Camilo Madrigal

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"could i request camilo madrigal x adhd! reader, please?"

• If I'm being entirely honest, I feel that Camilo may also have adhd himself. Or at the very least, I don't see him as entirely neurotypical at all. Because of this, the two of you have a good understanding of each other and the things you do.

• Camilo would be so excited for you to ramble excitedly at him? He does the same so seeing you do it back makes him feel trusted.

• If you find that your adhd causes you to become dazed and easily distracted, Camilo would be okay with that too, though he would miss your attention occasionally. Imagine being in your head, unaware of what's going on around you completely, and suddenly feeling a head plop in your lap and arms wrap around your waist.

• One unfortunate thing that I've personally had to deal with frequently, the understanding comes with annoyance. I imagine the two of you might accidentally interrupt or speak over each other. It kinds comes with the territory but you and Camilo love each other and make it work so don't worry!

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