Chapter 1 - Stress

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The four brother are heading home from their favorite pizzeria from the hidden city, Leo looks awful, he hadn't slept well last night, he and Donnie spent the night playing video games, and while Donnie passed out asleep, Leo refused to to shut his eyes and didn't had a single hour of sleep, Mikey incorporates Dr. Delicate Touch to scold Leo for his irresponsible behavior and to explain how to get a proper night of sleep unlike his idiotic action from last night.

Leo is basically a walking dead at this point and is so tired that he can't even bring himself to listen to what his lil bro has to say, so he just groans and mumbles like a pouty child.

🔵- "I did nothing wrong! It was just a game! Even tho I COULD have paused it... no! It was a Battle game! A war! Wars cannot be paused or set aside for later, Mikey doesn't get it, we're always protecting him anyway, what does he know about anything? He's the youngest! I'm older than him! Why is he of all people scolding me? I wish that he knew what war was really like, it would teach him how important that play was for me! I'm not at fault here."

He went on and on on his head until he just stopped in a nearby wall and just slashed a portal open and signed to everyone to hop in, a shortcut for them to get home faster, they all entered the portal and the thoughts kept going... and the idea of Mikey not understanding the seriousness of war (on his game atleast) and he wanted him to understand his point of view, he thought it to himself like if he was being picked on by Mikey who just wanted to help, Leo and his bros were just arriving home when Michelangelo felt something, like an invisible force pulling him by his feet, but before he could react or notify his brothers of the situation, he was dragged into some rabbit hole in the portal's pocket dimension to an unknown place, with no chance of even letting out a short and quick scream, his brothers barely noticed the sudden change, the 3 of them got home safely and decided to go to bed, but as they started to prepare for bed, Raph notices something is missing, it's quiet for a moment, he looks around and the glimpse of the twins catches his attention, his older brotherly senses start tingling... that's not right.... what's up with that?.... where's.... wait.... !!!


Raphael burst into panic and runs back and fourth throwing stuff around looking for his little brother, furniture flies around the rooms and the disaster twins are having mixed emotions about the situation, Leo is stunned and doesn't know what to do, so he just stands there, brushing his teeth with his eyes following each object that is flying across the room, while Donatello is just curled up in the floor having a mini panic attack, Splinter walks out of his room confused about all the noise, and sees the ensuing caos on his house, Red is trashing the house, Purple is pale and like he just saw a ghost, and Blue looks like he is daydreaming, he doesn't know what to do so he just walks back in and goes back to sleep.

The boys put themselves together after almost a hour and try to figure out what happened to Mikey, meanwhile, Michelangelo fall in the middle of a forest, having a hard time getting up, he fell on top of a bunch or tall rocks, his leg broke and the blinding lights that forced him into that place had left his sight blurry for a moment, as soon as his eyes recover he hears a voice, a deep and concerned voice cracks the silence and when he looks at her direction, a hand was standing there, offering help, it was a woman, wearing an chestplate and some armor like protection, she takes notices of the little guy's broken leg and is quick to put away her weapons before picking up the boy like he weighted the same as a pillow, the sound of explosions and metal noises coming from the distance and this brings startled the warrior that dashed away into the wilderness.

They soon arrived to a camp where the battalion was residing for the time being, Michelangelo was taken to a medical tent so his injuries would be treated, so then, he was brought into a small interrogation bunker where he went through questioning by the captain of the soldier troops himself, Mikey proved to be no threat and to actually be a possible ally, the captain Donovan Fort (his name) contacted the General of the main base, gave him a report about the situation and had one of his pawns run a quick analysis test on the young turtle to check on his abilities in combat to make sure he would make a good fit for the army, as expected, he passed with flying colors, amazing stance, precise attacks, great aim, impressive speed, average strength that was compensated with his wide set of abilities with his mystic powers, that improved his fighting skills and complimented his fighting style, which allowed him to be a notorious fighter, all under the sight of both the Captain and the General, whose name is Varick Pouvier, the Captain took interest on the soldier boy and asked the General if he could be added to his battalion, the General remained silent and stood up his seat, and nodded positively before walking away, he made his way to Mikey who was sitting in the next room and took a seat in front of him, he said:

🍀- "Hey boy, I saw ya training, you've got some pretty strong moves for someone your size, I'm impressed."

🟠 - "And.... who are you supposed to be?"

🍀- "Oh, I'm your General, General Pouvier, but you can call me sir."

🟠 - "What?! Oh my sparks, sorry for being rude sir, I had no idea!"

🍀- "Haha. Don't worry about it boy, I know you're new around these parts, so... how have you been? Excited about joining our army?"

🟠 - "Uhhhh.... what army?"

🍀- "...."
🟠 - "..."

(To be continued)

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