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It's been a few hours since had passed, Shihyun is till inside the room where the exam is happening. It was already lunch time and she felt a little hungry but they are still not allowed to go have lunch as the other seniors are still answering the exam. She let out a sigh as she stare outside the window, she's already done answering it and just waiting for everyone to finish. It was quiet as the only thing you can hear is the sound of the clock ticking every second as everyone's breathing are slow, not until they heard a sudden scream that startled them as they quickly looked up from their papers. A sudden beat of their hearts as it shocked them  upon hearing the scream. The teacher walk near the door to see on who just screamed outside but when she doesn't see anyone, she opened the door and step out a little outside. The other students stand up a bit wanting to see it too but they all scream in surprise, horror and in shock when someone jumped on the teacher with blood covering them. They both fell on the floor as the person on top bit the teachers neck and a spurts of blood covered some of the students near them.

Shihyun's eyes are wide as her heart are drumming inside her chest, everyone are screamed in panic as they can't go outside with the two blocking the door. The person who bit the teacher turned to them and let out a snarl before jumping on some students biting them too. Everything turned into a chaos as those people who got bit turned into something and  starts biting everyone that they saw. Shi's breathing become heavy at the sight as her eyes are wide in horror staring at everyone not noticing someone who turned towards her before jumping on her making them both fell on the floor.

On the other side back on their room, everyone who left to go have lunch already made it back on their room. Nam Onjo panted heavily as their hearts are beating loudly inside their chest, they can't believe on what's happening. People biting other people while growling and letting out a snarl, it shocked all of them as they can feel their knees shaking a bit. Someone in the room screamed when a hand fell on his face from the window as the others quickly helped him let the so called ‘ zombie’ let go of his hair.

Someone on the other side of the window knocked as they turned to it and seeing that it is one of their classmate they opened the window and help him get inside, Suhyeok turned back outside and call for the president's attention telling her to jump as there is another zombie behind her who's also climbing at the ladder. The girl jumped as the ladder fell to side, Suhyeok and the others helped their president to get inside as the man fell on the floor while breathing hard with some blood on his face.

Onjo looked around the room staring at everyone and it was then when she remember something or more like someone when she noticed that the person is not with them, her heart skip a beat at the thought of something must have happened to them. She turned on everyone and called for their attention on which she did as they all stared at her waiting for what she's about to say.

“ Where's Shihyun?”


As the zombie jumped on her body and they both fell on the floor, Shi holds its neck preventing it to bite her as it keeps struggling on her hold wanting to get off. The zombie is strong as she can feel that her arms are burning from tiredness as it keeps moving around while letting out a snarl, she caught sight of the book beside her and she didn't think twice to grab it and put the book on its mouth before she pushed it with all her strength making it fall on some chairs as she quickly stood up.

“ What the fuck!” she can't help but to curse as she takes the sight in front of her everything is covered with blood as they keep biting on everyone. She takes a quick glance at the door before she took off noticing that it is open wide and ran outside the room. Running on the hallway there's a scream everywhere as a sound of snarling are followed by it. She quickly ran on the field attempting to go outside the school but a crowd of zombie caught her attention as she slipped on the grass upon seeing them, her heart dropped at the sight before she gets on her feet and ran back to the building avoiding those monsters who wanted to bit her.

She managed to find an empty room as she get inside and panted heavily while holding her knees, her knuckles are a bit red from punching those zombies when they get a hold of her earlier. She looks around the small room as she blinks a little noticing that she's in one of the stock rooms in the building. There is some baseball bat, some balls and some rocket, she sighed a little more as a small smile appeared on her face. She's in the stock room on where the baseball equipments are with the tennis balls. She doesn't know what to think, if she's lucky or not with these things happening around the school and finding some things she can use as weapons.

She pick up one baseball bat that is made of metal and look around more to find something that can be useful until her eyes landed on some rope in the corner. She goes to where is it and picked it up too before she tied it on her body, it can be useful later..she thought before she looked around more before going on the door. She put her hand on it trying to listen on what's happening outside but as she can't hear anything she opened the door quietly before she stuck out her head a little and looked at the hallway. Clear.. she ran outside when she noticed that the hallway is empty before going to the stairs.

Someone jumped from above that it surprised her as she swing the bat on its head making it fall on the railings as she ran quickly upstairs upon hearing the snarls of the zombie from behind. She doesn't know what floor she's in as all she did is run when the zombie starts chasing her, she felt tired from running too much as she lean on some wall before she swing her bat on the zombie who comes to her. Someone from behind jumped on her causing for her to let go of the bat as she spin around and punch the zombie's face and giving it a round kick that it flew outside the window.

“ Good thing i know some self defense” she said to herself before she picked up the bat and ran inside that one room. There is no one inside it and she starts putting the chairs and table on the door as the zombies tried to get inside.

“ Fucking hell!” she swing her bat on those zombies hands that's trying to reach her through the window, she backs up a little as she tighten her hold on the bat as she panted heavily as her face have some blood from those monsters that she hit earlier. More zombies came outside and the door starts shaking from their strength as the glass on the window shattered. Shi looked around the room a little bit hopeless as there is nothing that can help her from the amount of zombies that's trying to get inside. Her eyes fell on the window on the other side as she quickly go near it and her eyes widened in shock at how high it is, i must be in the fifth floor or something.

She looked back at the door as it started to creak before looking back outside. Fuck it i don't want to get bitten by these ugly monster! She put down the bat on the side as she untied the rope around her body before she opened the window and tied the rope on the metal while staring at the door as it let out a crack sound. Her eyes widened in horror as the zombie starts getting inside from the crack before going towards her.

“ FUCK!!” she doesn't have the time to grab the bat as the zombie ran to her before it jumped on her and they fall outside.


“ I said get out!” Isak yelled at Mr. Kang who's glaring hard at her. The others are stepping back a little when they noticed that Mr. Kang have a bite on his arms. He was about to charge at her when he suddenly fell on the floor when Onjo smacked him on the head with a backpack. His eyes turned to her before he goes for her as well but before he could he fell on the floor as some snap were heard inside the room.

“ He's turning get him out the room now!”

“ Shut up Nayeon you're attracting more zombies outside!” they yelled in panic as they can't think of anything until the man get on his feet and jumped at one student at the side biting her on the face. The others yelled at it as they pushed the man away from the girl and back off from him.

The once Mr. Kang turned to them as he let out a snarl and was about to charge at them when the window behind them shattered and someone fell inside tumbling a bit before getting on its feet and ran to the zombie before jumping high and gives him a kneed on his jaw as he got lifted up before falling on some chairs.

Important Things (choi namra x oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang