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“ Shit!”

Shihyun cursed under her breath when she stumble a bit and her eyes caught sight of the zombie in front before planting her feet firmly on the floor stopping herself from rolling more before she ran at the zombie and gave it a kneed on the jaw. It got lifted from the force as a crack sound can be heard before it fall on the chairs at the side as her feet touched the ground. She looked around the room and noticed that there is some people inside, she blinked at them before turning around as something caught her attention from behind her.

The others have their eyes wide in shocked at what they witnessed, the girl just suddenly appeared inside and do those cool things it's like she was in a movie when the actor appeared through the window and fought with the enemies.

They got snapped back to reality when they caught the sound of bones breaking and saw the girl who got bitten by Mr. Kang is turning into one of them. One of the guys quickly get behind her and encircled his arms on the girl's stomach lifting it on the ground as he told her to snap out of it but it was useless as the girl are snarling at everyone. The guy throw her at the chairs before the zombie gets on her feet, snarl at them before charging at Onjo's direction though before it can come closer, Shihyun snapped its neck to the side as it fell on the floor.

The others stared at their classmate who got snapped her neck as she fell on the floor unmoving. Some of them had tears on their eyes witnessing how she got turned into one of those as they lost another person close to them.

Onjo didn't think twice before she goes for Shihyun and took her in a hug which surprised the girl as she stiffened at the contact. Everyone stared back at the two as they watched Onjo hugged the girl before letting her go and looked at her face.

“ I'm glad you're safe” she said to the girl while holding her hand as the girl didn't say anything and looked behind them.

“ Yah Shihyun, where were you? You just suddenly appeared on the window and do that thing it's really cool!” one of the guys asked her as she looked at him trying to remember his name, she knew it's something like Dae but she can't remember it.

“ Did you just jumped from the top floor or something? It could kill you, you know”

“ Then I'd rather get killed from that fall instead of getting bit by those ugly monsters” she said lowly as she looked at the corner though her eyes found someone who's also staring back at her. Shi quickly looked away as she move to the side and take a seat on the window.

“ Does it mean you really jumped from the top floor?!” the girl nodded at them as they felt their jaw dropped a bit, just how brave is this girl to do something like that.

“ We need to get out of here” one of them broke the silence as everyone attention turned to the man.

“ Are you crazy? We're already safe here and you wanted us to go outside and what? get bitten and turned just like those monsters?!”

“ Hey hey! Nayeon calm down, okay? Cheongsan is right, we really need to get out of here. Staying at one place would doom us more” the others agreed to the man, Wujin as he stopped the girl from whining.

“ And where do we go if we go outside? There's zombies everywhere”

“ The Science lab” their heads turned at Shihyun when she suddenly spoke not expecting her to join their conversation.

“ Why there?”

“ The glass window of the lab is hard to break and the door is locked-” Shi didn't get to finish her sentence when someone interrupted her on which she felt a little annoyed at the girl as their attention turned to the girl who's wearing a pink sweater.

“ Then why are we going there if it's locked? We don't even know the passcode of the door, how can you even suggest it?”  she deadpanned at the girl before she gave her an annoyed look.

“ I wouldn't have suggested it if i didn't know the passcode and you shouldn't cut people from their sentence when they are saying some important things unlike your useless whining it's really annoying” she said to the girl as some of them snickered at the girl who didn't say anything and just sat back at the chair. The girl at the back felt the corner of her lips turned upwards as she didn't expect the girl to talked like that, she'd always knew the girl as a calm person but seeing how annoyed the girl is, she felt amused.

“ Then we should go there, the lab is on the top floor, right? There's so many of us and some of us knows how to fight” some of them nodded their head at the man as Shihyun just looked outside while listening to them. She felt like someone is staring at her but she didn't bother to look on who is it.

After everyone discussed everything, Suhyeok, Cheongsan and Daesu step out first and fight the zombies outside before they told the others to get out now as they cleared the way for them. The others who can't fight are placed in the middle while Shihyun, Wujin and Joonyeong are behind fighting the zombies who came from the other side of the building as they ran upstairs. More zombies came on their way as they heard the loud snarling and growl of the zombies that it caught the others attention from below the floor.

One zombie got a hold of Wujin's arm and was about to bit him but Shihyun caught its head and throw it on the floor before kicking its head bumping it on the wall. The man gave her a nod as she did the same before they rushed to the others. They climbed on the stairs as they ran to the front when they noticed the crowd of zombies and began fighting them. Punching the zombie on his jaw Shihyun panted heavily as she takes a look of zombies at both sides of the hallway. Another one caught her attention who's about to bit the girl on her shoulder when she jumped to them and put her hands on the zombie's neck before flipping it to the ground as she repeatedly kicked its head. She turned to the girl and it's just then when she noticed who it is, it was the class president who's also now looking at her.

“ Are you okay?” she asked lowly as the girl just nodded at her before their attention go to Daesu who's holding a large wood from the door who shouted at them to duck as he ran to the zombies and pushed the door to them. The others also helped him pushed it before she looked back at the girl beside her.

“ 5691 that's the code” she told the girl as she quickly ran on the opposite side as there is some zombies behind them. Namra looked at the girl's figure before she turned her attention at everyone in front and also helps them push it until they found the lab.

“ We found it! What's the code?!”

“ 5691 put it now!” the president said to them as she's still holding the door, when it opened everyone starts to ran inside. Shihyun gave the zombie a kick on its stomach before someone took her hand from behind and pulled her inside the room as the others closed the door. They all fell on the floor as they felt exhausted from everything. Onjo turned to look at Shihyun when she noticed her leaning on the wall but beside her is the president who's holding her hand as she's also holding it tightly. The girl quickly looked away from them as she looked around more and noticed someone is missing.

“ Where is Suhyeok?” it caught the others attention as they all looked around and didn't see the man.

“ I don't know he was just behind us earlier”

“ Cheongsan he's with you earlier, where is he?” the man panted a little before he answered, telling them that they got separated before they can ran upstairs. The others are disappointed on his answer while some of them tried to cheer them up saying that he's okay as they knew he can protect himself.

Shihyun took a deep breath as she felt like her lungs are burning before she felt something on her hand. She looked down on it and her eyes widened a bit when she saw a hand holding hers, she looked beside her and noticed the president is also looking down at their joined hands before she looked up and their eyes met with each other. They both quickly looked away as they let go of their hands but they can't help the pink tint that came on their cheeks as they felt it become warm.

Hey guys i have another story ‘ Tears of a Fairy’ you can check it out! And thank you for the votes! Loveyah!

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