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“ Can i join?”

Their heads quickly turned around and to the man who's smirking at them. They all stood up upon seeing Gwinam standing there near the edge, how did he get in? They didn't know.

“ You fucker!” Cheongsan yells as he charged at the man trying to punch him but the man managed to catch his fist before punching him in the face and throw him at the wall. The others also charged at him as they tried to push him off the building. Suhyeok got kicked on the stomach as he got thrown on Cheongsan, Daesu managed to land a good hit on his back with a bat before the man turned to him and gave him a punch on his nose. Shihyun swing her feet at Gwinam's legs causing for him to lose his balance as Cheongsan who stood up again, straddles the man beating his face but being a half zombie, Gwinam pushed him away before he's the one who straddled him like what he did and punched his face. His fingers found Cheongsan's eye and about to dig it when someone kicked the side of his face getting him off of the man.

Suhyeok and the others managed to push him off the building as they watched him fell on the ground. They are panting heavily and holding the parts of their body which is throbbing in pain. Shihyun take a sit on the ground while holding her side as she got kicked there and lean on the wall.

They waited for a few more hours before a helicopter came, they all jumped in happiness at the thought of being rescued but as one of them are trying to get in, the rescuer told the girl to get down while they started to point their guns on them. The others are confused on what's happening as the soldiers continue to point their weapons on them before the helicopter flew away from the rooftop.

It caused a few arguments as Cheongsan angrily kicked the fire as he told them that it was useless before he walked away and sit at the edge. All of them slumped back on the ground feeling hopeless that no one would save them. Shihyun stay at the president's side as she holds the girl's hand tightly.

After what happened, everyone decided to leave the rooftop and to find another way to get out of the school as they go on the other side and uses the backdoor to escape. They're trying their best not to cause any sound as they lightly walked to the stairs and looked around if ever there's a zombie.

They all managed to get to the ground floor without encountering any zombies. There was a truck on the side and once they passed it, Cheongsan froze on his track.

“Mom..” some of them turned to where he is looking and there, they found his mother who's smiling and calling for him but the thing is she's not human anymore. There is some veins on her face as her eyes are red and there's some blood on her clothes.

“ No! Daesu stop!” he screamed at the man who quickly ran to his mother and began beating her. Cheongsan continue to yell at him to stop before he gives him a punch on his face, the others pulled him off of him as they ran away when they saw the zombies coming after them. They ran to the building until they reach the basketball court, it was dark inside as there's no power everywhere. Namra who's beside Shihyun stiffened as she mumbled something.

“ Run..” a loud crack of the thunder lit out the entire room and they saw a crowd of zombies inside with them. These are the basketball players that got turned as they still have their uniforms on.

They quickly ran off as the zombies starts attacking them, Shihyun held tightly on the girl's hand as she tried to kicked the zombies away from them while trying to escape the room. It's hard fighting in the dark, they just keep on punching and throwing some kick until they reach the door and ran outside. There's some zombies in the hallway as they are snarling at them, the guys kicked them off before running with the others until they found an empty room and get inside before closing the door just as the zombie is about to reach them.

“ Wujin?” their heads turned to the side where the voice came from, the man Wujin looked at the girl before he ran to the girl's direction hugging her.

“ Hari!” the girl returned the hug as she looked around everyone, noticing that they are all juniors. The two let go of the hug as the others take a sit on the floor knowing that it was just his sister, the archery girl. Daesu froze on his feet while staring at the girl, he can feel his palm begin to sweat.

Wujin led his sister on the corner as they both took a seat there, relieved that she's safe and alive. Shihyun walked on the other side before sliding on the wall and to the floor before letting out a sigh. The president followed the girl as she also take a sit beside her.  They are all tired from everything and from the hunger, some of them found some comfortable position as they tried to sleep the night. Namra put her head on the girl's shoulder as she also closed her eyes trying to sleep.

It was after an hour and yet Shihyun are still awake, she looked at the small window and stare at the moon before she takes a look beside her when the girl move a bit. Shihyun carefully hold the girl's head and put it slowly on her lap, letting the girl to have a comfortable position and a good sleep at least without having a body ache in the morning. She took off her coat and put it on the girl who snuggles herself on it. Shi smiled upon seeing it as she brushes away the few strands of hair that is blocking the girl's face as she stare at her features.

There is some dried blood on the girl's cheek but she still found her beautiful, Shi lightly brush her fingers on her cheeks feeling the soft skin against her hand. A soft smile formed on her lips as she stared at the girl's sleeping face, she's so adorable. Shihyun let out a sigh before she held the girl's hand and close her eyes as she let sleep took over her.

Someone witnessed everything across from them as a smirk formed on his face until it become a grin, Suhyeok smile at the both of them who's holding each others hand while sleeping. Happy for their president to have someone who she truly deserve.

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