Hours had passed and the classes had already ended, Shihyun slowly packed her things in her bag as she let out another sigh. Good thing that she have no shift today at the restaurant, that was the thing that didn't change in her dream. She was still an orphan and working her ass to support her daily needs it was a good thing that someone are paying for her tuition fee or else she will need to double her job to earn much more money.

The girl looks at the time, it's 4 pm already and Shihyun took her bag before she left the room. Her walk to the rooftop are slow, she's not really looking forward to meeting whoever had put that notes but she didn't want the person to wait there for nothing and go home late and worse something bad might happen to them. Opening the door, she walked inside as the air blew on her direction. She saw someone's back that is turned at her, she frown upon seeing who is it.

" Suhyeok?"


Namra let out a huff as she ran around the building she forgot that Suhyeok told her to meet him in the rooftop after school ends. She doesn't want to come but the man threatened her that he will burn her book collection if she didn't come, the girl ran at the stairs as there is some sweat that formed in her forehead from running too much.

The girl pushed the door open as she yelled the man's name causing for someone to jump upon hearing the girl's voice. The man, Suhyeok grin at the sight as Shihyun turned around and look at the new comer. She was surprised to see the girl is still in the school as she looked back at the man more confused on what's happening. Namra walk closer to them as Suhyeok go to the girl and whispered something on her ear, the girl's eyes widen as she stare at the man before her ears turned red.

" I'm leaving now, have a nice talk!" the man said as he quickly left, Shi dumbly stared at the door confused on everything that is happening around her. The guy just told her to meet him at the rooftop but suddenly left without saying anything, what an ass.

She looked at the girl who's standing there looking at the side, although she wants to be alone with the girl she can't. It's not right, the girl is with someone else already and she doesn't want to cause some conflict between the two lovers or anything. She held tightly the strap of her bag as she started to take a step forward but someone took a hold of her arm, preventing her from walking away.

She looks at the arm that was holding hers before she looks up at the girl who's staring directly at her eyes. Her heart skip a beat upon looking at the girl's eye, she finds it beautiful as it was the first thing that she noticed from the girl ever since she first met her.

" Stay.." the girl softly mumbled before letting go of her arm. There's a bench at the rooftop and two had taken a seat there as silence fell on them. Shihyun awkwardly sit there beside the girl, she doesn't know why she's nervous just sitting beside her but she can't help it. They are the only ones in the rooftop and just the girl's presence it's enough for her heart to become crazy as it was beating erratically.

Namra on the other hand doesn't know what to do, she was caught off guard with what the man had done. She's annoyed and wanted to go home already but her feet and body won't listen to her. She takes a glance at the girl beside her who's bitting her lips as her hands are fiddling with her lose necktie. She takes a deep breath before she turn to the girl, Shihyun's eyes widen when the girl suddenly had turn to her and hold her fiddling hands. She looks at the girl's face and she noticed some pink tints on her cheeks.

" I.. i don't know what to say.. i honestly really don't i was just caught off guard but i wanted you to know something.." the girl started as Shihyun just stared at the girl. Both their hearts are beating loudly that they are afraid that the other might hear them. She watched as the girl took something from her pocket and put it on her hand, as the girl pulled back her hands Shihyun's eyes widen in shock.

" I've been feeling all this things ever since that day on 7th grade when you ask me the room for English department, you're so cute that day when you blush from embarrassment and i can't help myself to stop looking at you every time that you're not looking my way" the girl said as she takes a glance on her name tag that she put on the girl's hand. Shihyun are still looking at her in shocked as she can't say anything from the girl, her mind are trying to process everything that is happening at the moment. Namra notice that the girl didn't say anything, she waited for a few more minutes but still the girl didn't do anything. She let out a sigh as she felt a little disappointed and there was a hurting feeling inside her at the thought of the girl, not feeling the same.

The girl let go of her hand and started to get on her feet, Shihyun got brought back to reality as she saw that the girl is about to leave. Fear come up inside her as the thought of her dream came back when she confessed to the girl too late. She quickly stood up as she takes a hold of the girl's arm.

" Wait!.. I.." her heart are pounding inside her chest as she can't even form a sentence. Namra watched the girl having some difficulty of saying anything.

" Isn't you..ahm.. together with Suhyeok?" the girl looked at her confused as he tilted her head to the side just like what she did on her dream.

" Where did that come from? There's nothing going on with Suhyeok and me, besides where cousins it's incest" the girl said grimacing a bit at the thought of her together with the man as Shihyun's mouth are agape while looking at her

" Oh!.. sorry.. i thought you're together" Namra watched as the girl blush in embarrassment just like before, she chuckled seeing it as Shihyun looks up at her quite surprise at the sound. She took a deep breath before she also took something from her pocket. It is now or never..

Shihyun took the president's hand as she slowly put her name tag on the girl's hand. Namra looks up at her in surprise upon seeing it, not believing that the girl feels the same.

" I.. I've been in love with you for years now.. i just.. didn't have any courage to confess and.. because i thought that the two of you are together.. i didn't expect that you would feel the same-" what the girl is about to say more she didn't get to finish it as Namra took the girl in a hug as there's a smile on her face. Shihyun surprise at it, but also returned the hug as there is also a smile on her face, their hearts are beating in sync as the sun set in the background. The two let go of each other, as they both look in each others eyes before the president took the first move and capture the girl's lips. The kiss was slow as the two enjoyed their first kiss together, it was after some time when the two broke apart catching their breath, their foreheads are joined together with their eyes still close in daze.

" I love you Choi Namra.."

" I love you Kim Shihyun"

Both have a wide smile on their face, as the two kisses each other again until the sun had disappeared and the stars starts appearing in the sky twinkling above them. The two had left the school hand in hand while smiling at each other from the happiness that they are feeling.

Inside their room on their desk, there is something written on a note that is taped on the president's chair. It's what she always do or more like the Important Things in her life aside from studying, the girl's name was written under it with some words and on the bottom end there's the president's name on it with some heart and smiley face. There is one sentence on the note that she wish would really happen as a shooting star flew in the sky.

' I wish we would end up together.. forever' - Namra


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