Part 50

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Sitting beside him as we both looked like we were dressed for the nines brought back memories. I felt like we had just stepped back in time one year or that this was some sort of twilight zone. It was like a déjávu, he looked gorgeous and I was sitting in his car feeling nervous. The air was electrified with anticipation and pent up emotions. I was afraid it would erupt at any moment. The whole ride to the unknown destination he kept stealing glances at me from behind his hooded eyes. The gold in his eyes was glowing and swirling making him look even more mesmerising. His trimmed beard framed his prominent jawline and I noticed he kept clenching his teeth, something he did when he was nervous.

Like instinct, my arm reached to touch his face to ease his anxiety, but before I could reach his cheek, I drew it back. In a flash he had claimed my hand in his and I flinched. He brought my knuckles to his lips and kissed them softly before bringing them down with his hand to lay on top of the gear shift, our fingers entwined. The gesture, however small it might have been, had me completely swooned. Fuck, why does he have to be so damn sexy while doing that.

His deep chuckle woke something up in my gut I was not able to deny. Getting into his car meant that I had deserted all clear thinking and reasoning. I was operating on a higher level perfectly in tune with my emotions, however they were playing their tricks on me. Punishing me for not listening to them sooner. In my heart I felt the love for him, my mind I knew I loved him and my body needed to be loved by him. Simple as that. I just needed to say it.

"Auryn." I tried with a quiet voice feeling like the words were stuck in my throat. "I-"

"Hold on for a minute longer. Almost there." He gave me a reassuring smile as he let go of my hand to shift gears to pull up at the end of a dirt road. If it was anyone else but Auryn I would have been scared and sure this is how I would die. At the end of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, buried in some ditch where my body would never be found. I have a wild imagination with the side of paranoia.

He walked around the car and opened the door for me, holding my hand he helped me step out of my seat. Looking around I saw nothing but tall trees humming in the slight summer breeze. This part of the forest had not been damaged by the fire. I watched as the crowns swayed in perfect harmony as the clouds slowly floated by. We were somewhere high in the mountains that was for sure.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see soon." His thump made circles on my hand as he peered into my eyes. His gaze was engaging that left me breathless. He leaned in closer and I felt my body shiver. The hair at the back of my neck stood up as his lips were so close to my ear I could feel the heat radiating off his cheek. Feeling his breath fan the skin next to my ear I had to close my eyes not to moan out loud. "You can choose to look or turn away. I need to shift so you can ride my wolf. Okay?" I think I nodded yes.

I didn't look away. As I felt the heat rise to my cheeks I wanted to hide, but the need to see everything that he had in store for me, I chose not to break eye contact. He stepped away from me with that sexy smirk on his face, eyes locked on mine. His hand lifted to his neck, slowly unbuttoning the front of his shirt from top to bottom. His muscles flexed as he pulled the front open and over his shoulders, letting it slide down his arms and fall to the ground. I watched him watching me as his hand slid down his abs to undo his belt and with one flick motion he tossed it to the woods somewhere. He unbuttoned his pants and I bit my lip as he let them slide over his toned thighs and stepped out of them as they landed on the ground beside his shirt. He was now in anything but boxers. As he turned around I got to see his wide shoulders, muscular back and perky butt which he revealed to me by kicking off his boxers too.

He took a deep breath and began his shift. His hair grew and silvery grey fur began to take its place. I kept my eyes on the expanding form as he crouched down and his back took the shape of a wolf. His face elongated, nails grew to claws and a bushy tail whipped out of his spine. I had seen him shift before but this time I took my time letting my eyes suck in every detail. He was magnificent. It was not the first time I had seen him shift, but somehow this moment felt more intimate. When he finally stood in front of me in his full glory I could not help myself from reaching out and running my fingers in its mane.

It purred under my touch pushing its muzzle against my jaw and sniffing my hair. A giggle escaped me when it licked its long tongue along my collarbone. I saw the gold in its eyes glow as it nodded at me to climb on its back. The wolf kneeled down so I could hoist my leg over its spine. After I positioned myself in the middle with both of my legs resting securely over his ribs, I felt it jolt up. Both of my hands dug into the fur on its neck to steady myself as I rode the wolf even higher up the mountain.

The wind played with my hair, creating curls and tangles as it whipped freely on my back. My heart was racing as the wolf galloped paws thundering on the ground. Each leap and jump was graceful followed by a soft landing. We were flying through the green forest till the pine trees began to change into leaves. The undergrowth was doused in berry bushes in full bloom and the grass was vibrant and light. Finally the view opened up to a crystal clear lake and the wolf slowed its speed to a throttle.

When it fully stopped so I could slide off it, we were standing by the shore staring over the glossy water of a lake. The sky had turned to all the shades of orange, pink and purple and the lake mirrored everything back to it. It was calm here. I felt Auryn shift behind me. He placed his warm hands on my shoulders and kissed the back of my hair, inhaling it deeply.

"Take as long as you need. I'll wait for you." My whole body shivered from his words. I felt his warmth leave my back and I found myself craving for it. Taking a moment longer soaking in the scenery before turning around I noticed there was a trail leading up to a log cabin. The path was lit up with fireflies that magically glowed even brighter with each step I took. I followed the trail to the bottom of the steps only to find Auryn fully dressed again at the top. His eyes were shining even brighter than the fireflies and I felt my stomach do a somersault. Damn this wolf.

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