Overnight Request

Start from the beginning

The Flash however noticed the place looks unclean "Oh, hey I got this!" then the man legits clean the booth seats, tables, dishes, and counters within seconds.You nearly even grabbed the supplies and he did it all for you.Wow.

Beast Boy rubs his neck, trying to start up a conversation "You...What's your name?"

"I would answer that but.." since you clearly can't do anything now, your job all done due to The Flash, your beside Max who had his tongue sticking out "...I barely know you two guys name, just the hero name."

The Flash beats Beast Boy to the punch "Understandable.Hi, I'm Barry.Barry Allen." then resumes to eating a donut from the pantry.

"Barry please pay for that." Immediately he did, in the cash register and all.

Then finally the other spoke "Garfeild Logan.A lot of people call me Garth instead however."

Humming you give in, saying yours as well "(Y/N)." then point at your sunshine golden K9 friend, snoozing on the floor near your feet "This is Max.He is my emotional therapy dog."

Garth nods, coming over to pet Max as he snooze away softly "Yeah he kinda told me that earlier."

"Waite?So you can-?"

A phone goes off.It was not your phone however it was Barry's.Hearing it he says a quick "Excuse me a second.." and all goes silent as he chit chat then and there.It was a very short call however to which the other hangs up, leaving Barry to listen to it end.

"So?Who was it?"

Barry points outside the window "About that Alfred is on his way to pick her up." then looks at you, nervous but saying the truth cause he doesn't want any smoke from you alone "So about yesterday, Batman decided informed everyone of you.And he recommends you hop into the car when it arrives, not run away."

That piece of shit INFORMED everyone?God dammit!!

"What about Max?Her dog??" Garth asked, only hearing about you then Max.

Barry rubs his neck, frowning in either nervous or fear "He said...He doesn't want Max to come.Says he is dangerous for anyone to come close to-.."

"Max is doing his fucking job!" You leap up, ignoring the limo behind you outside, getting very outrageous with the two men "He is my emotional therapy animal companion as well!Did he tell you that Max was clinging, no, digging into his heart and soul as a chunk of this very jacket I wear was in his mouth as I helplessly dangle off a hotel building?None of them helped him so Max has the right to be mad at them!He fell with me!He is now traumatize victim just like I am!"

Both of them stood silent as Alfred stood outside, waiting for you to stop yelling at them, then comes in.The door was locked so it's unknown to you on how he even got in.

"I'm guessing you are Mrs.(L/N)?"

Calming down you nod, no word being said to him.You were just so mad right now so said nothing.

"Good.It's an honor to meet you.I'm Alfred Pennysworth.The one main butler of the Wayne estate." His attention stoops down to Max, a smile comes to his face as he boops his nose lightly "I'm guessing your disagreeing with master Bruce request as well as his terms?"

Your eyes widen, holy shit did you hear him right "Wanye...As in Bruce Wayne?The billionaire Bruce Wayne??"

Alfred nods, taking Max leash "Yes indeed." soon opening the door for you, Max wagging his tail excitedly "I'll talk with him about your complains against your dog, what is the lads name?"

Your smile was unflattering, but your unsure of getting into that limo at all "Max."

He smiles sweetly, happy your following him to the limo without a single issue "He is very well tamed and well mannered dog." soon door closing shut, helping you across the busy street.

As that happens both Barry and Garth give each other uneasy side looks.From the moment your in the limo, Max in there also, Garth pulls out the mini radio that has been recording this whole time.

Barry, who crossed his fingers, spoke frist "She is on her way now...with her dog."

"I said no dog."

"Well, yeah...But really, you never  explained why though. Now we do know why, no one help the dog who risk fully tried to save their owner to only fall to their doom." Garth repeats what you said, quoting what he so says next "That dog was protecting 'our soulmate' while y'all weren't. He won't be happy but truthfully I would be feeling the same way once he sees you five."

Bruce went quite, both guessing he is rubbing his temple in frustration, but the voice of Dick was heard "Sounds good.Lock up the café for her will you?People are crazy at nightfall."

A quick "On it!" came from both of them, Barry finished cleaning all that is needed to be clean, then zooms on out as Garth locks the door and shuts off the lights.Soon hitched a ride on Barry and on their way to Wayne estate.

Garth is gonna have to remain close to Max good side in order for anyone to interact with (Y/N), mostly for the Wanye members sake.


Marvel People (Good luck!)
•Tony Stark
•Peter Parker
•Steve Rogers
•Bucky Barnes
•Bruce Banner
•T'challa (R.I.P legend..)
•Erik Killmonoger
•Natasha Romanoff
•Wanda Maximoff
•Peitro Maximoff
•Thor Odison
•Loki Odison

DC People (Good luck here also!)
•Clark Kent
•Bruce Wayne
•Arthur Kurry
•Barry Allen
•Jason Todd
•Tim Drake
•Dick Grayson
•Damian Wayne
•Harely Quinn
•Poison Ivy
•Beast Boy
•Wally West

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