Blue Hope

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Its been a couples of months after the red lantern attack as the group each went their separate way and Gaia decide it would be best to not return with kilowog to the green lantern corp but instead she went with the sapphire corp and has been going from where to visit  ilanda on her planet.

Queen Agapo : child you don't need to work here feel free to look around, to train" she told Gaia who was helping the maid around the palace

Gaia:" it is alright queen agapo I like to help, it keeps my mind off of other things" she replied shy 

agapo:" oh ? would this thing happened to be a red lantern, would it?" Gaia face turned to a light crimson as she lower her face embarrassed

Gaia:" i.. i dont know.. i mean i have been getting to know my emotions better atleast the one i have but i feel there is something missing something i dont know or want to know about and that makes me scared and when im scared i think of Razer and i feel ummm i dont know the word"

Agapo: calm, safe?" she question as Gaia just nodded, " that is normal my child  after all you felt  safe with him were you not?  " she noded once more." perhaps it is time you go and see him again maybe you will feel better , even may get some more of your emotions back"

Gaia:" but  what about the search for my parents? what if some new information gets here and i am not here?"

Agapo get up and hugs her:" you need not fear child we will keep you update on everything that is happing" at that moment the Interceptor appear on the sky " seem like you are going on a journey one way or another, i will help you pack your bag and remember there is always a place for you here, whenever you may need it"

Gaia :" thank you Agapo i will ,miss you all"

___________hall jordan___________

 kiliwog:" hall why are we here on this planet?" he asked a b it worried as they started to get off the ship

Hal:" easy kiliwog we are here to pick up someone that will give us a lending hand so we can have the old gang back together"

he said as they enter the throne room and are saluted by the warrios

Agapo:" and to what do we own the honor of your visit this time green lanter?"

hal:" greeting queen agapo , we are here in hope that a certain someone would be willing to travel with us once more to save the galaxy, she wouldnt happend to still be here is she?"

 agapo looks at Guiata then at Hal: " even if she is , how do you know she wishes to go back to that life and not just stay here where it is safe?"

Hal:" we dont, but im just asking for a changes to talk to her to see if this may be something she would like to do are not"

at that moment Gaia walks into the hall with a bag on her back 

Gaia:"  hello Hal, Kiliwog, Aya what is the mission this time?" she said as Hal smiled and they left the planet

after they made another stop and another planets

kiliwog: Jordan, what's with the pit stop? Shouldn't we be taking care of our little Manhunter situation?"

Hal:"I know, I know, but there's an old friend here that can seriously help out on our mission."he says whule they are getting off the ship as they then see someone familiar

Kilowog:"Ganthet? Nice duds."

Hal:"So this is where you came after the Guardians kicked you off of Oa.

Ganthet:Yes.I realized that there's another path by which I might serve the universe.I came to Odym to start the Blue Lantern corps." he saiys as to blue lanterns got closer to them"This is St.Walker."

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