Was all this a lie?

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As Leon pulled up to a park, violetta was confused as she was dressed for a meal instead of a night in the park.

Violetta: Leon, what are we doing here? I thought we were going for a meal?

Leon: We are but there's something I want you to see something first.

Violetta: Leon, your not going to propose are you? Because we are no way near that.

Leon: No, my love and I wouldn't do that to Ludmila as I just broke up with her, I wouldn't want her to be angry even more.

Violetta: Then what is all this about then?

As they arrived at the bench with rose petals, she saw the guys leaving the place and Leon pulled her towards the bench as they got closer she saw a beautiful table and the sunset over the horizon it was beautiful.

Leon: Do you like it?

Violetta: I love it, Leon it's beautiful.

Leon: Impossible, because your the only beautiful one I see.

Violetta: *Strokes his head* Oh, and your the only handsome one I see too.

Leon: Shall we sit?

Violetta: Yes, we shall.

As they took a seat, Leon popped the cork of the champagne and poured it into her and his glass.

Violetta: I thought you were proposing to me?

Leon: I don't think we are ready for that yet, as we just got back together.

Violetta: I know, but I wouldn't mind being engaged.

Leon: Baby, we can't just yet, as that wouldn't be fair on Ludmila that would really be rubbing it in her face.

Violetta: I know, your right, let's just enjoy this first date.

Leon: Okay.

They talked and laughed at each other and just enjoyed being together, Leon held her hand that was on the table.

Violetta: What why are you looking at me like that?

Federico came to give him his guitar as he took it off him and pulled the chair back to give some room and he started singing "our way" to her.

After he sang Leon could see Violetta started shivering as she was cold.

Leon: Are you cold, baby?

Violetta: Just a little.

Leon: *Puts the guitar down* here take Federico's jacket. *Took the jacket off and put it around her*

Violetta: *Put it on and smiled at Leon* Thank you, but won't you get cold?

Leon: It's fine, you can just warm me up later *Winks at her*

Violetta: Oh, can I now?

Leon: Yeah, you can.

As they started to get up and walk back to the car as they were about to get in the car, Ludmila stood in front of the car, she looked terrible her mascara was down her face and she was making a scene.

Ludmila: I hope you enjoyed your date, just a couple of hours after breaking up with me.

Violetta: Ludmila, your a mess is this what we did to you?

Leon: Ludmila, you can't do this, you were like this when Violetta and I broke up last time, you were trying to get in my head.

Ludmila: No, I am doing this because I still love you Leon Vargas that's what we doing we rekindling our love until you landed up in bed with her.

Leon: Stop, this isn't you the last time we broke up you didn't care you were more interested in Tomas than me, so why are you fighting for us now?

Ludmila: *Puts her hands on his chest* Please, don't leave me alone, I never want to be on my own, when I had you felt like I had everything again losing you was the worst thing I did but please I don't want to lose you again, I'm wearing your ring not her.

Leon: Ludmila...

Violetta: You still have his ring, then give it back.

Leon: Violetta, your not helping.

Ludmila: *Goes to kiss him, but he pulled his head up* Leon...

Leon: Ludmila, we're over there is no us ever again.

Ludmila: Because of her, we were fine in Mexico we were planning our future we were talking about kids and marriage.

Violetta: You what? You were planning on getting married?

Ludmila: Yes, and we were going to live in Mexico away from everyone, that was the Leon I loved having around because it felt like you were on the same page as me.

Leon: Ludmila, that was when we were together but your forgetting something before I went to Mexico I slept with Violetta twice, I might've been on the same page as you but I was still thinking about Violetta.

Ludmila: Yeah, and you proved to me that you didn't love her back by telling her it was over and it was time for you to move on didn't you not mean that?

Leon: Of course, but that was then and this is now, we just together for sex, Ludmila you know that our relationship was better off as sex partners than an actual relationship.

Ludmila: So, all of this was a lie or a joke for you? You just used me until Violetta decided to have you back what kind of person does that?

Leon: No I didn't, I was ready to move on from Violetta, but after we slept together all I could think of was her and just missed being with her.

Ludmila: It's always going to be Violetta, Leon.

Violetta: I'm sorry, Ludmila.

Ludmila: For what exactly? Sleeping with my boyfriend or breaking up with your boyfriend because you couldn't take replacing poor Lion?

Violetta: For all of it, I didn't mean to make Leon cheat on you but it was easy if he did love you then it wouldn't have been so easy to come between you.

Ludmila: Your right and on that note here Leon take your stupid piece of tin *Throws the Ring at him* I never want to see you again, from now on you are dead to me Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo.

She walked away as Leon and Violetta got in the car, Leon out his ring back on his finger and took Violetta home as he thought that's what she would want to go after that conversation with Ludmila.

Leon: *Turns off the engine* I'm sorry, Violetta this isn't exactly how I wanted the night to end.

Violetta: Leon, we broke her, what she said isn't wrong it was all wrong I shouldn't have broke up with Diego so soon I should've given it a go and let you get on with your life with Ludmila.

Leon: No, don't take the blame, it's my fault as well as I should've know you were happy with Diego and I should've left you to it, it's just seeing you with another guy it puts me over the edge just to know that he could've made you more happier than I ever or have could, maybe we should just see other people instead and then it won't be that bad.

Violetta: No, Leon I want to be with you, I love you, your all I ever wanted to be with I told you even when we weren't together I never went near Tomas because I realised who I loved and that is you, please *Grabs his head* I love you I even had a surprise for you tonight even before Ludmila came and those things I was already sure on what I wanted.

They kissed passionately but Leon knew they couldn't do it on the drive of her dads house, so he pulled away and started the car.

Violetta: Where are we going?

Leon: Baby, I'm not having sex with you in front of your house, your dad would kill me, so I'm going to take you back to mine.

Leon drove to his and they got out of the car and went inside, they walked upstairs after Leon locked the car and the front door.

As they got to his room, they started have the best night ever.

A/N: ~
Thank you for reading.

In love with my enemy's Ex *Leonetta and Ludeon*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu