Four - Callan

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"No, no, no, no," Carla groaned, turning her back to me and pulling the bed covers up over her head. "Can't we stay in bed all day?"

I sighed, sliding into my jeans before turning back to the lump of covers in the centre of my bed. "Unfortunately, not," I muttered. "Now get up."

She threw the covers back off her and stuck her lower lip out in a pout. "Come on," she called, her voice sultry, "come back to bed. Just for a couple more hours?" I stepped towards her, prepared to drag her from my bed if it meant she'd get moving. I was supposed to be babysitting Ethan's sister and I knew she was an early riser. I opened my mouth to tell Carla to move once again when she reached a hand forward and brushed it over the front of my jeans. "I'll make it worth your while."

I felt my dick twitch at the thought. Carla was extremely gifted in the bedroom. Outside of it – not so much. She lived off her dad's money because she was thick as shit. She was spoiled and composed and everyone perceived her to be a perfect, innocent little angel. She was a lot like Alyssa in that sense, she had the innocent act down to a science and strutted around on her high horse, looking down on everyone around her. But unlike Lys, Carla wasn't anywhere near as innocent as she would have people believe.

"Please?" she whimpered, moving her hand faster over the fabric of my jeans.

I groaned, mindlessly reaching forward to grab a fistful of her hair. I leant forwards to kiss her, battling to breathe through the fog of perfume she always drowned herself in. It was far too sickly for my liking, like walking into a candy shop.

I pulled on her hair just hard enough to tilt her head back. She half gasped, half moaned at the action and all the blood in my body rushed south. "We can't," I bit out, the words bitter in my mouth. I wasn't the type of man that would refuse a woman begging him to fuck her.

"Why not?" she breathed.

Again, I groaned. I was going to kill Ethan for this. Babysitting was hardly my dream job. And Alyssa and I weren't exactly the best of friends. She may have been my best friend's little sister but she was a spoiled, selfish brat. Ever since she was a kid, she'd been spoiled and acted as though the world revolved around her. Until a month ago, she'd lived in her own perfect little world, never having a problem that her family's money couldn't fix.

When she lost her mother, that had been the first time I'd seen her mask slip. She always acted like she was so perfect, like the issues everyone had to deal with in life didn't apply to her. But it wasn't difficult to understand where she got her confidence from.

Her grandfather had founded a company when he was young and spent his life dedicated to providing for his family. He intended to retire early and pass it on to his daughter's husband but E's dad didn't want the responsibility of the company or his kids and took off when Lys was still a baby. His mom didn't want to work so his grandfather carried on until Ethan was old enough.

And since then, the company only grew. Ethan became one of the richest men in Manhattan and Alyssa had an endless supply of money to do what she wanted with. Being one of the richest women in New York, as well as one of the most beautiful, didn't exactly make her particularly modest. The press was always talking about her like she was a celebrity. Ethan killed anything negative but that was rare. To them, she was the equivalent of a princess.

"Hello?" Carla snapped.

I looked down to see her glaring up at me, the sharp angles of her face even more pronounced than usual. I released the handful of her long black locks and climbed off the bed. "I'm sorry," I told her and I meant it. "I'm busy today."

That was the only information I offered her. It wasn't like she was my girlfriend. We didn't give a shit about each other's lives, we never bothered to ask. We just had a mutual agreement to use each other whenever one of us needed. It worked well for me, no exclusivity, no dating, no strings, just sex.

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