I shook my head at the thought of going back to rehab so I decided to put the phone down and humour the two men so they can leave.

"So did you guys come to Paris just to watch me or...", I started, my eyes going back and forth between the two.

Giovanni relaxed his back into the sofa and mouthed 'coffee' to one of the men we had posted in my room, who nodded and went to see to it. I eyed the man as he did so, giving him a signal to hurry, not at all wanting anything to prolong this gathering.

"No, we're not here to watch you, this is just a pit stop on our way to Venice Manor", my father replied, and Giovanni sent him a knowing smile, which my father didn't acknowledge.
"Venice Manor", I said with mock and judgement heavy in my tone causing my father to narrow his eyes at me and shift defensively in his seat.

Venice Manor was one of our houses in Italy.

And from a young age I knew that a trip there was really code for women, whores, alcohol and racking up offensive checks.
I guess that was one of the pros of bullying your son into taking over the family business, you and your friends can spend your free time dick deep in pussy.

"Right...well have fun", I said, as the coffee Giovanni ordered came into the room, handled delicately by a female hotel attendant.
The woman was young looking, tall and thin, with brown hair and delicate features which fit favourably with the Parisians beauty standards.

"Ahh, coffee and a beautiful woman, my two favourite things", Giovanni said as both men's eyes racked over the attendant.
The girl laughed coyly at the comment and bent over slowly and carefully, to prevent spillage. Giovanni probably should've helped her mid-way by taking the hot drink from her, but I guess that would interfere with their view of her ass in the air.

When the coffee had landed safely on the table, she let out a small breath and looked over to me shyly, giving me a nervous smile before straightening up again.

"No, the most beautiful woman...So, this is where Paris has been hiding you?", my father added, money now magically in his hand as he handed her over a hefty tip, making sure to plant a kiss on her knuckles when their hands connected, which caused her to blush a pink colour and for her eyes to dart to mine in slight embarrassment at my father's actions.

I shook my head at the sight of both men's desperation.

With Krissy on the way, I couldn't have either one of them getting attached to this girl and decide to spend more time in Paris trying to seduce her onto their roster of young women. My best bet was to take control of their game the best way I knew how...so, I let my eyes fall lazily on the girl's body like I was enticed by her straight figure.

It didn't take more than a second for her to sense my gaze as she shyly let her eyes turn to me. And when it did, I didn't immediately remove mine from her body, wanting her to know that I was looking at it.
I kept my eyes on there for seconds longer, toying the line between admiring her and being disrespectful.

When I did take my eyes from her slim frame and onto her face, I charmed her further with my tried and tested smirk, which immediately made her chest go from flushed pink to a deep red. I let my eyes hover over the flushed area for a moment, when I noticed her breathing becoming irregular, I drug my eyes from her chest and back onto her face and then spoke...

"Excuse those two. I think what they really meant to say was thank you umm...".

"Nicole", she grinned sheepishly at me, her French accent was prevalent.

"Nicole...", I smoothed her name out with my eyes locked to hers as I slowly licked my lips.

"Well, thank you Nicole", I said still holding her with my eye. She nodded like she acknowledged what I said but she didn't move.

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