Chapter 49

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Date: Monday, June 5th

When Sophia got home the words, "She's fucking lying," kept replaying in her head.

"Sophia stop fucking lying. He is my best friend. I know for a fact he wouldn't do that," He said.

Sophia was standing in front of the man she thought would always be on her side but clearly not.

"No, I am not. He...He hurt me. Touched me where he shouldn't have," Sophia said with tears falling down her face. She was in so much pain. More than she already was.

"Sophia, I said that is enough. You are just a kid. He was just doing his job. Now get in the damn car," He said, with anger in his voice.

Sophia's heart dropped. Why does he not believe her? Sophia climbed into his car despite the pain she was in. He slammed the car door shut and started to drive away from the doctor's office.

"You better straighten up before we get to Luke's and you better not say a damn word to him about this. It did not happen. You are just a confused 9-year-old," He said looking at the road.

Sophia immediately tried to stop crying. One of her favorite people in the world she is now absolutely terrified of. Why is he acting like this? Why does he not believe her?

He pulled into Luke's apartment parking lot. He shared the apartment with Michael. Luke was already waiting for them.

"Hey Jack, Hey Sophia," Luke said with a smile on his face

"Hey Luke," Jack said.

Sophia just looked at him and then walked right past him into his apartment.

"What's wrong with her?" Luke asked looking at Jack confused.

"She's been in a mood all day. She's fine," Jack said.

"Ok then, well see you later," Luke said not believing Jack at all.

Luke walked into his apartment and saw Michael on the couch but didn't see Sophia.

"Where did she go?" Luke asked.

"Luke, somethings off. She is usually super excited to see me but she didnt even acknowledge me when she walked through the door. She walked straight to the bathroom. She also looked like she was in pain," Michael said standing up.

"Yeah I noticed something was off," Luke said and immediately started to worry.

He and Michael walked over to the bathroom door and heard sobs coming from inside.

"Soph, what's wrong?" Luke asked, softly.

"Nothing, go away," Sophia said.

"Sophia, I know something is wrong. You can't lie to me," Luke said.

"Just go away. I don't want to talk about it," Sophia said and started to cry harder.

They also heard her say quietly, "No please don't touch me go away."

Luke and Michael looked at each other.

Luke immediately pulled out his phone to call his mom. Maybe she would know what was going on.

Luke came back and said to Michael, "My mom said she went to the doctor today because she was having really bad stomach pains for the past week and has been constipated."

Michaels's eyes went wide, "Luke, I...I think something might have happened."

"Oh fuck," Luke immediately went back to the bathroom door, "Sophia, did something happen today at the doctor's office?

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