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Kilowog:"So that's it.That's your plan.Fine.I just got one question.Are you nuts!? 

Hal:"Ok.This harebrained scheme makes my other schemes seem well-thought-out and practical.But what else can we do?

Razer:" Nothing.Thanks to us, the Red Lantern fleet will have no trouble pouring into Guardian space.And we're stuck here while Atrocitus flies the Interceptor to Oa and exterminates the Guardians and Gaia with them!!

Hal:"My plan won't help us beat them to Oa, but maybe, just maybe, we can get to the same galactic neighborhood.Let's move out.Kilowog? he asked as Kilowog stay in place

Hal:"No.Even you can't beat an entire armada."

Kilowog:"I can slow them down, maybe buy a little time for that plan of yours.You'll need every minute.

Hal:"You got this, sergeant. he says as they shake hands and Razer gave kilowog

 Kilowog:"Godspeed, Hal.

____ back at the ship______ the ship had just gotten into Oa space as Gaia was starting to wake up and tries to get up when he felt the ship land which cause her to fall to her knee still mot able to stand do to the lack of energy in her body she still tries to get to the main chamber to see if she can get some help

.____________ back to Hal and Razer__________

Razer:"Zamaron.Now I see why you wanted me along as your bodyguard"

as they landed on Zamaron the guard pointed their spear at Hal and Razer

Hal:.Easy, quick draw.We're not here to fight.We're here to beg.Great Aga'po, I know you think I'm your enemy, but there's a galaxy-wide tragedy brewing, and only the power of the Star Sapphires can help stop it.

Aga'po:"You risk much, Green Lantern, asking favors of an enemy.But perhaps I should first consult my royal advisor.


Ghia'ta:"It was you who opened my eyes to the true meaning of love, Hal Jordan.My enlightenment met with resistance, at first.But then, the truth took root and spread quickly.It seems that over the ages, the Star Sapphires may have lost sight of the emotion we serve.Since you helped us regain our path, what do you ask of us? "

Hal:"I need you to teleport me my home planet."

Aga'po:"What you ask for cannot be done"

Hal:".But I saw you teleport Carol Ferris here all the way from Earth.So use my feelings for Carol to send me to Earth.From there, I can fly to Oa and stop a tragedy before it happens.

Ghia'ta:"The jaunt from Earth was the longest we've ever attempted, and we've never sent anyone the other way.

Aga'po:"There is something more.The spatial displacement can render the traveler - unstable.- It is too dangerous."

Razer:"If he doesn't reach Oa, not only will the Guardians be destroyed, but Atrocitus will lay waste to all the worlds in their care.Love and everything else will cease to exist in Guardian space."

Hal:"I've got to try.Please."

Aga'po:"Make sure this galaxy remains a safe garden where love can bloom.

_after hal and carol talk and he remember why he was there he went to Oa mean while razer was still in Zamaron

 Carol - I know.The galaxy's in danger, and you stopped for a 4-course meal.Go already.But you're still on the hook for dessert.

Gia'ta:"You're leaving us, Razer? "

Razer:"I won't lounge here in luxury while evil triumphs."

Gia'ta:"Then go in the spirit of love."

Razer:"Love will doubtless be foremost in my mind as I hurl myself into the path of an unstoppable armada."

Aga'po:"You are not as far gone as we had assumed, Razer.There is still love in your heart.If you truly wish to help Hal Jordan, there is another way. "

______back to the ship__________

Gaia has enough strengh to walk to the main bridge as she someone trying to fix Aya what she didnt know was there another red lantern in the ship.

Aya:"If you are going to destroy me, there is a more expedient method.

Drusa:"Destroy you? I wouldn't dream of it.I'm just deleting all of your higher functions so you'll behave like a proper NAV computer.Say good-bye, my puppet.

Gaia then enter the hall and shoot Drusa away from Aya

Gaia:" Are you alright?" she asked as she tries to take the control away from Ayas helmet but didnt had enough strength at the moment when the red lantern guard appear and place Gaia on a headlock while she struggles to let go Razer appear and grabs the guard and shots him out of the ship

Razer:" gets your filthy paws off of her!! he screams in anger as he shot the guard cause Gaia to fall on her knees, "Gaia!!" he goes to her," are you alight? are you hurt

Gaia:" how?" she asked as he help her get up

Razer:" it does not matter" he gave her a hug and see Aya on the floor , after he sat Gaia on a chair he goes and take the control off of Aya," We must find Hal Jordan" he says as he pick Gaia up and started to walk out of the ship with aya behind them

Tthey then enter the hall where the Guardians , hal, and the red lanter are when they heard hal jordan say

Hal:"The Green Lanterns will help rebuild your shattered sector."

zilius:" Do you series expect us to believe that anything will change? who here would ever go to the forgotten zone?

Aapa:" i will come what happend to your sector was a tragedy, but our willingness to ignore the tragedy we caused was a a crime.I pledge to you the Guardians will make restitution.


AyaL:Can the Guardians trust Zilius Zox?

Hal:" They can trust him to do whatever's in his best interest, and that's a start.Razer, how in the world did you get to Oa as fast as I did? "

Razer looks at Gaia a bit nervous :"I...."

AAGAP:" yet been debriefed.That is, we Guardians have not yet had a chance to to thank you, Hal Jordan."

Hal:"You just did.But I've got to get back to Earth."

AAPA:"You have just averted an intergalactic war.

Hal:"What on Earth could possibly be more important than that? Dessert.:

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