CH 3: Phone Call

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You phone called April about the WEIRDEST DREAM YOU HAD!
Not knowing it was actually real.
You think about what to do, After a LOOOOONNGGG day of school...

Maybe you should phone call April about that weird dream you had, The turtle thingies? Humanoid turtles? Whatever you call them.

You type in April's number, Getting ready to call her..


It wasn't long until she picked up, Which was great!

"What's up girl? You almost NEVER call me!"
April said

"Y'know how i was acting weird at the start of school, I think it's because of this weird dream i had.."
You responded

April yelled

"We'll errmm, At the start of the dream i was fighting someone? They had excellent technology! Then they knocked me out, And i woke up in a lair type of room, Then these teenage mutant ninja turtle thingies came and asked me questions, Then i escaped! And that's all I can remember about the dream.."
You explained

"You..  Dreamt about teenage mutant ninja turtles?"
April asked

You said.

"Give me a moment, I'm just gonna call some friends of mine."
April hangs up

Huh... That's weird..
Since when did April start making friends that actually like her? I'll go visit her and see if she's okay, She's not usually the one to hang up.

You go through your window, Since it's the superior option, And went down to the sidewalk.



"Guys I'm telling you! There is no WAY that Y/N's The Pink Thief.. I mean, Sure they both like the color pink, BUT Y/N is sweet and kind,And doesn't like to socialize that much.. This Pink Thief sounds narcissistic and confident, And she has pink eyes.."
You explained

"Maybe you just found a lookalike?"
You said

"April, There is no possible way we found another lookalike of your bestfriend in NYC."
Raph said

"I mean, New York is a pretty big place.."
You said

"I told you guys we should've recorded the interrogation."

onnie said , While scrolling through his phone

"Look, I'll call her up and invite her to the apartment,And maybe we can actually confirm if it's her?"
You suggested

Suddenly, Y/N came into my window, Falling face first.

"Huh, Looks like there's no need."
Donnie said

Y/N looked up

"So.. It wasn't a dream?"
Y/N asked

"Hola hermosa!"
Leo extended his arm to Y/N

Y/N got back up

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