Part V, Chapter 1. The Angels

Start from the beginning

Michael, God's Archangel and Sera's best friend, took off flying towards the Gate. He had summoned his dual flaming swords. Sera summoned his single silver sword, springing into the air and giving frightful chase after Michael.

It wasn't until the pair were directly in the fray itself could they see what was happening. Before then all they could hear were the battle cries, and all they could see were angels being flung into the air. Finally Sera hovered directly over the mess, too shocked to do anything.

Lucifer, wielding a wicked-looking twisted, black sword, was leading a charge comprised of Higher Demons. Sera knew they were Higher because Lesser Demons-vampires, lost spirits, conjurations-would have burst into flames and perished immediately upon entering Heaven.

These were the dangerous ones. Scores of Watchers, Nephilim, and Fallen Angels whose wings were as black as ebony, attacked anything that moved that wasn't a demon. Sera was mortified to see Paimon riding on his large black war-camel; this was one of Lucifer's General's, one of the only friends Lucifer even had. Paimon had many different names, but he was one of the Princes of Hell. There were three other Prince's--if Paimon were here, Sera was sure the other three were, too.

This was not merely a skirmish. This was not some sort of war game. This was a serious assault.

It was startling, the sheer number of demons Lucifer had gathered. There were nearly as many demons as there were angels, and they kept pouring in through the Gate. It was with this realization that shook Sera out of his shock. He sprung into action, additional wings unfurling as pure white lightning crackled and snapped off his body.

The battle was arduous and lasted hours. The two sides went blow for blow. Sera had been wounded, tired, cowering behind a collapsed building as he allowed himself a few moments of rest. Shaking, he looked at his hand that was clutched at his stomach; it came away soaked in blood. Grimacing, he put it back.

As he peeked out from his hiding spot, he was startled to see that Lucifer was close. It was the last thing Sera had expected, and he snapped his head back around the rubble. Lucifer was walking past, alone.

"Good," Michael said, abruptly appearing out of thin air next to Sera. The Archangel was bloodied and dirtied, but appeared to be in better shape than Sera was. "He's finally alone."

Sera hadn't seen Michael in hours. He was relieved to see that he was alive. Michael had taught him everything about being a Seraphim. They spent everyday together, drank and ate together for almost every meal, only changing this routine if they had prior engagements to attend to.

Often they had deep philosophical conversations that always lasted late in the night, usually ending with Michael getting frustrated at how cynical Sera was. After a point Sera lost count of how many times Michael chided him, warning him his mouth would make him become Fallen one day. Yet regardless of how angry they were at each other the previous night, they always acted like no quarreling had taken place the next morning.

Over the years Sera had come to view Michael as an older brother. Sera couldn't remember if he had siblings when he was human. In fact, with each passing day he was finding it harder to remember a time when he had been mortal, period. Their friendship was priceless to him.

Sera grabbed Michael's forearm. "Michael. You don't mean to take him alone?"

Michael gave Sera a cocky look as a lock of straw-colored hair fell onto his sweaty, sun-kissed brow. He wiped a bit of blood from his lip and grinned. "Of course I do. One on one seems like a fair fight."

Sera peaked back around the corner again, feeling sick as he watched Lucifer lick blood off his demented sword.

"Michael," Sera pleaded desperately, gripping his friends' arm tighter. The battle around them was coming to their ears as a mere din now, bodies of demons laying all around them. Angels simply disappeared when they died. "You know who that is, right?"

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