The Horrible Plan Turns Good. Or At Least Fun.

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A/N: Hey y'all. I am alive. Sorry I didn't post since about a month ago at this time. I have no excuse other than I just got sucked into Minecraft and forgot that I can write. Anyway, appreciate this because I wrote this literally during my great grandma's funeral and then I got back home and had finals week and wrote this in between. Credits to regulus-black-deserved-better on Tumblr. Also, credit to my friend, let's call her Dragon since she loves them. I was writing this in my English class and I didn't know where to go with the plot (if you call this thing that) and she said "Have the villain turn good then turn bad" I would bet millions that she did not know it would used this way. I mean she knows I write harry potter fanfiction and what I was writing was harry potter fanfiction but nothing like this. Try to guess how I used that ; )

 Regulus was walking down the hall out of his charms class. Having a free period he tried to do his potions essay in that time so he can have time to read after all the classes are out and then head for Quidditch practice. But apparently whatever the hell is out there, thought that he needed to be pushed. So when Regulus had gotten to the library to do as planned when Remus Lupin came and sat down at the table that Regulus was sitting at. Regulus looked up from rummaging in his bag looking for the rubric that the Professor had given him and his classmates so others don't have the excuse that they didn't know what the standard was or what they would have to hit.

"Hello?" Regulus says more in a question than a greeting or even a statement. He wasn't sure why Remus was sitting with him right now. Sure they have a book club-like thing together and are friends but they have never met. In fact, Remus has class right now. "Don't you have class right now? Why are you here?" Regulus asks, looking at Remus with suspicion now. The look on Remus's face was weirdly. . .neutral? Like he looks like he is going to ask of him something he already knows he won't like.

"Well, I had this idea, and I thought it was more important than class." Remus said to Regulus, which clearly was going to be a longer statement but Regulus had cut him to the punch.

"Who died? You will miss DA which is your favorite subject and you hate missing out on being sick. Why couldn't you tell me later today? Did you and the rest of your dumbasses accidentally kill someone with one of your stupid fucking pranks? I told you that turning food into sand was an awful idea. Goyal probably ate it all even if it is sand because he is that much of an idiot. I told you one day this was going to blow up into your faces one day!"

"I am not helping y'all hide the body. Getting rid of being a free man is something I don't like. I will visit you and sneak you chocolate in prison depending on who it is."

"Regulus," Remus says exasperated, he had been trying to stop Regulus from talking but he didn't pay any mind. "We didn't kill someone."

"Thank Merlin. I would kinda miss you if you went to Azkaban for life. Who else am I going to talk about the picture of Dorian Gray with? Then again Lily probably would. Do you know why we haven't added her to our little book club? Oh. Yeah. Because back when we started this we were hiding it from Sirius and the gang and we didn't want to add anyone cause the more that know the easier it is to accidentally get out. But now that everyone knows, including her, we really need to add her." Regulus rambled and Remus looked like he wanted to die with how many tangents Regulus was going to go on.

"Okay, I love the idea. I am positive Lily would love to join us. Anyway, what I am here to tell you is that I know that you have a big crush on James." Remus says again in that tone that says he wasn't done with what he is talking about, well, wherever the hell this is going on.

"I do not," Regulus says in embarrassment riddled in his tone and body language. He could feel the heat of the blush going up and down his face and neck.

Stories In And Outside Of Hogwarts: Marauders Era One-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon