Wait. Your Him?

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A/N: I know this really would never happen but this is fanfiction and I am doing this shit for free so deal with it.

 Regulus was waiting in one of the conference rooms in Gringotts, he is going to work with the Aurors because the Malfoy's might be helping a murder cult financially so they needed the numbers of the transactions to confirm or deny. Regulus is one of the few Wizards that worked there and is the only one that will work with the Ministry because they are a bitch.

He had made a presentation of what were the findings from all the accounts they have requested to be looked in on. The door opened and one of the main Auror came in with messy black hair with beautiful bronze skin with glasses that framed his face. Behind the frames were hazel eyes, he smiled at Regulus as he walked over to him.

"Hello, I am James Potter, one of the Aurors working on the case." Regulus thought for a second that it might be Sirius' friend but he shook that thought off. He was too polite and formal and hot to be him. "I am going to need you to sign this, which states that you can't say anything about the case with anyone but those that have also signed this document." James says putting the paper on the table, Regulus reads over it to make sure he knew what he was signing. Once he was done, he took a quil and signed the document being sealed by a spell like the unbreakable vow. But this doesn't kill you, it will alert the person who put the spell that you told/did what you promised you wouldn't do. If Regulus broke this, he would go to Azkaban for the rest of his life. Or maybe get the dementors kiss.

"Okay great, so please show me the information then." James, requests, and Regulus go over everything that he found, and that he felt would be more vital to the case and then the things that probably meant nothing.

They then discussed if there were any more details they were missing and if Regulus could get access to other vaults and their transactions.

"I thought the Gaunts were dead, they must be connected to this Tom person. Could you get access to the Zabini vault?" James asks writing something on one of the now many scrolls that they have out. Regulus can't remember what any of James were, he could barely remember his own. Over the conversation they had to grab scrolls and even transfigure random things for more.

"Yeah, it is going to take an extremely long time though. The Zabini's are very secretive about what happens with their money and vaults. And then you know what the Zabini's are known for. The amount of vaults they have is astounding. And then I have to go through all the numbers. If I must, it would take about 6 months to finish it."

"Damn, how about we work on it like once a week together? So I can give you updates on the case for things to look out for, and give us updates so we don't feel like we are just left hanging you know?" James asks putting all those damn scrolls away. The meeting went for 4 hours which was much longer than expected. It started in the later afternoon and now it is nighttime and everyone else left from work. Including one of Regulus favorite coworker Mx. Delta, who had checked on them every hour and telling James and Regulus that James needs to take him home to make sure that he is safe and then left after telling Regulus to have a good night. Mx. Delta was protective over Regulus, being like the grandparent he never had. Regulus picks up his messenger bag and also puts things away.

"Sounds good, I want to be of any help that I can be. Let's meet up here after work. When do you get off of work?" Regulus asks, now walking out of the conference room and out to the hallway now being dark and a weird stillness since nobody is around, other than the most aliveness that is what would be normal here. Of people bustling around working on their own things but always being willing to help the other coworkers. Regulus, now having worked here for almost 2 years, feels people dislike the goblins for no reason. They can just be cold but they always have the best intentions deep down. Like Mr. Winter, he helped him so much on what to do in cases like this. Honestly, he just felt like he took them for granted like they do with house-elves. James joined him and they started walking to the door out of the building.

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