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“ This way!” Shihyun said as gives a punch on the zombie's face as Gyeongsu followed her. Both of them keep fighting the zombie who's running to them from behind ever since they left the room. They are now at the floor below as she jumped from the stairs and to the zombie giving it a high kicked on its head.

“ Where are we even going Shi?” the man asked as he also punched another zombie who tried to bit him.

“ To the stuck room we can use something that will help us fight this monsters!”

The two continue to fight the zombie that keeps appearing until they managed to find the room and quickly get inside it before locking the door. Both of them panted heavily from all the running and fighting. Gyeongsu looked around the room and he can see some baseball bat on the cart and some other sport equipments. Shihyun took a deep breath before she goes at one of the carts and find something that can be useful, the man also did the same as both of them found some metal baseball bat. The girl looked around more until her attention fell on the protective gears for baseball players.

“ Bingo..” she walked towards it before taking some knee pads and elbow pads. There's also a vest inside the room and the two quickly put one on them.

“ Do you think we can bring some of this to the others?” she asked as the man stops from what he's doing quite surprised and confused.

“ I thought you're mad at them?” the girl just shrugged her shoulders before she took some gears and vest and put it inside the bag that's lying on the floor.

After packing some things for the others the two of them sit on the floor while leaning on the wall. Both are thinking about their friends/classmates that they had left on the studio room. A certain someone came on the girl's thoughts as she shook her head not wanting to think of the girl, she's confused on herself as to why she keeps thinking about the girl. She also finds it annoying when she saw her getting close to the man or holding his hands, it's making her feel things but she didn't know what is it. Her thoughts vanished as Gyeongsu spoke suddenly.

“ You know I'm still surprised that you're talking to us now, usually you will just gives us a nod or a shrug but now you're even starting a conversation. You're always so closed off and doesn't want to talk to us even if we tried. It's like you don't want to be close with us” the man said while looking at the other side of the room as the girl turn to him. The girl looks down as she heard him say it knowing that he's right.

“Well.. that's true but.. ” the girl paused not knowing what to say to the man.

“ It's not that i don't want to talk to anyone else.. it's just.. it's hard you know.. I've been alone all my life and there's no one who's there for me.. i got used to it.. being alone.. i grew up in an orphanage without having any friends.. i also.. got bullied for being an orphan.. if someone will try to talk to me, they will get bullied too.. so that's why i never tried to get close to anyone again.. i never spoken to anyone as it's hard for me to think on what would i respond to them.. i got used to it.. not having anyone to talk to and that it makes me having some difficulty trying to hold a conversation..” she said as the man listened to her quietly. He already knew that the girl is an orphan from what Nayeon had told them earlier but the other information it's new to him.

“ Then how about i become your friend? You don't need to speak with me or say anything, I'm okay with that. They said that having less conversation doesn't really matter in a friendship as long as you can understand each other” he said while there's a grin on his face, the girl are surprised at this as she looked at him in shocked. She look for his eyes if he's telling the truth and all she find is sincerity. The girl smile at this before accepting his offer as Gyeongsu suggested that they should do some fistbump for their new found friendship on which the girl had laugh at him.


On the other side, back at the studio room everyone are panicking a little as Cheongsan got separated from the others who volunteered to go outside and to take the phones in the teacher's room. And in the process of their goals some zombies appeared and attacked them and the man, Cheongsan got separated as a crowd of zombies ran after him. And not wanting those monsters to get to the others, the man quickly ran downstairs while avoiding the zombies on the way.

Noticing that the man is missing, some of them suggested that they can use the drones from the floor below as Onjo, Joonyeong and Suhyeok volunteers to get it and the three of them left the room and ran quickly downstairs and to where is it while Suhyeok fought with some zombies around before they ran back again at the studio room.

Joonyeong quickly put the batteries on the drones and began testing if it will work. The drone flew in the air as he smiled a bit before making it fly outside the window and trying to look for Cheongsan or the others. They watched from the controller's screen everything that the camera had caught. Every room in the building are filled with zombies as there is also blood on the windows staining it.

The drone flew from down below floor as a zombie's figure got caught in the camera and they cringed at the sight of the zombie with blood its body and also a deep bite marks as some of its skin are pealed off. The camera also caught some arrow that Wujin had said that maybe it was the archery students and a hope came inside him upon the thought of his sister.

As the drone moved to another location something caught their attention as they saw Cheongsan in one of those rooms and there is also a zombie inside as he started to fought with it. The others began calling for him once they found him but Joonyeong told them that he can't hear them. Knowing that the man are safe and his location they let the drone fly away some more until the batteries had ran out. All of them readied them selves as they made a plan on how they will go to the man.

Gyeongsu and Shihyun heard the others voice coming from the speakers as they looked at it with a frown on what they are planning and after hearing everything, the two got up from where they are sitting as Shihyun took the bag before strapping it securely on her body and hold tightly the bat on her hand. Gyeongsu also have a backpack on him with some protective gears and some food that they managed to get when they sneakily left the stock room earlier. Knowing already where everyone is going the two took a deep breath before Shihyun opened the door and they both ran out of it and began swinging their bats on the zombies.

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