"Power Override"

334 8 13

Ronin's secret base- 11:45 AM

Jay was hanging out in the training room, going to town on the punching bag. Only this time it wasn't out of anger or bitterness, but the drive to become stronger. If he was going to rejoin the ninja, the chances of danger were higher than ever. Last time he fought by their side, he was nearly killed. He felt the need to train and get stronger. The problem was, regardless of how things may seemed, the fall caused permanent problems he refused to acknowledge. For instance, he got tired a whole lot faster than before due to the amount of blood he lost. Jay had also become more fragile. Now THAT FACT he absolutely refused to believe. Ronin walked in the room carrying his sword and slipping it into its case on his back.
"You about ready to go?"

Jay nodded. "Yep. I guess so." He picked up his big bag and flung it over his shoulder. Ronin gave a concerned look at Jay who went from looking slightly upset to barely any expression at all. The thief sighed and waved his hand in front of Jay's face. No reaction. Just a blank expression and stare.

*sigh* "Kid. Buddy, come on. Up."

Jay shook his head to snap out of his trance. He apologized to a very concerned Ronin. The thief was worried for him.
"Are you sure you want to do this? Leave? I mean, you still do that phase in and out thing. Without me to snap you out, ya might get into trouble or worse... We still don't know why you do it, and..."

Jay reassured him that his friends would take good care of him, and everything would be fine. Those words put Ronin's fears at rest enough to go through with it. As they exited the base, Jay looked back at the rooms he had spent so long in. Memories of being stuck in the bed and Ronin taking care of him and trying to cheer him up all flooded back as he teared up. The blue ninja shook it off with a smile and followed Ronin out to R.E.X.

"SURE you're ready for this?" questioned Ronin; possibly trying to pressure Jay into staying. Jay reassured him he was. No matter what the challenges ahead, he'd have his friends to help him along.

R.E.X landed in the parking lot of Borg Tower, and the two hopped out. The rest of the ninja rushed out to greet Jay. And not to Jay's surprise, their way of doing so was a group hug. This time he let it slide.

"Well, I guess this is going to be goodbye for now, huh?"

The lighting ninja turned to look up at Ronin. "For now, but I doubt it will be very long before I come see you again!"

The master thief was getting teary-eyed as he climbed into the pilot seat and waved goodbye. R.E.X rocketed away, leaving the team alone in the parking lot. Lloyd excitedly grabbed Jay by the wrist and pulled him inside.
"Come on! There's something we have to show you!" Cole grabbed Jay's big duffel bag and followed behind the others. The team eagerly pulled him along telling him how happy they were to officially have him back. Finally, they arrived at the door with a stop sign hanging from it. Odd choice of decoration, but he supposed that Lloyd was trying to mimic traditional apocalyptic décor or something. Kai pushed open the door to reveal the room where him and Cole slept. But in the middle now was a third, new mattress. It looked straight out of the wrapping type of clean, and the sheets were the same shade of blue that his old gi was. But the cherry on top almost made him cry.
In the center of the bed sat Jay's old stuffed animal, Mister Cuddlywomp! Jay rushed to it and gave it a hug.

"Oh my God! You guys! How did you.. I mean why?" he stumbled over his words trying to ask them how they found him.

Kai laughed. "It wasn't a big deal, dude. We knew that you've had that thing since you were five."

"And most importantly, your parents gave it to you as a Christmas present." Cole pitched in.

"So we figured that if there was anything that would make you feel comfortable and safe here, it would be him." Added Nya.

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