Part 37

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A hand squeezed mine forcing me to draw in a sharp breath. My eyes fluttered open and I saw the gleam of Luca's eyes under the hooded lids. My eyes watered and my chest swelled as I bounced to reach him. As I laid my head on his chest to hear the steady beating of his heart, Leo stirred beside us. As soon as he opened his eyes, he scooped us both up and gave us a crushing hug that made me squeal.

Going down for breakfast I could not hide my smile. The grin was from ear to ear and was actually starting to hurt but I didn't care. I had my brother back. Leo had his best friend back and it's like the colours had been switched on in the real world too. I skipped the last of the steps and walked to the kitchen spring on my heels.

"Good morning, sunshine. What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

"What indeed-" I trailed off and nodded behind me. Luca had his arm over Leo's shoulder for support as he made his way to the kitchen after me. Thessa gasped and dropped the spatula she had been using to flip eggs. Priceless. I can't wait till our mother gets here. Thessa, bless her, scooped up my brother to her arms and gave him the biggest motherly hug possible and stroked his cheek. I made myself busy cleaning up the spatula and rescuing our breakfast from the hot pan. I heard Leo begging her not to squeeze the life out of him.

"Oh pish posh! He is fine. I'm happy to see you awake, young man." Young man? The red that occupied Luca's cheeks had me grinning as Thessa pinched his ears. I made a mental note to use that in the future to taunt him. "This calls for a special breakfast. Blueberry jam and waffles coming right up!" She danced in the kitchen while her eyes went matted and a moment later her mate along with the other pack members from Crescent Valley came to give their own congratulations.

"Good to have you back, lad." Borg tapped Luca on the back and waved the wolves towards the dining room. "We were just on a run over the creek. The caravan will arrive within the hour, so make it snappy, dear." He gave a light slap on her bottom making her giggle with a side of blush. I turned away, rolling my eyes and hiding my smirk.

After breakfast the group disbanded to pack and to say their goodbyes to their hosts. A band of black SUVs rolled to the front of the houses. The tanned wrinkly face of my mother popped out of the car, tears already pooling in her eyes as she scooped up her offspring in her outstretched arms. She kissed us all over, Luca more than us, which was understandable. My father was exchanging pleasantries and extending his eternal gratitude for all that the White Creek pack had done to us all.

Desmond had gathered up his men and they were filling up the cars on the left meanwhile the members of Crescent Valley and few other packs were taking the cars on the right. The snow covered yard was filled with warm goodbyes and farewells as each of them waved one last time before heading off to their respectful territories.

I tugged the puffed jacket I was wearing higher to cover my neck when I felt a pull on my arm. I looked down and followed the hand holding me to meet Auryn's piercing gaze. I motioned towards the vehicle which already had my brother Leo sitting in it. With a frown I cocked my head to the side questioning his thoughts.

"Time to go, Beatrice." His face held an attempt of softness though I knew there was inner turmoil in his eyes. The gold in them coiled and swirled holding back the black that they could become. Before it would have been easy to get lost in those brown eyes but my body was cold and my mind stayed clear.

"What? I'm not going with you."

"If you don't want to sit in the same car as me then that's fine, but you need to get in so we can leave." Was he being a brute? Annoyance crept to my temple which I tried to smother out from the get go. His attitude irritated me. He was not listening to me. My voice came out stern.

"No. I'm not going."

"Quit stalling and get in." Now it was his turn to sound angry and annoyed. He raised his voice pulling my arm towards him. When my chest was flushed against his I had a moment of panic that I was about to lose my control over the situation. I placed my hands hard on his chest and pushed him an arms length away from me.

"What part of no are you not understanding?" The look on his face was a mix of shock and confusion. "I'm saying I'm not going to Crescent Valley."

"What are you talking about?" I took a step to the left. "You are going with him?"

"I'm going back to school, to my human school in the human city where I belong. " Using his own words, he had once said to me, against him gave me the surge of adrenaline I needed to spit out what needed to be heard. His voice was stammering and his eyes were now delirious.

"Your place is with us. With me." Looking away from his pleading eyes I noticed the yard had gone dead silent except us. Time stood still and I could hear my own heartbeat ringing in my ears.

"With you? In case you haven't noticed when I'm with you I always end up getting hurt. I need to get as far away from wolves as possible." I was practically screaming and waving my hands around suggesting to the people frozen in their spot watching us. "Away from all this crazy and away from you."

"You don't understand-" That's it!

"Yes I do! I know that this is bullshit. I know that I'm just a worthless stupid human who will always be troublesome and a burden to the likes of you. I will never fit in your world and I can not allow myself to be attached again, because if I do, I'll just end up hurting again. I don't belong here. When are you gonna get it in your thick monkey brain that you and I will never work, because you are destined to become an Alpha, it is your birthright and I-"

Auryn's chest vibrated and a growl broke through the otherwise quiet air. For a second it played on my skin as I drew in a large breath. I felt the cold fill my lungs and it made my heart quiver. It took everything in me to not have my body betray me and take back my words. I closed my eyes fighting back tears that were bubbling inside. When I looked at him again, I watched as the last words left my lips like venom.

"I'm just broken and weak. I'm too damaged to be anything but the pathetic human you once toyed with. You've had your fun and now you can leave me alone. You can not manipulate me into thinking you actually care two shits about me. I'm not delirious or naive to deny the facts. So let's just stop pretending and call it what it is. Just a fucking joke, a fling, or whatever. It needs to stop because I can't do this any more. I don't want to be hurt again. I'm sorry, Auryn. I'm sorry."

I repeated the mantra over and over again, backing away from him and climbing in next to Desmond who pulled on the gears and turned the car around to leave. The humming of the car was the only thing masking my silent weeping. As the frost settled to the windows it solidified much like my heart was now sealed, cold and inconsolable.

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