Spoils of War

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"Well you are just going to have to believe it! My luck is supreme, brother." Spoke a cheerful but haughty voice.

The speaker has the appearance of a beautiful young woman with the cute face of a child that has long black hair and with pointy ears. Her blue eyes shine with pride. She wears a cute frilly dress that has a corset jumper skirt. Her body also gives out a tremendous dark aura.

 Her body also gives out a tremendous dark aura

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"Nyx, Tartarus is right. This is most likely bait. For what I do not know." Spoke a calm and regal voice. Yet you could hear his unease in his voice.

The voice has the appearance of a tall skeleton dressed in attire worn by high priests, he gives off a creepy aura. Despite having no eyes, his eye sockets can glow to give the appearance of eyes.

He is obviously the leader of the group as they all payed attention when he spoke

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He is obviously the leader of the group as they all payed attention when he spoke. One man however voiced his opinion.

"That is true, Boss. But this is exactly what we need. All we have to do now is acquire the two other sacred gears and then we will be unstoppable. If this is a trap then it is a poorly made one. I say we take this chance." The man spoke in a calm and collected manor.

He man has the appearance of a young man with two blue and black horns. He has multiple tattoos on his body and possesses blue eyes much like his sister. He gives out a dark and twisted aura.

The others in the room thought over the mans words and most believed that he was right

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The others in the room thought over the mans words and most believed that he was right. Especially his sister. Finally the last member of the group spoke up. His voice being rough and deep.

"Erebus is right. Heh, honestly its not that big of a deal. The only people that could defeat us do not interfere in this world. We are gods. In the end we will always win. Not even that Aizen Sosuke guy can stand against gods!" His voice dripped with malice at the last part.

The man has dark skin, black hair, gold eyes,  and glyphs tattooed all over his body. His clothing consists of a tattered red waist cloth, a bandana of same color, and black bandages on his forearms and shins. He gives off a chaotic aura.

His words caused the others to agree

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His words caused the others to agree. They are prideful evil gods after all.

"Then we will quickly secure the other holy sacred gears and release the beast! The Alliance of Hell shall soon stand at the top!" Hades yelled as the others roared in agreement.

The soon got to work of locating Incinerate Anthem and Alphecca Tyrant. With both of them and the true holy spear they will release the Beast of Apocalypse, Trihexa. They will control it and become the strongest force that this universe has even seen.

What they did not know however is that they have been caught in a spider wed that allows no escape. These gods are merely pawns of a higher being and they do not even now it. How could they when they are so...


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