Capitulo 55- All love in the world

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The few times she had talked to Shawn about this in the past, he had told her that Rosaly had nothing to fear, and that he would protect her, but, she knew very well that this was not so, because contrary to what Shawn thought, he didn't know who he was dealing with, and had no idea how nasty, Caio could be. Rosaly had tasted his poison in her own skin, and had no illusions about that mean and nefarious being she had once thought of marrying.

Shawn in contrast to Caio's meanness was the sweetest person Rosaly had ever met. He was truthful, and even when he tried to hide something from her in order to spare her any unpleasantness, he gave in because he didn't know how to lie. Besides everything, he was extremely passionate, and when they loved each other he gave her his all, sharing more than just sensations, it was his soul that opened up to her, letting her see everything that was inside his heart for her, then his act of love turned into something so wonderful and full that moved her immensely. To love Shawn like that was to discover that each day with him was a gift so precious and so dear, that she would never let him out of her life, unless her destiny decided otherwise. And now that they would have their child, their love had become even more blessed, that it was impossible for Rosaly not to smile every hour of the day as she imagined that their son or daughter would unite them even more when he was born.She didn't want to lose that, she couldn't lose any of that, so she had to fight the terror deep inside her that said that Caio was near and that it was only a matter of time before he would find her and destroy every one of her dreams.

She shook her head to keep those sad thoughts away, straightened her clothes, and while closing her suitcase, Rosaly heard her phone ring and was happy to see that it was her mother.

- Hi, sweetheart. How are you?

- I'm fine, Mom. I still suffer from nausea, but I'm slowly getting better. - Rosaly missed her mother so much, especially at that moment when she felt so vulnerable.

- Are you sure this tour will be good for you, dear? Wouldn't it be better to rest at home? Her mother's voice sounded worried.

- Don't worry. Shawn has made all the arrangements for me to feel comfortable, I even have an obstetrician at my disposal. He wouldn't let me travel with him if my doctor hadn't authorized it, and I didn't have all the assistance I need so I wouldn't be in any danger.

- I miss you. When you can, come visit me.

- I miss you too, Mama. Suddenly, Rosaly felt a lump in her throat, and wished she could tell her everything, but she knew she couldn't do that, because she would worry, which would worsen her depression. -, and Rosaly didn't want to see her in a bad way because of her.

- Take care, my love. Have a good trip, and don't forget to keep in touch with me. I want to know everything about the evolution of your pregnancy.

- I won't, Mom. I promise I won't disappear. I'll let you know soon. - Thus they said goodbye, and Rosaly thought of her mother with affection, and smiled as she remembered her sweet and friendly face. Ricardo had inherited a lot from her, while Rosaly looked more like her father, but despite some differences Rosaly loved her little family, and knew she was loved back.

She finished packing her bag, just as Shawn entered the room to see if she was ready, and noticing her sad look, he asked, hugging her around the waist

- What is it, my love?

- It's nothing.

I just talked to my mom and I got so homesick. - Her eyes watered and Shawn wrapped his arms around her even tighter as he said:

- Don't be like that, honey. I promise I'll take you to visit her as soon as I can. Or better yet, maybe we can bring her to spend some time with us. - He said, caressing her face.

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