Epilogue 2 - Isabel

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"You are the worst, most treacherous werewolf that has ever walked on this Land!"

My last words are all squeaky and my throat hurts from all the screaming I have been doing. The last time I raged like this was two weeks ago, when Zero Two disappeared, and I lost my voice shaming some trackers who brought me three different lynxes - none of them mine.

"He's my true mate, Isabel!" Raya sobs defeated on the other end of the line.

An unranked lambda. Which she marked on-sight and with whom she'll exchange vows at a ceremony I was informed of by her mother. During our official catch-up earlier this morning.

"Why are you so mad, you always believed in the true mates' bond," my friend makes an attempt.

"And you did not! You did not, Raya! For years you spat on my beliefs. Because the bond is a leash you are too good for." Tears burn my eyes, because there is more anger in me than my voice can carry.

Raya doesn't know, but the memories of her convincing speeches had made me doubt my sanity in Owen's time. I sometimes thought I was just being silly for pining over what I thought was my lost true bond. Because according to Raya, my best friend - I wasn't losing anything, but rather escaping some sort of trap. And it was very disturbing that this escape feel like death.

"For years now you told anyone who wanted to listen - your loverboy included - that you will reject your true mate," I raise my voice again. "Does Eino know by the way?"

"Yes...he was there."

I wish she was here to sink my claws in her throat. If I could shift into claws.

I love Raya, I have known her for my whole life but Eino is now blood, he's my bro, my little brother who wears a black diamond in his hair, the color of this heartless traitor's eyes.

"What did he say?"

"That I am welcome," she bawls and I let out another stream of curses, drowning whatever irrelevant defense - about Moon Gifts and true mates' bond - she is mumbling.

And suddenly the line is silent, a large hand prying the phone from mine and throwing it carelessly on the floor. The Alpha has just confiscated my device and I am grateful for it.

"Whatever that was that angered you so - not worth it. Not good for you or for the baby," Lars's words brush against my neck, while his hands wrap themselves against my belly. The pup agrees with his statement and pushes a limb against his fingers.

"Lars," I say, molding my back into his chest, "when did you last talk to Eino?"

"Two weeks ago, when we went on that raid with Sven. Why?" He chuckles, distracted, tickling what seems to be a little foot stretching right below my ribs.

"It seems that while he was away Raya and Simone had an...altercation. Eino executed Simone for attacking a guest on his territory."

I feel his heart racing as he moves it away from me. Curls fall over lightning-filled eyes as he's shaking his head disappointed:

"I knew he shouldn't have flaunted his chosen mate in front of his...unchosen and unmated one."

"Yeah, but it gets worse."

He looks at me in disbelief, because what can be worse than Eino killing a female?

"Simone's family came to collect her body. Their driver is Raya's mate."

My Alpha's eyes flicker a moment into icy blue and then he says, almost smiling:

"Don't tell me, he took his throat also."

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