Thirty Five.

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Striding angrily, Alana made her way to Chan's room. She didn't even spare time to knock on the door before she twists the knob and storms in. She was fuming and ready to squish his stupidly handsome face.

"Won't you stop the h-" Alana's words halted once she realized Chan wasn't alone in his room.

Two pairs of eyes were scanning Alana up and down. Unlike Chan who was looking at her with awed eyes, those two pairs were judgmental. And those pairs belonged to his parents. A man and a woman in their late fifties whom Alana met before more than once, but never dared to talk to them. The couple of times she met them, she was among the medical staff of their son, so she was never standing out. Or that was what she thought.

His parents looked kind and loving yet a little controlling. She witnessed the quarrel when they wanted to take him home and how they were nearly ordering the doctors but Dr. Kim didn't give them the upper hand. Although Alana completely understood that their actions came from their love and care for their only son, she felt a little intimidated by them.

"Oh!" Alana was taken aback. "Umm.. I'm sorry. I didn't know you have visitors." She looked at Chan who never dropped his admiring eyes from her. "I'll come back later." Alana bowed to the parents and was about to leave when Chan stopped her.

"Don't. They are leaving anyways." Chan said assuringly.

"Who said we are leaving?" His mother stepped forward, closer to his bed, making her classy grey heels clack to the floor. Those heels matched her grey knee-length pencil skirt. A white silky blouse hugged her petite figure gracefully. Her dark brown wavy hair fell to the middle of her back. Alana nodded to herself as she noticed from where Chan did get his fluffy brownish hair. "We are not done here, Chan!" The woman stated in a stern voice.

Chan rolled his eyes before he huffs. "I said what I said. This is final." Chan said as he looked ahead. His features turned stoic and somehow, his softness was nowhere to be found on his face. With one eyebrow elevated, he added his final statement. "I'm not willing to discuss more of this subject."

Alana made a mental note to never, never, try and intimidate him.

His mother was about to protest when his father stepped in, placing a hand on his wife's arm to stop her. He looked down at his son and Alana could see he was giving up to whatever Chan wanted. "As you wish, son." He said as he stuffed his free hand into the slacks' pocket of his dark blue -obviously- tailored suit.

"What?" His mother gasped. "No, you can't be serious." She glared at her husband.

"Darling," He called sweetly. "He's not a kid anymore. He's a grown-up man. Besides," He paused to look at Alana, flashing her a gentle knowing smile. And that's how Alana learned from where Chan did get his breathtaking dimples. "I think he has a good reason."

Alana felt stupid not getting whatever was happening. The father's smile, Chan's smirk, and the mother's slightly widened eyes, all looking at her made her feel flustered. She felt like she wanted to retreat till she buries herself in the wall behind, but Chan reaching out for her hand and holding it softly, made her heart settles a little.

"And we should leave." His dad added. He started dragging his wife to the door much to her dismay. The woman was pouting while looking over her shoulder at her son. Chan's dad shoved his eyes at Alana, making the girl startles when she realized his gaze was on her. "Will see you soon, Dr. umm. The name?" He stopped to question.

Alana pulled the nametag clipped to her white coat to make it visible. "Mun Alana."

"As beautiful as its owner." The man sealed his words with a wink, which again made Alana startles before he opens the door and leaves with his wife.

Alana sighed in relief but her eyes stayed at the closed door as if she was still progressing the awkwardness. If it wasn't for Chan's hand that started playing with her fingers, Alana would've probably stayed in her thoughts for longer.

She looked down at Chan who was sitting upright in his bed. His smile widened once their eyes met, making his dimples show. "Sure your dad used to be a big flirt." Alana joked.

"He is a big flirt." Chan chuckled. He pulled Alana down to sit on his bed as always. His hands held her two, pulling her closer to be facing him. "And I took that after him." Chan winked at her.

Poor Alana almost jumped in her place. She was a girl you could easily get a reaction from. And Chan adored that. She was crystal clear. When she's flustered, her breath would quicken, making her chest rise and fall noticeably. And her cheeks would redden just like she was that second.

"Whatever you say!" She huffed, shoving her face away.

"Okay, tough." He chuckled. "What brought you earlier storming like that? What happened?"

Alana snapped when she remembered why she came to his room at first. She looked at him with now firing eyes, no trace of the flustered girl anymore and Chan knew he was in trouble. "When will you stop doing that?"

"And what is that?" He chuckled, knowing that he was teasing her.

Alana glared at him. Indeed, he was enjoying torturing her. "Touching your mark! You keep doing that on purpose because you know it tingles me when you do that."

Somehow, their marks were responsive to each other. When Alana touches hers, he would feel it at his, and when he touches his, Alana would feel it too.

"Me?" He questioned with a fake gasp, playing the innocence game. "I would never do that to you, my dear Alana. But if you'd like to think so, it's up to you." He shrugged.

"Seriously, you won't stop?"

Inching closer, he wiggled his brows at her. "Never. Come on! I know it's not annoying. It's just ticklish. You also get me ticklish whenever you touch your mark and I don't object."

"I don't do it on purpose when I'm in the middle of lectures or treating patients!" She snapped.

"But you do it late at night when I'm here staying up all by myself." He fired back.

Alana looked down embarrassed. "I do have a habit of rubbing at it absentmindedly since it used to be always irritating me." She mumbled. "I'm sorry."

Although Chan felt a pang in his chest at how she was apologizing, he couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. Whenever he feels he can't get a grip on his emotions, he would pull the girl into his embrace and it always works like magic. As if just holding her that close could sort his life out. And that's what he did. He pulled her to his chest and wrapped her body in his arms. A sigh came out from both of them in sync as their bodies relaxed.

Chan liked how she wasn't startled by his sudden hugs anymore. That meant she was comfortable with that. But the thought didn't stop his devilish side from looking for something else that would take the girl's breath away. That's how Chan decided to level up.

Pulling back, he looked at her beautiful features that looked back at him innocently, not knowing what he was preparing for. His eyes drifted to her long neck, especially, her mark. He noticed that lately, she's been not covering the mark as she used to do. It looked like she wasn't bothered by it anymore. And deep inside of him, he liked looking at it.

A smirk decorated his face as he lightly brushed her mark with the tips of his fingers, making the girl gasp, and making his own mark tingle. Chan didn't think much before doing his next move. He surely didn't think much before inching closer to her neck. He totally didn't think before his lips rested on the soft skin of her neck where her mark laid its endings.

And that was how Alana's blood froze underneath his lips that kissed her neck.

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