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A coveted land surrounded by vast forests of tall great oak trees, acres of fertile lush hills, and at the heart of the land stood the mighty untouchable, Zaia Empire.

The empire radiated a harmonious spirit, which came hand-in-hand with the authoritative mighty strength the imperial family created.

Prince Ezekiel Peidon, the imperial crown prince.
The prince was desired by all.
Platinum gold hair, dazzling emerald eyes, and a face chiseled by the gods that made everyone—even the most arrogant deities—swoon. Aside from his features, the prince's intelligence alone was enough to make anyone admire the royal.
Calculating, reserved, and insightful, he was sought out by countless of noble families. A chance to become apart of the imperial family, as well as having a husband who's excellence never dulled, every house rushed to send engagement requests.

However, focused on preparing to take over the throne, Prince Ezekiel never spared a glance for a lady or to a marriage offer. He understood the values an emperor should have, understood a wife from a noble house could bring more power to his rise to the throne, yet his values interfered. He declined all romantic entanglement.

Until he met her.

A commoner gifted with a serene enthralling voice, the girl was given a chance to sing at the emperor's birthday.
The commoner blessed with the voice of a goddess, looks as fragile and soft like an elegant dove, she instantly took the prince's heart the moment he laid his eyes on her.
Ceti, a commoner without even a last name, had caught the aloof prince's attention.

As if under a spell with her enchanting silky voice, his desire to meet the commoner constantly grew each passing day. Unable to shake the feeling, the crown prince tracked her down. Volunteering to help at the orphanage she worked, he fell more enchanted by the girl. Over the weeks he helped, their feelings for each other blossomed introducing a secret courtship.
Their secret couldn't remain hidden for long though.

Just as the crown prince had many admirers, there were just as many enemies wanting to bring the great empire to ruin. Enemy spies saw Ceti gaining the crown prince's favour, which showed a weakness to demolish the future emperor's will. An assassination attempt towards Ceti caused the crown prince to bring her to his palace, ensuring his love would be protected within the walls.

Through many hurdles and challenges, a day nobody expected finally came.
The crown prince and Ceti were engaged.
The empire rejoiced for their crown prince was finally betrothed to Ceti, a commoner with a reputation as a gracious goddess. Rumours about how she's a goddess in the form of a mortal spread, and she was welcomed into the imperial family.

Yet there was one person in all the land, who was anything but joyous.

The empire's notoriously rumoured witch.
Apathetic, cruel, cunning, and heartless.
All the words the 'witch' was described with, yet nobody could confirm the rumours. She was too powerful to reach, and those below her feared the worst if they got too close. She was untouchable, and in one of the most powerful positions of all;

Princess Aryllis Athana, the daughter of the mighty archduke.

The princess was someone who got everything she desired, and would do anything to get what she wanted. At the age of seven, she found something she desired most in the world, the crown prince.
Her desire and possessiveness swelled once she had her heart set out for him.
She wanted the throne, she wanted the crown prince, and she would do anything to have both.

Yet the day of her coming of age, the engagement was announced.

Ceti was engaged to become the crown princess.

Princess Aryllis overwhelmed with rage and anger couldn't keep her composure. The cunning archduke's princess was blinded by her emotions, and had ignored the principles and rules she adhered to all her life.

Requesting to meet Ceti under the guise of becoming friends, Ceti accepted obliviously.
The princess arrived and had brought her prized possession, the Arae dagger.

A dagger discovered by adventurers in a labyrinth of caves deep within a mountain, they stumbled upon the dagger struck into the body of a bull.
The fear was instilled weeks after bringing the dagger home. The adventurers wife had made a mistake, accidentally slicing her finger with the blade, causing her to fall asleep and never wake up. Years had passed and she looked as if she never aged or decayed.
Thousands of years went by, and not a single sorcerer that's studied the dagger could replicate the power it held.
Where it came from was a mystery, and whoever crafted it was unknown.
The Arae dagger caused an eternal slumber, leaving the body preserved for thousands of years without decay. A small cut was even enough to trap a mortal, and after the true power of it was feared and still unknown, it was locked away and hidden forever; until it had found a new owner.

Revealing her prized possession, Princess Aryllis plunged the dagger into Ceti's heart the second she had a chance.

Knights ran in upon hearing Ceti's scream, yet were too late. The dagger was stuck deep into her chest. Sorcerers recognized the Arae and knew she would remain balanced on the thin line between life and death for eternity. Ceti remained still as if a perfect doll.

The princess was executed the night the dagger was plunged into Ceti's heart.
Princess Aryllis was executed ruthlessly by the man she adored most.
Prince Ezekiel took her life with his own sword.

A funeral was held for the princess, but nobody mourned. Even her own father rushed the funeral.
A noble's funeral should be held for three days. The first day a goodbye, the second day a feast offered to the one who passed, and the third day the burying of the body. Yet her funeral only lasted for thirteen minutes.
Her brothers didn't shed a tear or show emotions of sorrow, only annoyance, and the duchess refused to even attend, for how could she?
Princess Aryllis was a criminal.

The empire should have rejoiced that the 'witch' was killed, however they didn't bat an eye once the news spread. Her death was irrelevant compared to the worries for the future crown princess. The citizens could only pray, begging for Ceti to be saved, and soon their prayers were answered when a miracle happened.

The cure was found.

Saved from the wretched curse, Ceti opened her eyes for the first time in a year.
The crown prince and her were soon wed, and the empire celebrated for weeks.

Nobody cried or even remembered the death of the archduchy's princess.

Except for her.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she stared at the black stage.
The spotlights gone and all that was left was the silence. The vibrant lights and enchanting scenes had all disappeared, leaving behind a bittersweet reminder the act was over. The theatre was quiet, with rows of empty seats as the girl stared at the stage.

Red-violet eyes containing a sorrowful longing look, framed with long curled eyelashes. Her eyes sharp like a tiger, yet a soft underlying tone of an injured kitten. The silk-linen gown she wears, framing her elegant posture as an air of strength radiates from her, yet crumbling as the seconds pass. Long violet hair falling effortlessly down her shoulders, her bangs hiding the pained expression she wears and the quivering of her rose lips.

Princess Aryllis Athana sits in the theatre seat, weeping for the poor girl she killed.

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