Chapter 1 / Turtles?

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"Another night with The Pink Thief, But things don't go to plan."
You and April had SO MUCH FUN! You guys had pillow fights, snacks AND THE BEST DINNER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! thanks to her mom. Eventually, It was bed time,

But not for you..


"Night, Val!"
April said

"Night, April."
You said, faking a yawn

You turned off the lights and waited 30 minutes maximum. Since you've snuck out multiple times before, you basically memorized the steps on how to "Sneak Out Without Getting Caught".

You quickly grabbed your backpack and went to the bathroom to put on your clothes, Your pink reddish scarf, Your pink contacts, Your pink reddish tank top and sleeves,Your bow Etc..

You quietly snuck out April's window..

Oh boy what were you going to steal today? Well you did see that one pink diamond on the news, They said it was one of a kind! Hmm, Maybe you should go after that...

You pull out your homemade tech and hack into the security cams of the museum where the gem was in, Interesting enough it seemed to glow in the dark..

You had to move quick, You immediately memorize the map of the museum. Finally you were there,in the vents above it, And your precious diamond was there too.

Your eyes sparkled with delight as you see the diamond glow, Although, This was more trouble for you because the light might give off your shadows.

You get a metal staff with a very sticky adhesive on the end and touched the diamond, Now all you have to do is to-


Oh great, Another cop you won't use your voice but you are gonna leave a cute pink ribbon..

Wait they're four of them, So four cop's? Thats odd. Wait they're green, green cops? They don't have a uniform on though, wait- TURTLES?!

You accidentally dropped your metal staff from the shock, cursing at yourself because NOW you have to show your face, Which TOTALLY ruins your anonymous identity.

They had colored masks, Blue, Yellow,Red,And purple. Ugh great, Another threat to deal with, You really gotta use your voice.

"Show yourself you thief!"
The red one said

You jump down from the vents and landed on your feet,

"Then what? You wanna fight? Maybe kiss a little?"

"We aren't looking for- Wait what?"

You grab the metal staff and get the gem from the sticky side, It glowed even brighter, So you hid it in your bag. You ran in unpredictable patterns to confuse the turtles

Then a blue portal appeared in front of you with the blue one coming out

"Helloo! Mind giving us that diamo-OOF!" You kicked him in the gut , And running away as fast as you can.

You heard the blue ones name, Since they were having a conversation when you ran away.

Leo was it?

You know this isn't the last time you'll be seeing them, So you're gonna prepare for the next time you'll see em.

But for now, let's just sneak back in April's apartment before she wakes up and notices were gone.

You get back in the window and change into your old clothes, The diamond is still in the bag so you cover it up with your clothes.

Little did you know there was a tracker on that diamond.


The Pink Thief // ROTTMNTHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin