" this is the story of my life." He said. I kept quiet listening to his heart beat.

" it's not your fault. I was rough"i said

" i was just trying to have fun and probably easy some burdens you have on you mind and look where it led us  to. Injury "

" khalifa DAN ALLAH stop this" I said raising my head.

" any time I try to make things right, it turns out to be wrong. So wrong . Terribly wrong."

" hey " I said cupping his face in my hand,  even though it was quite small to contain it. His face dropped and he averted his gaze

" hey look at me" I said.

" it's not you khalifa, I am the problem. I am a bad luck" I said and he finally raised his eyes to meet my mine

" you won't make me feel better by cursing your self."  He said

" fine tell me what's going to make you feel better" I asked . He took my hands back and lean in.

" promise me you won't leave me coz you've threatened that already and I have been bitter about it."

" I pray things get better" I said avoiding to promise anything coz I didn't come here to die.   I lean back on his chest until sleep took me off.

           The next morning, I woke up to a short note.

***** hey babe, morning. I left early for work. Let me know your plans for the day and I will see how I can help. Meanwhile, the driver abass is  at your disposal. I  need you to be out as soon as possible********

                                    Dr m.k

That's thoughtful though. I had my bath and got ready. I wore my peach colour loafers. I popped my face and  headed out.

" you didn't join us for lunch, dinner and now you want to avoid breakfast." I heard and my mind skipped. It was his mum. I turned

" good morning ma'am" I said.  I saw bilal and ashraf's  wives  approaching

" sana are you going some where"

" good morning and yes i am"

" where exactly are you going,  the  wedding  is here. we need you around " his mum walked away leaving me with the ladies

"  sana that's uncalled for.
of all days to go out why today. We're are supposed to be busy with the wedding"they protested

" where is it that you are going"

" some where important "I said

" where exactly "

" to my heart"  I said. They looked at me for seconds as it hits them real hard. I put on my sunshade and walked out swiftly.* Wahalalu* I said.
Getting to the parking lot, I saw a guy dressed in airforce uniform approach me

" good morning Mrs Mohammed" shall we"   he said.  we walked to the black prado and  i hopped in.

" mr ......."

" Abbas ma'am "

" would you mind not ever referring to me as Mrs Mohammed. I will rather Mrs khalifa, the Mohammad comes in if  necessary" I said knowing fully well Mohammad is khalifa's surname.

" as you wish ma"

" Mrs khalifa it is"

" yes ma" he started the car and we moved. I went to b.u.k,  got my admission later, there, I busied myself with the registration.  Later on, I retired for the day with the intention of completing it tomorrow. From sch, we  went straight to khalifa's office.
It feels different walking down to his office. Now all the restricted areas were opened for me and the massive roar I get as they all greet. Life na turn by turn. I didn't reply any of the greetings,  I only kept my face straight and focused. Yes they used to mistreat me before now, they deserve My ignorance. The security opened the door. I stepped in and as usual he was busy concentrating on his writing.
I admire this guy like crazy, he is so fine MASHA'ALLAH. And the way he likes to work diligently is sincerely admirable and adorable .

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