"My God, did you just get laid in the ten minutes you were upstairs? This amenableness is alarming for you," Axel interrupted as the front door slammed open before Lucas could retort, Jackie rushing in with her large purse slung on her arm.

"Sorry I'm late, Dakota and I lost track of time," she huffed, rushing over to peck Axel on the lips. Lucas ignored them, with not the slightest clue, or care, who the hell Dakota was. He was thinking about Harley's flushed face, and how his body felt against his as he pushed him further into the wall-

"Oh- hey Jackie," Harley spoke from somewhere behind him. Speak of the devil.

"Harley! Oh my God- it's so good to see you again, it's been awhile," Jackie rushed over to envelop him in a tight hug, her strong perfume invading his senses as he wrapped his arms around her torso. Lucas glanced over his shoulder, locking eyes with Harley as he peered over Jackie's shoulder. His lips were still a bit unusually red, and Lucas smirked slightly knowing the real reason for that. Harley seemed to grow bashful just by looking at Lucas, so he forced his gaze to remain on Jackie's face as Lucas bored holes into the side of his head.

"Yeah, you and Axel have been enjoying your date nights out, huh?" He teased, but Jackie's face blushed as she glanced over her shoulder at Axel, an awkward smile coming over her features.

"Uh, yeah, lately it's just been more. . . life, stuff. . ." She fumbled out an explanation, which only caused Harley to grow more confused, but wasn't able to question her further as Axel clapped his hands obnoxiously.

"The feast is almost done, where are the other lads?"

"Oh, they were right behind me," Jackie glanced at the front door as though the trio were about to burst through right then and there. "I think they stopped to get carts."

"Of course they did," Lucas grumbled, stabbing one of the pieces of potato floating in the boiling water, then moving to the sink to strain the water out of the huge pot. Harley watched as Lucas' arm muscles flexed under the weight, a slight sheen to them as the steam from the hot water plumed into the air. He was snapped out of his lustful trance as Axel called out for him to help set the table, and Harley rushed to his task with fervor, grateful for the distraction from Lucas.

The other men came barreling through the front door shortly after they were finished setting the table, laughing loudly about something.

"Hey, chuckle squad!" Axel barked, shooting a pointed look at them and pointing at the table. "Dinner's ready. Let's get a move on."

"Alright, alright," Daniel huffed, hurrying upstairs to deposit the plastic bag he was carrying into his room.

Harley returned to the kitchen, faltering slightly as he noticed Lucas was the only other occupant, meticulously seasoning the potatoes. Chewing on his lip, he hurried over to the counter next to where Lucas stood, beginning to cut up the rotisserie chicken they had purchased as a special treat.

As Harley was sawing off one of the legs, Lucas suddenly shuffled over to his side. "I need to get into the cabinet above your head, so watch the door," he voiced nonchalantly.

"Oh, I can get out of your way-" Harley began, until Lucas came up behind him, his entire back burning with warmth as Lucas plastered himself against Harley to reach up into the cabinet. The knife clattered out of Harley's hand as he choked in surprise, the edge of the counter pressing firmly into his stomach.

Harley finally heard the cabinet door above his head shut, and that heavy, hot weight on his back lifted. He turned to look over his shoulder at the tall man, who appeared to be trying very hard to keep a shit-eating grin off of his face, as he playfully shook a bottle of seasoning in his hand.

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