Regime Change

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aapa:"Green Lantern of sector 2814, what is the reason for this call?

Hal:" According to the files Aya downloaded, there's a massive Red Lantern fleet headed to guardian space.Naturally, we're wondering if you and the rest of your blue man group have a plan.

Aapa:"We're deploying the corps to defend against the invasion.

Hal:"What? You went right into attack mode? Did you actually read my report or just skim it? 

Aapa:"Rest assured, your report was submitted to the Council and taken into consideration.What is your point?"

Hal:" My point is, the Red Lanterns are convinced that your army of robot assassins, the Manhunters, slaughtered their citizens and annihilated their entire sector.They think it was a calculated attempt to wipe them out.\

Aapa:"Yes, a dramatic and emotional story to be sure.Atrocitus is merely using propaganda to rally his troops.

Hal:"But if this whole invasion is based on lies, wouldn't that be a reason to try diplomacy? If we could convince them of the truth...

Aapa:" Do not presume to question us, 2814.The Guardians are the greatest minds of the universe and have come to this decision as one.

kilowog:" Jordan, you've got to hear this.We have picked up an SOS signal originating from planet Petrasis.

aapa:"2814, what's going on?

hal:" Explain Sorry, got to take this.We'll finish later.This is Queen Iolande of Petrasis.We are under attack by Red Lanterns and desperately need immediate assistance.Please come.

with minutes the team arrived at the planet

 hal: ok we're here Gaia stay on borde to be safe, the rest lest go save the queen" she nodded ans stay


Ragnar:"Guess again.- 


kilowog:"He's a Red.

Ragnar:"Like the outfit? I have you to thank for it after all.I used to think being a Green Lantern would give me everything I ever wanted.But I wasn't good enough, was I? Well, it turns out my hate for the Green Lanterns did give me everything I ever wanted.And more.I rule Petrasis, as it should be.

Hal:"Where's Iolande? 

Ragnar:"Don't worry, she's perfectly fine.Or should I say perfectly confined? 

Hal:"We're not leaving here without the Queen.

Ragnar:"Kill them!

Aya:" Correct me if I am wrong, but is a withdrawal not in order? 

Kilowog:"We're getting creamed out here.If we don't pull back now, we're dead and the mission's over.-

Hal:" Ok, let's blow this montour stand.-

kilowog:" Hey, that's my line.

hals them makes and opening on the ceiling as they all escape and on there way to the ship when

 kilowog:"The Red Lanterns have blocked our access to the ship.

hal:"That's what we get for parking in a bad neighborhood.

razer:" wait what about Gaia?" he asked as he was going to go to the ship when Kilowog pull his away to the shadows to take cover," let gp of ,e your over size pig!" kilowog then cover his mouths as they go to hide

Hal:"Let's go. we are no use to her dead or capture at this moment"

kothak:"Hello, Green Lantern.You've made a fatal decision returning to Petrasis.

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