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Mr. E walked through the echoing corridors of the SOG headquarters. He approached a metal door with caution tape patterns spread across. The paint that was used to create them was chipping, and the door was absolutely filthy. Not that anything was any sort of clean these days. Honestly, there are just more important things to worry about than cleaning your house. Why waist water that you could be using to survive on cleaning countertops? It's just common sense. As you've probably gathered, Mr. E isn't exactly the most polite person, so he doesn't knock; he just lets himself in. The nindroid stood frozen in confusion to what he had just walked into. A woman with a black ponytail, white face paint mimicking a skulkin skull, and a dark purple jacket with its sleeves torn off sat in the room. She was on her bed admiring and playing around with a bone and her sai.

"What are you doing, woman!?"

She turned around to face the intruder as a twisted smile crawled up her face.
"Playing with a friend." She chuckled as she sat up and chucked the bone into the corner where a few more resided. The nindroid felt a shiver run down his steel spine. Though, he shook it off and motioned for the woman to follow.

"Come on Ultra Violet. The time dork has another job for us."

"But I thought we'd already gotten all of those time blade things."

"He's not after those, he's after a group of people. And we, my dear lunatic, have the honor of taking care of them." Mr. E winked as if to flirt or something. Whatever he meant by the wink, Ultra Violet seemed to get excited about it and skip over to his side. She inquired if it would be only them on the excursion, or if anyone else would be coming. Mr. E chuckled.

"Mate, you know there's someone who we couldn't possibly forget...."


At the NCTV News Tower-

The ninja and their allies were finishing up moving a few things around for winter. It was currently early November, so it wouldn't be long before temperatures started becoming a problem. With the knowledge of what happened to Antonia a few years back, everybody was intent on helping everyone out the best they could. The experience of loosing her seemed to have scarred the survivors pretty hard. I guess it WOULD be rather traumatizing to have someone you were considering family to be alive one minute, and found dead the next. Poor Nelson, he's always been there for everyone, through all the pain and suffering. Yet, he's only still a child. His little heart has been destroyed more times than anyone could count, but he keeps trying to smile. Even now, he was cuddling up to Vinny who was resting on one of the couches in the lobby. Actually, he was only pretending to be exhausted. True, the Time Twins healed him and he didn't need to rest as often.. but no one could know that yet. So his best bet in terms of not being immediately figured out, was to act like he was still sick. He would occasionally cough or shiver just to really sell it. And it was working. Nelson was cuddling up to his big brother and trying to comfort him. Vinny honestly felt super bad about tricking his poor little brother, but if he didn't, there wouldn't be any chance that he'd survive the Time Twins plans. Not that he fully knows what they even are, but he could only imagine they weren't going to be great. He'd assume world domination, however there wasn't much of a world to dominate. Like I said, he wasn't entirely sure. Vinny fake coughed again, causing Dareth to glance over at him. Clutch was helping with something nearby, and noticed Dareth's worried gaze. He too looked at the kids as a wave of sadness washed over his face. He couldn't help but imagine Dwayne on the large couch with them; since the three of them would often sit on it together and talk. Dwayne and Vinny would usually be down in the lobby playing with Nelson to keep him occupied and happy while more serious things were being discussed by the adults upstairs. The large couch was used time and again as a pirate ship, or rocky terrain where epic battles took place. The imagination of a young boy like Nelson was unlimited back then, but after Dwayne died, the play sessions more or less stopped. Vinny was extremely close to Dwayne, so after he died, the camera man became depressed and stopped eating as much. He generally threw away the desire to keep himself alive and healthy, which inevitably lead to him getting sick. The more time passed, the worse he seemed to get. However, Nelson had gotten him smiling again, if only when he was near. It was still improvement enough to be proud of. Kind of.

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