Chapter 1

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"Mummy no! No picture!" My nearly 5 year old screams to me.

"Please Libby! It's your first day of school" I almost beg along with a little pout. "I'll take you to the park after school" I grin and wiggle my brows.

"Fine" she says whilst putting on a smile, although looking like I'm holding a gun to her head.

"Come on Grace, you too" I say to her twin sister

"Okay mummy" she walks over and stands beside Libby, giving me the biggest smile possible.

"That will do I guess" I look at the few I've got, they're not bad but Libby doesn't look too happy. But regardless, I got one of their first day and that's a must for me! I have a memory book, which is kinda more like a scrap book, but I put photos in it and write the date, how old they are, the occasion... I just think it's cute and a great way that I can look back and watch my babies grow. I also think it will be great for them to have in the future. I don't have many photos of me as a child and that makes me sad.

"Oh wait" I call to the girls as they run away. "Let's do your height"

"Okay" they shout and run to the wall with their height markings on, another little thing I do.

I draw the lines, Grace's is Purple, Libby's is Pink. I write the date next to them. Which is September 6th. Also writing that it's their first day of reception.

We pop our shoes and jackets on, I bend to help tie their shoe laces then zip up theirs jackets. Then we head out the door. Libby holds my hand whilst Grace is skipping ahead.

Grace is so excited bless her. She's been going on and on about making new friends and meeting her teacher. Grace is a very outgoing child. She's confident, brave and very independent. Well, as independent as a nearly 5 year old can be. So independent that she refuses help, when really in fact, she needs help, but she won't accept it and will get angry and upset with herself for not being able to do it on her own. She's like me like that. She has brown hair, same as me, and blue eyes, identical to my brothers, with grey flickers throughout. She's a little taller than her sister, and in general, I think she looks older, most people don't realise they are even related, let alone twins. And she has quite tanned skin, always looks like she's just been on a nice holiday and has came back with a hell of a tan!

Whereas Libby, she's fair skinned, dirty blonde hair, like her father. Brown eyes, like me. She's petite. Libby, she's quiet. She's well behaved, never answers back, unlike her sister. She's shy, and clings to me a lot when we're in new places. But I know she's going to be holding onto her sister for dear life whilst starting school as I won't be there, she's petrified. But Grace will have her back, she's good like that. Libby is cuddly and she always wants to be with me.

My girls are very different, and I mean yes, they are different people so are bound to have different personalities. But when I found out I was pregnant with twins, I imagined them to be identical in every way, but they're not, they don't even look anything alike! Not that it's a bad thing, I love the bones off them both, it just shocks me how different they are.

Their father and I, we're not together. It's a long, long story. He was toxic, and abusive. The girls see him every other weekend, as ordered by the court. He has his moments, sometimes he's great but most of the time he's awful. The girls love their dad, but lately he's got a lot worse and I struggle to get the girls to want to see him. Libby struggles the most, there is always so many people around and it makes her anxious, I have to basically force her into the car. As horrible as I may sound, I'd rather they don't see their dad, it's always so traumatic for them, although I have to send them as if I don't then I'm breaking the court order, and their father will for sure use that to say I'm an unfit parent and fight me for custody... again.

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