flight club

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back at the shiphal:"Are you sure none of you have seen it? It's a Lantern battery for crying out loud.It's not like it grew legs and ran off.

kilowog:" i can't believe you, Jordan. First you forget to charge your ring, and now you lose your battery like some rookie

.aya:"I am receiving an incoming transmission from Oa.Guardian Appa Ali Apsa

.hal:" After what he did to Ganthet, let it go to voicemail or something.I don't feel like talking to that backstabbing blue munchkin pain in the Ahem

kilowog:" Jordan"

Appa:"Yes, communication with you, 2814, is equally unpleasant.However, the Guardians have need of you.We have deciphered more of the red lantern plans you obtained from shard.The invasion will begin sooner than expected.Atrocitus plans to enter Guardian space using the Lighthouse.

Hal:" the what now?

Appa:"The Lighthouse was created millions of years ago by a lost civilization as a way to travel through the Maelstrom, The asteroid barrier separating the forgotten zone from Guardian space.When those ancients vanished, the secret of the Lighthouse was lost, sealing for countless millennia.Some years ago a Green Lantern archeologist named Tauverus made the long trek to the frontier in hopes of finding the secret code that would activate the long dormant Lighthouse.Unfortunately, he disappeared without a trace.

Hal:"And you're telling us this why?

Appa:"The Red Lantern armada is headed full speed for the gate.We believe Atrocitus may already have the code.If his armada crosses the Maelstrom into Oan space, they will destroy everything in their power.Your job, Green Lanterns, is to get to the Lighthouse first and destroy it by any means necessary.

hal:"It's too bad we can't just ask this Tauverus what the code is so we can destroy the Lighthouse from the inside out.

AYA:"We can do precisely that.While interfaced with the security system on the prison asteroid, I downloaded their records.An inmate named Tauverus is in fact being held captive there.AFTER landing to the prison

kilowog:"jordan, I hope you remember how these yellow stones make our rings completely useless.

Hal:"Don't sweat it.There's no one to fight.It's a friendly prison now, remember? - Trust me.

Kilowog:"- I hate it when you say that.

Goggan:"Green Lanterns! You have been gone too many days.Too many! And you promised Goggan that Goggan was only temporary warden.Goggan work, work, work.Goggan is a slave to work.Maybe prison is better.

Hal:"Goggan, this is important.We're looking for a prison that was here when Myglam and his spiders ran the place.His name is Tauverus, a Green Lantern

.Aya:"The records indicate he is being held on level H, sublevel 6D.Aya was getting weaker when Gaia goes next to her and give her suport:"My circuits are experiencing micro failures.

Razer:"The yellow stones are very draining.We'll take her back to Goggan's office. They will be safer there.

HAL:" sure keep them safeafter they get to the office and place Aya on a chair for her to rest. "Will you be ok resting here?" Gaia asked

Aya:" yes i will be fine , my circuits will be fully restore with 600 seconds and counting. Gaia noded as she started to walk away to give Aya some space and started to look around. While Razer walks behind her."

Razer:" is everthing alright Gaia?"

Gaia:" yes.. i think so this place is.." she stop as she got chills

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