This caused you to start laughing knowing that Hank had been listening to the both of you from his bedroom as the door closed once again. "Y/N, I don't want to put you at risk, considering everything that's going on." Connor said taking ahold of your hands. "I'd hate myself if something happened to you because that group found out I like you."

"Connor, stop. What do you want?" You asked squeezing his hands, reassuringly. "I want something to happen between us... but..."

"How about this, we keep mine and your feeling's between me and you, and well Hank." You said making Connor chuckle. "Then we can see where this goes, that way they'll never find out about us. Until we've caught them all." You suggested, Connor's LED began flashing yellow in thought.

"I'd like that, but I don't know what to do. I know nothing about liking someone, I just know that I like you." Connor said nervously, you heard Hanks bedroom door open once more as he yelled. "Hug her or kiss her, stop being so scared!"

With that Hanks door closed once again while you bit your lip trying to keep your laughter in. "You don't have to do any of that." You said letting your laughter out. "I'm okay with hugging you." Connor mumbled pulling you into a hug, you'd kept your feelings for Connor very secret because he was new at emotions and you really didn't want to overload him with your feelings.

Everyday it got harder and harder for you to deny them, spending Christmas and New year with him and Hank had only made it worse for you. Then came along Nines and you thought that'd ruin everything, but now you knew it hadn't... had it?

Connor finally pulled away his LED blue and a sweet smile on his face. "I really thought you were going to tell me that you did not like me." Connor admitted and you saw his cheeks going slightly blue. "Oh my God, you blush a blue colour?" You asked with an excited tone.

"No!" He yelped pulling away from you covering his cheeks with his hands. "I mean... maybe"

"It's cute, you don't need to hide it!" You whined pulling his hands away from his face. "Con, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Isn't it usually me who asks those? But yes." Connor replied.

"How long have you liked me?" You asked, his cheeks instantly started going a deeper blue colour while he stared at you almost too nervous to answer you. "Since I Deviated, I started to like you more when we spent Christmas together... I loved every second of it." Connor finally explained. "I was going to tell you but then RK900 joined us and the human and Android couple murders started happening, I got scared because I thought something could happen to you and it would be my fault. For having feelings for you."

"So why did you decide to tell me?"

"Because I threatened to tell you if he didn't." Hanks voice called out, neither you or Connor had even heard his door open again. You both looked over at him to see him leaning against a wall.

"He did, that's why he asked you to come here tonight. So I could tell you. But I also wanted to see you anyway so did Hank." Connor said with a sheepish look on his face. "Well, now I don't have to listen to Connor drone on about you every second he's not around you." Hank confessed and Connor's face went blue again.

"Would you like to stay for awhile, Y/N?" Connor asked while you heard Hank moving around. "I'd love to." You replied as Connor grabbed your hand and guided you to the sofa, both of you sat down while Hank did the same turning the TV on.

"W-Would you like to cuddle again?" Connor asked, embarrassed. 'God, he's so adorable.' You thought before nodding your head at him, Connor pulled you towards him wrapping his left arm around you. You leant your head into his chest sighing, happily.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now