"wow, if only it was that easy for me.."

"what do you mean?"

"well, i kinda like ranboo, but he likes someone else already.."

"who is this someone else?"

"umm, don't be mad but its tommy"

TOMMY!? as in my tommy!? I'm going to kill this bitc- no no! deo no! you're not killing anyone...


"where's my knife?"

"uh-deo, i dunno where your knife is but what are yo-"

"miss can i go to the bathroom?"

"yeah whatever, just be fast"

"uh, miss i also really need to go"

"sigh, ok fine"

_tubbo pov_

me and deo didn't go to the bathroom, i mean was anyone actually thinking that we would go to a bathroom? ok I'm breaking thr fourth wall now.

well, me and deo went to the lockers, deo took out something long, uncovered it and HOLY!!!

"where did you even get that!?"

"my knife?"

wait- black sword, knife... but- tell me he didn't steal this from a villian....

i looked at him horrified and he just smiled!
that sword even had the one orange strip on the blade part! that is Timecatcher's sword! the one he used to kill people!

"I'll explain later, rn the bells about to ring"

just then the bell rung and in a matter of seconds the hallway was full! i turned around expecting to see deo, but instead of him tommy was there.

"hey tubzo!"

"hey uh tommy?"


"did you know about deo having a fuckin sword!?"

"why did he bring it to school!?"

and tommy ran off, and now I'm alone... AGAIN! suddenly some people bumped into me and I fell down while they ean off.


_ranboo pov_

i was walking out my class when suddenly i was dragged by the back of my shirt to the janitor's closet! i looked back to meet horrifying angry red orange eyes.

"uhh Deo whats going on?"
i stuttered, deo just glared at me and my eyes suddenly turned to the object deo was holding,


"to end you of course!"
he just smiled like a manic!

"w-what did i even do!?"
i backed away but he just got closer.

"you love someone, don't you?"

"what's it to you!?"

"is that someone called tommy?"
shit ... tubbo told him didn't he? well looks like I'm dead....

_a few moments later_

"where were you two, and ranboo why are you soo shaky?"
if only tubbo knew, i just smiled at him and tommy just rolled his eyes and fluffed his wings and walked away with deo following behind him, i guess tommy likes strong athletic men?

"i don't have a chance with him now do i?"
i asked

"you don't but- i umm- forget it..."
tubbo also walked off to another direction and i was left alone, i sighed and went home.

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