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" Yah Shihyun, you should tie this properly" Shihyun looks down on her school outfits as Onjo tied her necktie. Someone snicker behind the two as she turned to look on the person. She didn't have time to check her outfit earlier as she was running late and just wear it in a rush.

" Don't tell me you woke up late again Shihyun" Cheongsan said to the girl as they all started to walk towards the building. Shihyun just gave the man a finger on which he smacks it and Shihyun pouted at Onjo and told her that the man had hit her, the man just blinked at her as Onjo smacked his shoulder. Someone jumped from behind them as Gyeongsu and Isak appeared with some grin on their faces. The five of them walked inside while having a conversation. They are talking about the new recipe of Cheongsan's mom and how they are looking forward to taste it.

Reaching their room, Shihyun's eyes roam around everyone until it fell on the girl who's sitting at the center. Wearing some earpods while writing something on her notes. The girl remember her dream, it all felt too real as she takes a seat beside her. Shihyun moves her chair a bit not wanting to disturb the girl as she feel her heart beating rapidly. She took her notes in her bag and answered the homework she didn't get to finish answering. Too focus on her work, the girl didn't notice that someone have been watching her. The person watched how the girl would bit her lips and furrowed her eye brows while writing on her notes.

Shihyun let out a sigh after she finished it, something hit the back of her head as a rolled paper fell on her lap. She took it, confused on who had throw it at her. She look at her back until her eyes found Cheongsan who's grinning at her. She rolled her eyes at him as she turned in front. The girl unrolled the paper until she can see what's inside it.

' She's staring at you '

Her eyes widen in shock as she quickly turned back to look on the man's direction, still grinning at her as he move his eyebrows up and down. Shihyun look away as she can feel her ears burned. Cheongsan's laugh echoed on her ears as the others are asking the man what he's laughing about.

Ms. Park had enter the room as Shihyun took her phone before turning it on silent mode and put it on the box where the others phone is. As she was walking back, something brushes to her side. She looks at it until someone walked passed her, she watched the president's back walking in front of her until she reach their seat.


It was lunch time already, Onjo took her hands and drag her with them as they all walked at the school's cafeteria. She just ordered some fries and burger and some soda before she takes a seat beside the girl, the others also followed her until their table are full. They eat their lunches as Shihyun smacked Gyeongsu's hand when he's about to pick some of her fries on which the guy had pouted at her. They discuss some topics but the girl didn't pay attention to it as she's busy thinking about something.

They all walked back together in the room as the two guys in their group are bickering with each other. Shihyun sighed at their silliness as she let out some chuckles.

Taking a seat beside the girl, Shihyun took notice of her book there was something sticking out of it. She looks around first before she took the paper on it, it was a note from someone.

' Meet me in the rooftop later'

Shihyun looks at it in confusion, wondering on who wants to meet her later. She put it on her pocket as the teacher entered the room. It was a Math subject and she felt bored, she let out a sigh before she put her chin on the table while a pout appeared on her face. The girl didn't pay attention in class as her mind drifted to what she had dreamt last night. Shihyun thought about everything that happened there, in her dream she was a loner who doesn't want to interact with anyone. Cheongsan, Onjo, Gyeongsu and Isak weren't her friends and Namra, the girl had confessed to her that she had feelings for her. Oh how she wanted that to really come true but sadly it won't, Namra is together with Barefoot Suhyeok. The two are always together even going to school and going back home they are still together, it's like the two are living together. Shihyun felt annoyed about it as she let out a scoff, the girl beside her caught the sound as she takes a glance at her before looking back at the teacher.

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