"First you should give other person some time to answer your question and second wait here. I have something for you. Okay?" Dexton did not even know if Shaira was able to comprehend what he was talking but a slight nod from Shaira was enough for him to know she understood.

" Here this is for you." Dexton said handing over chocolate to Shaira. Shaira eyed him suspiciously because according to her noone-including her- will never give his or her chocolate without any profit.

"Are you sure?" Shaira asked making Dexton smile. He nodded.

Dexton knelt in front of her just so he could reach her height and before Shaira could take chocolate from his hand. Dexton kissed her forehead. He adored Shaira after all.

"I love you too, Ira"

The moment he spelled out those words ,Shaira could not be more happier. She giggled and hugged her brother once more before she ran out of there.

"Be careful Ira."

Both of them would have never imagined that would be their last moments of happiness together.


"Ira, are you awake?"

"Ira, please wake up."

Dexton could feel his voice resonating across the vacant room. The time was exactly 2 pm in evening. It meant it had been more than 10 hours Shaira had lost her consciousness. He had never thought that an allergy could cause this much damage to a person.
Although Shaira was stable but Dexton was actually on edge. He had forbidden anyone to come inside until Shaira gains her consciousness.

Even Lawrence family was shocked how Dexton did not even stand up from his seat beside the bed. They all saw diffrent side of him today. Ezra had completed all the documents regarding it with Paul. As so many of them were not allowed to wait there, Only Diaz, Dexton, Paul and Ezra stayed there.


Dexton eyes snapped towards Shaira. His eyes were wide. It has been years since she called him that. Even though it was a mere whisper but he heard it clear.

Shaira mind was hazy. She saw a dream. Beautiful or not, she will not classify but it was peaceful to say the least. Maybe the past memory which she had forgotten long ago. She really did not want that because as long as she could remember she had never heard those words from Dexton.
She slowly opened her eyes to see Dexton sitting beside her holding her hand.

Dexton was still in shock of hearing his one and only nickname after so long but he still helped Shaira to it in the bed.

"Do you need water?"

Shaira subtly nodded. Dexton helped her to drink the water.

"I will call the doctor. Just wait." Dexton said as he put down the cup of water.

"No, I am okay." Shaira said holding his eldest brother hand. Dexton movement halted when he saw his little sister clutching his arm.

Shaira was afraid. She did not want to go there. That moment when she could not breathe will forever haunt her and the feeling of being on brink her death would definately be always there. She was so sure. So at that moment she did not care who was there but she needed someone to talk. To feel that she was alive and breathing still.

"But he needs to check your vitals and stats." Dexton said looking at Shaira who was still looking a little drowsy.

"I said it, I am okay. Okay?" Shaira said trying to hold back her tears and rubbing her eyes with the back of her palms.

Dexton sighed and sit down once again. After a moment of silence.

"I am sorry for causing you trouble. again" Shaira said. Her voice came out heavy trying to block off all the crying.

"This is the first thing you want to say after you woke up from a nightmare." Dexton said cutting Shaira off. She was never a trouble for him.

Shaira eyes snapped towards Dexton who seemed to be worn out now that she take a good look of him.

"You are never a irresponsible child. I loved that about you but eating meat! You could have died Shaira. You have not woken up for 13 hours. I was so damn worried about you." Dexton rambled his worries. Shaira was shocked to say at least. She had never seen him so panicked about something.

"I am sorry-"

"Don't you dare to complete that."

That made Shaira shut up. She was confused. Dexton is rambling in front of her about her health.

"I am fine. Calm down, Dexton." Shaira said handing a cup of water to Dexton getting a raised eyebrow as an answer. She put her lips in between her teeth so as to stop herself from laughing.

"This room better have cameras."

Dexton cleared his throat- as of coming to his senses.

"It was not a nightmare." Shaira said after a moment of silence. Dexton eyes furrowed.

"I mean- the moment I ate meat was- but sleep was not a nightmare. I had a dream" Shaira said remembering the moment she dreamt. She did not know if it was true or just her mind playing with her but at the furthest corner of her heart- she knew she was not as much hated as she thought. At least her childhood was not that sad. Someone loved her in the past.

Dexton did not say anything. Maybe, he understood why Shaira called out his name as soon as she woke up- which she herself don't realise.

"Was it a good dream?"

Dexton asked taking in the emotions of Shaira face. She was looking serene.
Sitting on the bed with white sheets on. Dexton could still remember her as a toddler climbing up stairs just to say "I love you" to him which he knew he did not deserve. He did not deserve all the love she showered on him when she was young.

Was it a good dream? Shaira looked at Dexton. She could now imagine him as a boy who was just as same age as her now trying to contemplate a innocent confession from a toddler.

She could not help but laugh making Dexton smile too.

"Yes it was. It was one beautiful dream."

So surprise! how are you all?
We could not talk in our previous update so I have some news.

I moved in college then get back home as our family moved to a new home. I am travelling in and out so I was tired. I had to go back college tomorrow so this update is early compensation for the next update.

We have crossed 80k on our book. I am so happy. This is all because you all.

Don't forget to tell me your views about it. I loved it when you guys comment.

See you next time!

Happy reading you guys!!!

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