Dolores Madrigal

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"Yandere!Dolores x Reader?"

• Do you value your sense of privacy? Well, be prepared to say goodbye to it because you are definitely not going to have it anymore.

• Out of all the Madrigals, on the surface, Dolores seems like the most relaxed yandere of the family. Seem, obviously, being the key word here. Her leash on you is loose because her gift allows her to keep tabs on you even if it seems you're completely alone. Unfortunately for you, she loves to make you know it too. At every family meal spent together, she makes sure to innocently somehow work something you did that day into the conversation, especially if you thought that that specific thing would somehow be out of her reach or that you had particularly quiet while doing it. She thinks your look of realization at being caught and your uncomfortable squirming afterwards is adorable.

• Dolores isn't the type of yandere to force herself upon you, at least not directly anyway. She truly believes that the two of you are really made to be together, that you're soulmates, that your relationship is inevitable. Her actions end up making that last part become true for sure.

• Anyone who dares to flirt or get too close to you always end up moving within the week, if not that very same day. You're not quite sure how Dolores manages it. You're pretty sure it's simple blackmail but based on the way her victims avoid looking at you as they leave, a part of her cries about violence in the back of your mind.

• If it helps at all, anyone who dares to bully or talk bad about your or your relationship with Dolores ends up getting the same treatment, so it's nice that your life is safe and relatively danger free, right?

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