notepad about the appearance of the diner.
After ten minutes she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped and took her walkman off and came face to face with a brunette boy with a Metallica t-shirt on.
"Jesus!", she gasped whilst staring at the boy. The boy just blankly stared at her and picked up a pad and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, just a coffee please and also I wondered if you knew anything about the diner?". The boy turned and poured coffee into the cup and handed it to her.
"Okay then, thanks I guess?", she said, stunned at the service from the boy. Just then the man walked back into the diner and stood behind the counter.
"Sorry about that, you seem new, I've never seen you before?"the man said, squinting his eyes at her.
"Yeah, I'm from London, not Hartford, I'm Rosemary-June but June works!", she handed her hand towards the man who shook it.

"How exciting , im Luke and that un-expressionised human there is my nephew Jess", he boldly spoke rolling his eyes towards Jess.
"Well, i'm here because at my school we are doing different towns for town week and I got your diner as my historian object so i was wondering if you have any time this week to meet and tell me more about the background of the diner?". She caught her breath and stared at Luke with a wide eyed face.
"Well, we are mostly busy everyday but Jess knows most about the diner so maybe you two could meet up?". He spoke looking at Jess who clearly couldn't care less about the situation and more about the book he was reading.

"Uh yeah sure, is tomorrow around 5:30 okay?"Luke nodded as June held the diner's door handle.
"Okay i guess i'll see Jess tomorrow, thankyou!". Luke nodded and walked through the doorway and up some stairs. Jess stared at June. "Good talk, Rosie!", he smirked as he walked through the doorway. June smiled to herself as she walked back to the group who was already in the field.
"Why are you so happy?!"Paris spoke disgusted at Junes expression.

"Just happy with my project that's all." she softly said looking back at the diner.

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