Twenty Seven.

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"Dr. Mun!"

Alana flinched at her name being called. She lifted her head to look at the nurse standing on the other side of the examination bed. "Huh? Yes!"

"The bandage." The nurse said, extending her hand with a minion's bandage.

"Thank you!" Alana said receiving the bandage before she turns back to her patient. The little cutie boy fell off his bike and injured his elbow and had to get stitches. Alana had already stitched the boy and now she was dressing the wound. "Here you are." She said once she was done wrapping it. She crouched to be on his level. "You will not touch it, right?" She asked. The boy nodded. "You will listen to the instructions until it heals completely. And you'll have to promise me to take care the next time you are on your bike." She extended her pinky finger to the boy who cutely intertwined his finger with it.

Alana smiled, ruffled the boy's hair then straightened up to face his mother. She politely gave her the instructions and guided her on where to go to receive the boy's medication.

And that was Alana's last patient at the ER. It was already her last day in this department before she switches to another. Was it the General Surgery Department? Or Maybe the Internal Medicine? Alana couldn't remember where her next round would be. Or more precisely, she wasn't giving it much attention. Her mind was preoccupied with other stuff. That's why she was spacing out a lot lately.

It was more than a week since the encounter with Yuri, the café's owner. Right after she revealed how the Lost Prince thought of soulmates, Alana felt her stomach roll and her world spin. The way back to Alana's home seemed like it didn't end. She was going in loops inside her head.

'He didn't believe in soulmates.'

The sentence kept repeating itself nonstop.

That's why she couldn't do anything to him. That's why the bond wasn't forming properly. He didn't believe in soulmates. He didn't believe in her.

Minho felt how struggling she was inside her head so, he kept driving silently till he dropped her home. He made sure to tell her to rest and not to think too much, and to call him if she needed anything or even if she just needed a vent. He bid his goodbye and left to catch up with his flight. Although he was hell busy with his project abroad, he still called Alana every now and then to check on her.. and him.

'He didn't believe in soulmates.'

For a week, Alana didn't know what to do. She cried and screamed by herself in her apartment. She was angry and frustrated. Although she and the boy were officially nothing, she felt betrayed. As if she was cheated on. What would she do? How could she convince him of her? Of their bond? How could she while he's sleeping?

Couldn't he feel how torturing this was for the both of them? Couldn't he feel Alana's emotions inside his chest as Alana feels his inside hers? Was not he aware of his soft hums, grunts, and sighs echoing inside Alana's head? What about his mark? Wasn't it suffocating him as long as Alana wasn't by his side? Wasn't it sweetly tingling him whenever Alana held his hand?

'He didn't believe in soulmates.'

Those words started to replay in Alana's skull as she was making her way up to the sixth floor. She was now ready to confront. For a week, she was avoiding him. She visited his room less. And whenever she was there, she would only stand by the door, look at him from afar without saying a word and then she would turn her back and leave. She wasn't sure of what she had to do so she did nothing. Although she still didn't know what she was doing by heading to his room, she was frustrated enough to let her emotions take over her actions.

Alana didn't greet the nurses as usual when she passed by the nurses' station. She walked straight to his room, got in, slammed the door, and then locked it before she turns to face him.

Quietly sleeping as ever.

That scene always calmed her insides, but right now, it was fueling her anger.

Alana scoffed as she made her way to his bed. She stood there looking down at his sleeping form. She could feel his irritation. Something was annoying him. She knew he needed her to hold his hand as always or to pat his chest, but she couldn't care less.

"You are mean! You are seeking comfort from me when you don't believe in me?" She scoffed again. "What's wrong with you? You know me. You know who I am to you. You feel the bond too. But you are reluctant to give up to it? Why?"

Alana's voice was getting louder as her eyes were turning red in anger. It angered her more how she was talking with no response. "I'm tired of this. Aren't you too?" She almost yelled. "Why are you doing this to me? Don't you feel how angry, frustrated, and desperate I am? Was it funny to you how I was pouring my everything into this, trying whatever was sane or insane to wake you up? Did you enjoy how everyone was treating me like a crazy witch because I believed in you when you didn't even believe in soulmates?"

Alana could feel heaviness in her chest that wasn't hers.

She chuckled. "What? Are you feeling guilty now? Spare it!" Alana almost spat her words as she turned around, back facing the Lost Prince. Her hands moved through her hair more than once. She was trying to calm herself down. She didn't want to lash out at him like that but she was done with the tornado of emotions she was going through.

"It hurts." She said. Her voice now was low and constrained. She was fighting an upcoming breakdown. She didn't turn to face him again and decided to let out whatever she had left. "I'm hurt. I'm lost and confused. I don't know what to do anymore. I was determined. I was ready to fight. I was ready to fight for you, wait for you and be with you even if you are sleeping like this. But I don't know anymore. I don't think I would be able to do this anymore. I'm suffocating. This bond is torturing." Alana paused to breathe in.

Her tears were already streaming down her face. She could hear a muffled wince inside her skull and rumbles inside her chest. Her mark was beginning to tingle her, not the sweet tingles but the painful ones that she knew would be insanely hurting her soon. She knew he was going through the same but she didn't let that affect her decision.

The decision that she made just now.

Sighing loudly, she wiped her tears. "I have no idea how fate works. I don't know why the sky decided to give me your mark that day. But I won't question it from now on." She turned to finally face him. As expected, his face was slightly scrunched. He was in pain just like her. "I'm leaving. I will go home, miles away from you. I know it would hurt loads more than now, but I'll go through it."

Alana stepped closer to his bed, she leaned down until her face was inches above his. Her hand cupped his face, instantly feeling the familiar electricity running up her arm. Her face moved even closer till her lips met his cheek in a soft light peck. She pulled away only for her lips to be by his ear to whisper. "I'm sorry for this, but I can't help you if you don't want to help yourself."

She moved her face up to look at his for one last time. Alana ignored how his face almost twitched when one of her flooding tears dropped to his eye and then started to run down his face as if it was his own tear. "I wish I could've known your name but I guess that's it." She smiled brokenly. "Goodbye, my BOSOM."

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