"The Island"

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The ninja hurried around Borg Tower gathering their weapons and bags for their expedition to find Zane and Nya. Jay leaned against the wall next to the door, waiting for them to be ready. He watched them run back and forth asking each other where they last seen things. The former ninja closed his eyes and let out a sigh as he slumped down the wall and sat down. Why did this feel so wrong and so right at the same time? Had he truly missed his friends that badly that their chaotic presence was comforting? No. Not even thinkable! Jay never missed them! And there's no way he cared about them now. They left him to rot, they're traders who barely deserve his attention.
"Jay? Ready to go?"
The blue ninja glanced up to see the ninja all packed up and ready to go. He nodded and they began the mission.

The sound of motorbikes echoed through the empty streets as they speed toward the docks. And before long they arrived. Kai tried to get Jay to smile by doing an impressive flip off of his bike. But to tell the truth, Jay was never a fan of Kai's show off side, so he rolled his eyes and looked away. Even more annoyed looking now. The fire ninja looked over at the others disappointed. Lloyd hopped off his bike and walked over to the edge of the dock itself.
"I don't believe it... One of the boats is gone! They must've left from right here."
Cole looked down at the old motorboats tied to the legs of the dock. "Well, I suppose we have our mode of transportation."
Jay discerned the vessels cautiously. They were almost completely covered in rust. He could just envision it being absolutely obliterated by a single large wave. He dithered at the thought of taking any of these tin cans out to the open ocean. But, Nya WAS out there... Possibly even in danger. He had to go. They all boarded a boat. Kai and Lloyd in one, and Cole in the other.
"Come on buddy, hop in!" Cole called out to Jay. But Jay instead backed up with a troubled look washing over him. "I... I can't."
"Why not? These boats are a whole lot sturdier than they look! You'll be safe, I promise." Cole smiled and held out his hand.
"No. I can't. I don't... I don't trust you." The 3 other ninja looked at each other saddened.
"But you promised us you'd help!" exclaimed Kai.
Jay glanced over at the third and last boat. "I'm still coming." Jay hopped into the rusty vessel. "I just refuse to ride with one of you."
Lloyd, Cole, and Kai watched in disbelief as he passed them and head out into the sea without another word.
"I'm starting to regret finding him." Sighed Kai.
The ocean waves crashed against the ship's sides, but they took little to no damage. It was fairly smooth sailing until they arrived at a wall of cloud.

"What in the name of The First Spinjitzu Master is that?!" Shouted Cole. Lloyd frantically looked over his tablet for information. He tensed up when he found the location that they were headed into.
"Guys.... We might want to hold on to our boats and pray. According to the GPS, we're entering an area known as the Storm Belt." Jay anxiously asked why it was so bad, only to get immediately almost struck by purple lightning. They all shouted as they held on for dear life. The violent storm tossed them around like rag dolls. Jay began to separate from the others, and panicked. He heard a loud rumble and crack, so he looked behind him.
Everything was bathed in a blinding light. And then pure darkness.
No... no no no no no! Not again! Jay could feel his heart racing just as it did back then. His panic subsided though, as he slipped into a distant memory.
The prison of darkness Jay had been trapped in for what felt like ages was finally conquered. He at last was mostly in control again. The wounded ninja opened his eyes a sliver, wincing from the sudden burst of pain and light. It was a blurry scene, but it began to clear up the more he blinked. Ronin was sitting on a chair not too far away; sharpening and shining a knife. He glanced down at him and reacted in shock.
"You- You're alive! Your eyes are open! You opened your eyes!" his tone of voice was unusually happy.
"Oh, thank God you woke up, I was starting to get worried that I'd have to..." he trailed off as he looked down at the knife in his hand. A curious mix of relief and disbelief stained his face for a moment before snapping back and placing the weapon down. He carefully sat Jay up on the bed. "Ronin?" Jay asked softly.
"Yep." The thief chuckled. "You've been out for over a week now. I was honestly starting to think you might've been too far gone."
Jay stared at him exhausted and very confused.
"Oh! Well, you probably need something, huh? How about water? You're probably pretty thirsty by now, right?" Jay gave a slight nod.
"On it."
Ronin got up, walked over to the sink, and began to wash off a metal cup. Jay examined the room he was in. "Wh- where are the others??" Ronin looked over his shoulder as he turned off the faucet. "Others? Oh. Um, no. You're the only one here. I found you by yourself. Your friends weren't with you."
Jay's gaze slowly lowered to look at his bloody, bandaged body. "Alone?... No one was trying to help me? They left me behind?" his eyes began to tear up.
" Woah, hey... No, don't cry! Come on kid! You're ok. Alright? Forget about your friends for now, you're alive. That's all that counts at the moment." Ronin handed him the water. "Here." Jay cautiously took it and took a sip, only to realize how dehydrated he was, and start guzzling it. Ronin smirked as he sat down next to him. After a few minutes, Jay plopped down again and began falling asleep. He was still extremely exhausted and aching, so he figured he could use some more rest. "Thank you..."
He yawned. Ronin looked down.
"For what?"
Jay drifted off. "Everything....."
The scene flickered to black.

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