[10] Rival

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[Gale's Pov]

My fur was more messy then usual.. what the- OH! Milo was uhh.. sleeping with me. I forgot the tent burnt, poor fella was probably cold. I placed my hand on his back and pet him slightly, he started purring heh, I held him closer until we were in a complete cuddling form. He's so cold, I'll make him soup once it cools down. But as soon as I figured out what soup, I started to shiver heavily, it's freezing! It'll never cool down.. I noticed how cold Milo's hands were, I know my legs still wounded but he needs a warmer area! The fire won't start in these conditions, I couldn't wake him up either. He might be a deep sleeper, I can do this. I slowly got up and my leg felt fine for a bit, it still really hurts but I can handle it! I put away all our stuff quickly and fed the horses, then Milo started to wake up, he tried to get up but shivered so much he could barely stand. I helped him onto the horse and bundled him up nicely.

We got onto the same horse while we lead the other on, Milo was crying from the cold! I held him close and we quickly headed to a small abandoned shack I saw in the distance, Milo yelled at me for getting up but I ignored him. He was holding my arm weakly the entire time, "I'll keep you warm alright? Just get as warm as you can!" I held him close and helped him inside the shack, I got all our blankets and warmest clothes and gave them all to Milo. He thanked me as I set up the fire. After that I held him close, he needs all the warmth he can get, he sat there quietly. Then I realized he fell asleep! I wonder why the weather is horrible today, maybe we're just unlucky.

I looked at my map to see if we were in the right area, well, We were but it was close to the colder region. That's why it's freezing! I'm such an idiot I should've warned Milo about this.. He started shifting around a bit before he started hugging my waist, I brushed his fur a bit with my hand as he started to wake up. He smiled at me a bit before getting up, "Thanks, Are you okay?" He asked me. I told him about the weather problem, he said that we should go back and find a warmer place.

I saw some lights outside and realized maybe a small village is here. Milo looked weak, he needs to get warmer or he'll freeze to death! I packed our things and told him I'd go see if there's an inn and I'll come back for him, he didn't really like it.. he said he's up for it I just better he quick about it. I hugged him and maybe sorta gave him a kiss. Anyway. I rushed out on my horse and looked for a place to stay, there was a bar but no rooms. It's better than nothing. I started to walk back out to get back to Milo but my horse was stuck?! How.. oh no..

[Milo's Pov]

It's so cold.. I hate it.. he better hurry I feel like my blood is turning to ice. My ears are freezing! I curled up into a ball and rubbed my hands together trying to stay warm. What if he abandoned me..? He wouldn't. Never.. I'm not breathing so well.. "Gale..? Hurry.. please." I hear something, I hope it's Princey.. I hear growling and something else. I keep hearing stuff but I'm not too worried, he's probably trying to get the door open. The door creaked as it opened, that's not him? It was wolves?! Well shit. I got up to my feet and grabbed my axe. I could barely stand still though. Damn it, I need help..

"MILO?! ARE YOU OKAY?" I heard Gale yell out, I was about to open the door when I heard what sounded like a struggle.. "LET GO YOU WENCH. I'LL KILL YOU-" I opened the door and saw a strange figure fighting the prince, oh no. I jumped at the figure before it kicked my stomach, hard. I let out a small yelp and landed on the ground, I tried to get up but it hurt. I felt to arms hold me close before I saw Gale throw something and passing out. What is happening?!


Where..? What the hell?! Where am I? I quickly got up and I realized I wasn't out in the cold anymore. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I jumped and backed away." Hey, hey, chill out.. it's me Gale." I slowly calmed down and wrapped myself in my blanket, I'm pretty pissed as him for leaving me out there alone, "If you don't wanna talk it's okay." I hate this place. Why'd didn't he tell me about this, I could've gotten frostbite or something horrible. "What happened out there?" I asked him, he didn't respond.

"Glad you're awake Sir Milo, I see they gave you the same letter?" who the.. What the fuck.

Nope I'm not dealing with her big tits bitchass. I turned around and went back to sleep.

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