Witch Queen Vs Dark King

Start from the beginning

"Disgusting" Morgan spoke as she watched his body morph and change into numerus creatures that rushed at her

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"Disgusting" Morgan spoke as she watched his body morph and change into numerus creatures that rushed at her. She just stood there as they were destroyed by her barriers.

Yet she became surprised at the sheer numbers. Hundreds of beings chipped away at her barriers even though they destroyed themselves with their own power. Eventually Alucard was able to break trough thanks to the barriers not being able to rebuild themselves fast enough. So he formed his main body again and this time his was able to land a hit that sent her a few feet back.  

"Impressive. To be able to distinguish that my barriers are made more for one on one fights and not multiple people shows your intelligence. But I am afraid that I will no longer hold back." She spoke as she dusted herself off like the attack did not faze her.

Alucard was not ready for a magic circle to appear under him but was still able to move partially out of the way a beam of magic cut through half of his body. He quickly began to regenerate from the attack when a red and black energy took the place of his former flesh.

"To survive fatal injures by burning away the souls in your body like fuel? I can see why you are so formidable." she spoke and then suddenly teleported before Alucard and forming a magic circle in her hand that hit him with enough force to send him thousands of meters into the air.

Alucard did not have enough time to react as she once again teleported but this time behind him. She threw her spear right his energy like body causing him to be propelled back towards the ground with enough speed that caused the ground to break around his landing point.

He tried to get up but the spear did not budge and held him to the ground as he looked up towards the floating Morgan who charged up her magic with a large magic circle. All he could do was chuckle as a massive ray of energy slammed into him and his surroundings.

Morgan looked on as her spell destroyed her opponent and the surrounding kilometers of land. She figured that this would be enough to make him stay down so when she landed on the ground she became surprised when she heard the sound of footsteps. She looked at the direction and was shocked at what she saw.

Alucard was not just energy as all of his body has been destroyed by that attack

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Alucard was not just energy as all of his body has been destroyed by that attack. Leaving him in this form as he slowly repairs his body. Morgan was once again surprised when she heard him laugh.

"YES! EXCELLENT! I have not had this much fun in ages! Give it to me! Destroy me down to my last atom! Stop holding back! Use your Noble Phantasm!" He spoke in a voice filled with ecstasy.

Morgan shook her head at his words. If this man wants to feel such pain in order for him to submit then she will do as he says. Energy built up in the space around them as Alucard laughed like a madman

"Fine then. Bow your head! There is no fear, nor is there hope! Simply, die like a sinner! Behold, Lordless Camelot!" Yelled Morgan as a throne appeared behind her as she sat down. Then multiple blue spears embedded themselves in the ground all the way from her to Alucard.

 Then multiple blue spears embedded themselves in the ground all the way from her to Alucard

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Alucard looked up as a pillar of blue energy descended upon him and destroyed him. His body burned as many souls as possible to keep him alive but when it ended he was nothing more than a small mass of red energy. He had to sacrifice 1 million of his 300 millions. Leaving him satisfied from this battle.

Morgan walked over to his prone form as Alucard could see the amazement and respect in her eyes causing him to chuckle.  He would not be moving for awhile it seems. this is the most damage that he has ever taken before.

"For a monster you are indeed formidable. If only you were stronger than that immortality of yours would be quite the nightmare. For people on my level it is just a annoyance. Its like hitting paper that wont break." Alucard laughed at her words. Causing her to look at him with that dead stare of hers.

"You call me a monster? Have you seen yourself? Hahahahhahaha. You are the true monster with that strength. Makes me wonder how strong your leader is..." Alucard spoke in amazement. As he values power above all else.

"You find out in the future. Lord Aizen has plans for you and after he is done you will know the one called death." Morgan said.

This caused Alucard to feel every happy emotion on the spectrum except love. He can expect to fight strong people and even grow stronger which is one of his favorite things. Yet his current self has wanted to die for a very long time. Having to live with all of his sins eating at his mind is torturing him. So in the end he gets both of the things that he wants.

They then suddenly heard a sound that caused them to look over and spot Aizen who was clapping. 

"What a marvelous battle, Morgan. You as well, Alucard. It was quite the spectacle." Aizen spoke in his usual voice that practically oozed his superiority as he walked closer to them.

"Thank you, my Lord." Morgan spoke as Alucard decided to remain silent.

Aizen then arrived next to Morgan as they both could see the rook piece in his hand.

"She speaks the truth, Alucard. I need you to get stronger and fight some of my enemy's before you will finally get the death that you so crave. This Rook piece will allow you to stay alive longer and not be 'paper' as Morgan put it. Serve me well." said Aizen. 

Alucard looked at the chess piece for some time before nodding. This is his chance to be more than he currently is. To have some form of comradeship before death. So he did not even flinch when the piece entered his body and consumed his energy and evolving his flesh and the potency of his demonic power. Making him something more.

"Welcome, Alucard. We must now regroup at the hanging gardens. Its best not to keep the others waiting" said Aizen.

Alucard regained his body thanks to the piece speeding up his regeneration and all of them were teleported away by Morgan. As they arrived Aizen could not keep the smirk off of his face as he thought of what comes next. Finally after so many years it is finally time for the reformation of the...



Notice: Should I continue to use this new writing style or return to the old one? I want your opinion.  

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