Love Made Me Crazy

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 To James, this decision was straightforward. To others it was the dumbest or craziest thing he had ever done. James could hide it once it happened, but he knew it would only last so long.

James was on a mission with Sirius (a mission requested by the Order Of The Phoenix) and one thing led to another there were spells flying everywhere, one of them hit James. As he lost consciousness there was more yelling, most likely from Sirius, but if felt muffled and surreal, the last thing he remembers is feeling a stinging pain on his chest and then it was nothing. So much nothing.

Once he started getting his senses back, he felt he was in a bed there was something on his chest and there was the sound of people bustling around though muffled. James concluded he must be in St. Mongos. His eyes were heavy, but he made them open though immediately shut them because the light is way too strong for his eyes that haven't seen light in hours at least. A wine escaping his throat, that is when he knew that there were people in the room.

"James? Are you awake?" Sirius asks, though he sounded. . .different. Not sounding as concerned as he has before, almost cold. James was in way too much pain and way too tired to take too much note about it.

"Yeah, what happened." James asks, opening his eyes again, squinting for a few minutes before looking at Sirius, with Remus and Lily at his side. Sirius looks blank. The blank that says he is hurt and was trying to ignore it or hide for a moment. Remus looks concerned with confusion. Lily looks like she is in disbelief.

"Why." Lily asks, looking at him as if she was pleading to him to tell him something was not true. After Lily rejected him and he moved on to Regulus they became close, she just fit into their group well and she was an amazing addition. They have a close friendship and the expression and tone she is using makes him feel like he just told her that he secretly hated her or something.

"What do you mean?" James asks, looking at his best friends in confusion. Not sure what they were talking about, that is when Sirius snapped at him.

" "What do you mean?" Well, I don't know mate maybe it is because you have the fuck dark mark. Just a minor inconvenience. Nothing too big. Can't be that can it?" Sirius says in the most mocking tone at the beginning with sick sarcasm. James was stunned into silence. He grabbed his forearm where he knew it was inked into his skin, hoping to some higher being that there will be cloth of something to meet his hand. But there was his bare skin to greet him.

"James why? Why would you do this? If not for the fact of what they do but because you are friends with someone who they threaten!" Remus shouts clearly and makes himself come to terms with what he just saw. "Did the order to make you do it? Or do you really believe in there mass murder?" Remus adds hoping that James was still the man that he knew and not some sick person.

"You could say the Order made me get it. I can't go into more detail." James responds tracing the mark that is burned into his skin. It will always be there. Always.

"What do you mean you could say that?" Lily asks, seeming to want to shake him to death.

"I got the dark mark because of Regulus."

"What do you mean? Did he force you? Is he really on the dark side?" Sirius asks looking at him in pain clearly not waiting to lose his brother too if he was losing his best friend.

"No, he is still on our side. But, he got into trouble. Voldemort was going to kill him so I pretended he got me into it. I helped him get something to end him, we are both now doing our best to hide from him because of that." James says, they all looked shocked.

"I-I don't know how or why you did that. You must be crazy. You now have a death wish with him now. Just to save him." Lily says she was a very logical person, using logic before emotion. That is why she was the best at getting away from some of the worst missions. It has saved many lives. But there were some losses too. And it took a toll on her. But she would not do that. It was too dangerous, therefore not the course of action to take. If need be someone who knows exactly what to do.

"Love made me crazy. I did it because I loved him and I could never live with myself if I could have at least tried to save him." James says, looking at them. Lily nodded, she may be logical, but she wasn't heartless. She understands why, they all did now. Everyone had someone they would do that for because love makes everyone crazy.

Stories In And Outside Of Hogwarts: Marauders Era One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang